Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Trump is never going to give in and show his taxes, so you morons can go ahead and throw your hussy fit. Ain't gonna happen.
You want his taxes so you can make up lies about what they say in a failed attempt to discredit him for 2020. Why cant you even be honest about it?

This is blatantly obvious. They want his taxes so they can go on a fishing expedition for dirt. And if they find no dirt they will just fabricate dirt. Its 100% political.
Here maga now call me a liar
+$1,239,971.13 (23.91%)
YTD Change
That's not a copy of your tax returns.

If you can't afford a scanner or smart phone with a camera there's probably a Kinko's nearby.
What I posted to you should let you know I can afford almost anything I want or need And as I own AAPL stock I certainly have their phone
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound "commanding" people to do something on the interweb?

Wattrya gonna do. Cyber punch him real hard?

I get it that you folks are scared shitless about Trump having his taxes looked at but some self respect
Scared? You’ve lost what mind you have. No one’s seeing trump’s taxes. Not sure why you’re so jealous of him. What a baby you are
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
If Trump was hiding his taxes then the IRS would be kicking down his door.
The IRS has just as many criminals as the DoJ and the FBI has.
If there was anything that he was doing that was illegal it would have already been leaked to the press.

Democrats are just hiding behind our laws to make Trump look like he's covering shit up.

He is hiding them from Congress, (the Democrats) and the people of the US. He is a crooked man, who doesn't give squat to a charity, save his own, and is probably not worth much, and has a lot of foreign investments and shenanigans, alone with his kids and SIL, Jared.

They haven't even demanded them yet, therefore he's hiding nothing.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"

You haven't thought this out. Libs want the names in the report to smear them and possible classified material etc. Barr has no reason to hide anything. He would be found out if he did. Use your head, man.
So redact more than half of a 400 page report ? Barr is in trumps pocket Think one of Nixons AG went to jail maybe this ass kisser will too Tell me if you're ok with no one seeing it even if it shows trump could be an obstructionist or collusion can be proven You'll take Barrs word??
I give you permission to ask for and publish them
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Do you know what Magna Cum Laude is bri ?? That's what Obama graduated Harvard with
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Did you see Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carters Tax returns?

What about the economic reports of all the Presidents from Washington to Taft, in their time when they ran for the office?


Weep now or later, but weep. LOL

Presidential Tax Returns
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.

You are still fishing, desperate to find dirt on Trump. Instead why don't you idiots concentrate on beating Trump at the ballot box on the issues.

they are not fishing, they are executing their authority , just like the republicans did, but they went on fishing trips. We just want the muelller report and his taxes, and we will find out if he is a real threat to our national security which he is acting so guilty of. What is he so afraid of, and why is Barr not exhibiting any integrity oh right, he took the place of Roy Cohn. I doubt he is gay though, but one never knows.
You just want the stuff that Congress can't legally demand. How beautifully Democrat!
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Do you know what Magna Cum Laude is bri ?? That's what Obama graduated Harvard with
That doesn't alter the fact that no one has seen his college records. Do you know what the term "evading the issue" means, dumbass?
Why do you care about any president’s tax return? What are you looking for?

I'm not looking for anything. Congress is. What are YOU afraid they'll find?
Afraid? Why? Congress isn’t gonna get them. No authority . I’d prefer to see all congress critters who work cheap yet have millions. How does that happen. MadMax has millions how? 170k a year salary . Yeah, let’s see hers ASAP
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
Scientific poll my ass. This is the exact same poll that had Hillary at 94%. So kindly take a long walk on a short pier. You'll feel better. And so will I.

Ok retard, link to “this exact poll has Hillary at 94%”.

And when you are (not) done with that post a poll you happen to like that doesn’t show clear majority of Americans wanting Trump to release his taxes, just as he has been promising for years now.
Fuck off lazy ass. Look it up yourself.

I DID and all the polling I’ve ever seen show strong support for Trump doing what ALL the modern presidential nomenees did by releasing their tax returns.

Now please put up or stfu.
Oh bullshit. Only you want to see tax returns why? What’s the purpose?
Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Did you see Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carters Tax returns?

What about the economic reports of all the Presidents from Washington to Taft, in their time when they ran for the office?


Weep now or later, but weep. LOL

Presidential Tax Returns
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.

You are still fishing, desperate to find dirt on Trump. Instead why don't you idiots concentrate on beating Trump at the ballot box on the issues.

they are not fishing, they are executing their authority , just like the republicans did, but they went on fishing trips. We just want the muelller report and his taxes, and we will find out if he is a real threat to our national security which he is acting so guilty of. What is he so afraid of, and why is Barr not exhibiting any integrity oh right, he took the place of Roy Cohn. I doubt he is gay though, but one never knows.

Barr cannot legally release classified data or grand jury testimony. Are you asking that he violate the law and make himself the target of prosecution?

You want his taxes so you can make up lies about what they say in a failed attempt to discredit him for 2020. Why cant you even be honest about it?

Yes he can. He can release those classified doc info to the congress, and they should decide on what we can see or not see. I mean Nunes release classified info. No we want those taxes to see his foreign obligations and he is a security risk along with his kids and SIL.
Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"

You haven't thought this out. Libs want the names in the report to smear them and possible classified material etc. Barr has no reason to hide anything. He would be found out if he did. Use your head, man.
So redact more than half of a 400 page report ? Barr is in trumps pocket Think one of Nixons AG went to jail maybe this ass kisser will too Tell me if you're ok with no one seeing it even if it shows trump could be an obstructionist or collusion can be proven You'll take Barrs word??

Redact the shit out of it!
Yes he can. He can release those classified doc info to the congress, and they should decide on what we can see or not see. I mean Nunes release classified info. No we want those taxes to see his foreign obligations and he is a security risk along with his kids and SIL.
Your need for Fascist tactics is irrelevant.

America has a Bill of Rights, and laws protecting all citizens from political hacks like your group of butthurt election deniers.
It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
Scientific poll my ass. This is the exact same poll that had Hillary at 94%. So kindly take a long walk on a short pier. You'll feel better. And so will I.

Ok retard, link to “this exact poll has Hillary at 94%”.

And when you are (not) done with that post a poll you happen to like that doesn’t show clear majority of Americans wanting Trump to release his taxes, just as he has been promising for years now.
Fuck off lazy ass. Look it up yourself.

I DID and all the polling I’ve ever seen show strong support for Trump doing what ALL the modern presidential nomenees did by releasing their tax returns.

Now please put up or stfu.
Oh bullshit. Only you want to see tax returns why? What’s the purpose?
The purpose is to see if the tax cheat is guilty of accepting russian money for quid pro quo, washing money and cheating our gov't You and Bri could give a shit ,if the pos is a criminal Right?? He's your criminal
Scientific poll my ass. This is the exact same poll that had Hillary at 94%. So kindly take a long walk on a short pier. You'll feel better. And so will I.

Ok retard, link to “this exact poll has Hillary at 94%”.

And when you are (not) done with that post a poll you happen to like that doesn’t show clear majority of Americans wanting Trump to release his taxes, just as he has been promising for years now.
Fuck off lazy ass. Look it up yourself.

I DID and all the polling I’ve ever seen show strong support for Trump doing what ALL the modern presidential nomenees did by releasing their tax returns.

Now please put up or stfu.
Oh bullshit. Only you want to see tax returns why? What’s the purpose?
The purpose is to see if the tax cheat is guilty of accepting russian money for quid pro quo, washing money and cheating our gov't You and Bri could give a shit ,if the pos is a criminal Right?? He's your criminal

Which form do you report Russian money on?
Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Did you see Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carters Tax returns?

What about the economic reports of all the Presidents from Washington to Taft, in their time when they ran for the office?


Weep now or later, but weep. LOL

Presidential Tax Returns
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.

You are still fishing, desperate to find dirt on Trump. Instead why don't you idiots concentrate on beating Trump at the ballot box on the issues.

they are not fishing, they are executing their authority , just like the republicans did, but they went on fishing trips. We just want the muelller report and his taxes, and we will find out if he is a real threat to our national security which he is acting so guilty of. What is he so afraid of, and why is Barr not exhibiting any integrity oh right, he took the place of Roy Cohn. I doubt he is gay though, but one never knows.

Barr cannot legally release classified data or grand jury testimony. Are you asking that he violate the law and make himself the target of prosecution?

You want his taxes so you can make up lies about what they say in a failed attempt to discredit him for 2020. Why cant you even be honest about it?

To congress? Of course he can, just as Starr did.

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