Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Hillary mishandled some emails, was under investigation that ultimately found insufficient evidence for prosecution and apologized for it.

Now what the fuck out of that justifies you uncritically carrying water for Trump??
See this is where you have compliant DOJ's like Holder and Lynch to sweep it under the rug.
Stay tuned, though....There are rumors that Barr is going to do things differently.
What's done in the dark comes out in the light.

You are straight up fucking stupid if you think that after an extensive investigation and an Inspector General review in 2018 there will be another round of Hillary’s emails investigating.
That's exactly what we expect. Comey conducted a whitewash. Not only does Hillary need to be investigated again, but everyone involved in whitewashing her crimes needs to be investigated, tried, and convicted.

Yes, and as I explained it is because you are fucking stupid.

You should know that I’m right in a few years when none of this will happen..but you won’t for the very same reason.
Obama is the worst president we ever had. You still kissing his ass shows how ignorant you are.

Trump is the worst Potus and that you are kissing his arse shows how ignorant you are.
I give you permission to ask for and publish them
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Nobody has seen Barry's transcripts dumbass.
Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?
I don't see your tax returns.

What are you hiding?

I get that Lefties are butthurt because Mueller didn't make up some fake charges about Russian Collusion.

Throwing a temper tantrum doesn't make his taxes, Bernie's taxes, or Pelosis taxes your business.
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.
I give you permission to ask for and publish them
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Nobody has seen Barry's transcripts dumbass.

Really, no one has seen Tramps transcripts either. We will see his tax returns.
I give you permission to ask for and publish them
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Did you see Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Tax returns?

What about the economic reports of all the Presidents from Washington to Taft, in their time when they ran for the office?

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Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?
I don't see your tax returns.

What are you hiding?

I get that Lefties are butthurt because Mueller didn't make up some fake charges about Russian Collusion.

Throwing a temper tantrum doesn't make his taxes, Bernie's taxes, or Pelosis taxes your business.

I am not the potus you dip sh...t.
Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it.
Takes one to call one.
Maybe BUT Scump has a history of being just what the poster said he was

Edward 37: "Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it."
You obviously have never heard of the American Constitutional protection of American citizens that a man is innocent in the eyes of the law until he is proven guilty.

You are projecting your own politicians' foibles on a man who does his best to do the right thing. You're making the Christine Blasey-Ford bullshit mistake. She actually teaches a brainwashing trick that you have swallowed hook like and sinker. She is a leader Democrat operative whose penchant was truth perversion to get a desired objective through passionate sympathy for the lie.

Your desired object is to make the public THINK President Trump is all those bad things. The fact is he is, like Brett Kavanaugh, innocent, and President Trump is a person who asks the best and most reliable accountants in New York to make sure his finances are in compliance with the law. He does not lie about money, he does not cheat other people, he doesn't defraud innocent people, and Mueller's report says he did not do what Schiff lied about--collusion with Russia. There was none, and the lying Democrats, with no proof whatever, wink-wink went on and on and on and two years' worth of on and on about the lie that President Trump was "really a spy, a crook, a fraudster, a traitor, blah, blah, blah..." That is balderdash and a lie.

The truth is, you are lying, and you may well know it. The truth is, it's time for you backstabbing, hateful Democrats to stop the nonsense. You cannot be trusted any more than Hillary and Barack, who cooked up this little fail-proof scheme in coordination with other Democrat sympathizers willing to step over the line of truth and rightness to cook up lies about President Trump, and even if it was a lie, like Christine Blasey-Ford, you have contributed to the mental illness of every deranged Democrat who doesn't even know their mind is diseased with your invoked TDS upon a blind bunch of followers who are so politically blinded by beautiful people like Pelosi who just want to make a buck more than the next millionaire/billionaire, and they have a really uncaring Soros who thinks his money will win people over to the liar's pit that being a Democrat is. You'll never see the light, because you're way down in the pit of your own party's bullshit. You've been there so long you cannot even smell it.
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.

Nobody has seen Barry's transcripts dumbass.

Really, no one has seen Tramps transcripts either. We will see his tax returns.

Post Barry's transcripts or pound sand.
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.

You are still fishing, desperate to find dirt on Trump. Instead why don't you idiots concentrate on beating Trump at the ballot box on the issues.
Serving as President does NOT mean the citizen must release every scrap of private personal information to the public. I never demanded Obama's transcripts and support Trump keeping his tax returns private. These are each citizen's Constitutional RIGHTS in this country. Protections against the very partisan witch hunt crap Dem's are now engaged in.
The ONLY people who even give a shit about his taxes are the leftist politicians, I don't care what his taxes look like just like I don't care what Hussein Obama's,Bushes or Clinton's looked like!
That's because his goon squad doesn't give a shit what he does. Is Trump going to give a job to every member of his party's spouse in Congress like he did with McConnell to keep their mouths shut & defend this hack?

McConnell owned by Trump. Those two aholes deserve each other.
I give you permission to ask for and publish them
Keep deflecting. It's easier than admitting you are afraid to show your returns.

Is he the Potus, no he is not. What is Tramp hiding?

what was obama hiding in his sealed college records? Why didn't you demand to see them?

We saw them, did we see Tramps, no and that goes for his frken taxes.
Wrong. Obama's college records are sealed.
Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

We have not seen his taxes or the Mueller report yet, but we will and his house of cards will come tumbling down.
When we see his taxes , we will have evidence. Man oh man.
Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.
See this is where you have compliant DOJ's like Holder and Lynch to sweep it under the rug.
Stay tuned, though....There are rumors that Barr is going to do things differently.
What's done in the dark comes out in the light.

You are straight up fucking stupid if you think that after an extensive investigation and an Inspector General review in 2018 there will be another round of Hillary’s emails investigating.
That's exactly what we expect. Comey conducted a whitewash. Not only does Hillary need to be investigated again, but everyone involved in whitewashing her crimes needs to be investigated, tried, and convicted.

Yes, and as I explained it is because you are fucking stupid.

You should know that I’m right in a few years when none of this will happen..but you won’t for the very same reason.
Obama is the worst president we ever had. You still kissing his ass shows how ignorant you are.

Trump is the worst Potus and that you are kissing his arse shows how ignorant you are.
Lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Oh and before you try to bring Obama in it. You loons predicted Trump would tank the economy. Shows how stupid you are. Lol

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