Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Here's what not hidden: Trump is one of only 3 people who have a free card to eat all they want for life from McDonald's. the only other 2 are Mother Teresa and Michael Jordan. i can picture Mother Teresa going to McDonald's and ordering 10,000 burgers to feed the poor!
Did you forget to take your Riddaline?
"i can write a bigger check than Trump right now and not know it was missing" - Mark Cuban.

Trump can dish out insults by the steam shovel but cant take a teaspoonful back.

Trump vowed lifetime revenge on Cuban and challenged him to a golf match, saying he swings like a girl
The orange pos even cheats at golf
IF you saw them you'd cry and then call me a liar ,which is what all good little republicans do
So you wimp out when asked to hold yourself to the standard you put on others, and childishly try to shift the blame. Which is what all good little Democrats do.
I'm saying Hillary actually broke the law, Comey actually said it. But said he thought she didn't intend to do it. You were okay with that and wanted her to be president.

Hillary mishandled some emails, was under investigation that ultimately found insufficient evidence for prosecution and apologized for it.

Now what the fuck out of that justifies you uncritically carrying water for Trump??
See this is where you have compliant DOJ's like Holder and Lynch to sweep it under the rug.
Stay tuned, though....There are rumors that Barr is going to do things differently.
What's done in the dark comes out in the light.

You are straight up fucking stupid if you think that after an extensive investigation and an Inspector General review in 2018 there will be another round of Hillary’s emails investigating.
That's exactly what we expect. Comey conducted a whitewash. Not only does Hillary need to be investigated again, but everyone involved in whitewashing her crimes needs to be investigated, tried, and convicted.

Yes, and as I explained it is because you are fucking stupid.

You should know that I’m right in a few years when none of this will happen..but you won’t for the very same reason.
Obama is the worst president we ever had. You still kissing his ass shows how ignorant you are.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

Trump doesn't want the world to know that he is a broke 'billionaire' that has financed a 'fake' life style via loans from European (German) banks & from Russian banks, and to a lesser degree from Saudi sources.
It would destroy his ego to have all of this to be plastered across this spinning rock & to have his lie exposed.
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"Going after his tax returns through a legislative action is moronic. That's not going to happen. Trump keeps winning and winning, unfortunately. this Green New Deal and replacing Obamacare with Medicare For All is moronic, frankly" - Senator Romney on Meet The Press just now
people in Trump's income bracket get audited every year. If he was cheating, the obama IRS would have screamed it during the campaign.

his returns are hundreds of pages. If he released them the dems and the media would pull out on entry on one of hundreds of pages, make up lies about it, and it would take weeks of bullshit to get it cleared up. Knowing how the fake news media and the lying dems operate, Trump should never release his returns.

Does anyone remember when Maddow got his 05 return and could find nothing wrong with it?

This is nothing but dem desperation knowing that they have zero chance in 2020

Let's look at it your way, Lesh. Have I got this right?

Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.
So? We Demmies want his goose cooked on a silver platter, too, so we can take over the government without even winning the office of President. We really won anyway you know. The Constitution? Oh, it's out of date, and that bit about small states? That's sooo out of date! Oh, and one other thing. The Constitution is unimportant because everyone knows Jefferson loved on a slave. The founders were sooooooooo politically incorrect! They so bad!!! Joe Biden? Oh, it's okay. He wouldn't harm a fly. You meanie old Republicans, how could you say something bad about goodfellow Biden? He's just affectionate. Those old frigid iceboxes oughta be ashamed. He's really just well, he's a good Joe. :smiliehug:

Lesh: Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

Oh, Nixon! Those were the good old days when us Democrats could destroy someone with the Press poised to become a permanent fixture in the DNC War Room. Reason? Clinton the rapist good, cause he was a little unconscionable, that's all. Nixon the Watergate guy? Bad. Why how dare they look for evidence in Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist? He had Constitutional rights to privacy!!! (but no Republican does, because Republicans are bad. Democrats are good.) :deal:

Lesh: He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.
Republicans just don't deserve to have excuses, do they. Of course, Democrats can destroy U. S. Classified information on our own personal computers by using bleach cleaners and axing the equipment. Hillary Clinton using axe to kill her crimes? If we Democrats can project just one more time, you Republicans are sooo paranoid, and we Democrats are sooo good. So, Hush, hush, sweet Charlotte! Wink, wink! ;)

Lesh: The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.
Reason? Democrats good, Republicans bad. Reason? (rinse, repeat) Democrats good, Republicans bad. :soapbox:

Lesh: And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit.
Attorney-client privilege? He was a lawyer and not an accountant? Not important here! Reason? Democrats good, Republicans bad.:safetocomeoutff:

Lesh: What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?
We Democrats don't need no stinkin' proof. Our word is our blond. Reason? Democrats good, Republicans bad. :meow:

Lesh: He's afraid of something obviously
Reason? Democrats good, Republicans bad. Everybody knows that! Rest my case! :banana2:
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Its clear Dem's are desperate and have nothing but false actuations to run on in 2020. Trump has them beat on the issues so just accuse Trump of tax fraud without any evidence. Their Russian collusion false actuation flamed out. Their obstruction of justice false actuation flamed out. Now they are flailing and back to Trump's tax returns. We are seeing the last gasps of the Democratic party in shambles.

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