Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

The only people who are demanding tax returns also accused him falsely of colluding with the Russians. That in its best light is perjury, and they have no moral right to open Trump's wealth only to rub it in the face of everyone he knows.

In other words, you can't expect a serial perjurer to tell you the truth, and your party which will soon have those individuals under strictest judicial scrutiny as to what their motive was for lying about trump and costing the American people $40 million for their attempted coup to destroy this and future executive offices of the land we live in.

With the dishonor of creating a false scenario in the mind of their followers, it's no wonder they cry when their candidates lose elections. The American are becoming very angry at being lied to, and some of the Democrats are so confused, they still choose to take their animus out on the President, who was proved not to have colluded by three distinct government queries: The House Intelligence Committee found he did not collude. The Senate Intelligence found out he did not collude, and Robert Mueller's 2-year-long FBI probe found that based on evidence (which was everything) that President Trump--you guessed it--DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Get a life outside of your confused little pointy head, Antonio. Three reports by very profound detectives of fraud found him innocent. President Trump is innocent.

Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
I wonder if it's I don't have to wonder.

I wonder if any of you dumbass Trumpsters have ANYTHING to support your thesis about majority NOT wanting Trump to release his taxes.

Just kidding, I don’t wonder about that at all, I know you bullshit peddlers simply believe whatever the fuck you’d like to.

Yep, we just make up a new story every day....oh wait, that's liberals that do that.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Sorry, I'm confused....
You're talking about Trump, not the Clinton's, right?

You are confused, unlike Trump (since 2008) Clinton’s gave millions to their charity.

How do we know? Well they did this crazy thing where they PUBLISHED THEIR FUCKING TAX RETURNS.
The Clintons didn’t give shit to charity you stupid ass motherfucker
They showed their tax returns though

NO. They showed tax returns which showed million+ donations to Clinton foundation and no draws from Clinton foundation.
Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
I wonder if it's I don't have to wonder.

I wonder if any of you dumbass Trumpsters have ANYTHING to support your thesis about majority NOT wanting Trump to release his taxes.

Just kidding, I don’t wonder about that at all, I know you bullshit peddlers simply believe whatever the fuck you’d like to.

Yep, we just make up a new story every day....oh wait, that's liberals that do that.
Close the wall?? Oh no open it for a year
Show my taxes ?? Sure Oh no it's my business
Show Mueller report Why not It clears me ..Oh no you can't see the whole report
Believe FBI ? Oh no I believe Putin
Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
I wonder if it's I don't have to wonder.

I wonder if any of you dumbass Trumpsters have ANYTHING to support your thesis about majority NOT wanting Trump to release his taxes.

Just kidding, I don’t wonder about that at all, I know you bullshit peddlers simply believe whatever the fuck you’d like to.

Yep, we just make up a new story every day....oh wait, that's liberals that do that.

Nope same old made up bullshit every fucking day with zero account for evidence.

Polling time and time again shows overwhelming support for Trump to release his tax-returns, yet you nutters just can’t accept that fact.
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
I wonder if it's I don't have to wonder.

I wonder if any of you dumbass Trumpsters have ANYTHING to support your thesis about majority NOT wanting Trump to release his taxes.

Just kidding, I don’t wonder about that at all, I know you bullshit peddlers simply believe whatever the fuck you’d like to.

Yep, we just make up a new story every day....oh wait, that's liberals that do that.

Nope same old made up bullshit every fucking day with zero account for evidence.

Evidence? Now you loons need evidence?
It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
I wonder if it's I don't have to wonder.

I wonder if any of you dumbass Trumpsters have ANYTHING to support your thesis about majority NOT wanting Trump to release his taxes.

Just kidding, I don’t wonder about that at all, I know you bullshit peddlers simply believe whatever the fuck you’d like to.

Yep, we just make up a new story every day....oh wait, that's liberals that do that.

Nope same old made up bullshit every fucking day with zero account for evidence.

Evidence? Now you loons need evidence?

:rolleyes: Yea evidence dummy.

I posted it. Go back a few posts and learn how it’s done.
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
A former lawyer? You mean Cohen? Yeah, now there's a credible source.
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Sorry, I'm confused....
You're talking about Trump, not the Clinton's, right?

You are confused, unlike Trump (since 2008) Clinton’s gave millions to their charity.

How do we know? Well they did this crazy thing where they PUBLISHED THEIR FUCKING TAX RETURNS.
How did they do that when they were flat broke when they left the White House?
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.
Here's what not hidden: Trump is one of only 3 people who have a free card to eat all they want for life from McDonald's. the only other 2 are Mother Teresa and Michael Jordan. i can picture Mother Teresa going to McDonald's and ordering 10,000 burgers to feed the poor!
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Sorry, I'm confused....
You're talking about Trump, not the Clinton's, right?

You are confused, unlike Trump (since 2008) Clinton’s gave millions to their charity.

How do we know? Well they did this crazy thing where they PUBLISHED THEIR FUCKING TAX RETURNS.
How did they do that when they were flat broke when they left the White House?

Omg dude, just READ the tax-returns or read an article to break it down for you.

How are you soo helpless???
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
A former lawyer? You mean Cohen? Yeah, now there's a credible source.
credible enough when he knows more lies extends his jail time Anyone that can talk about the scump scum being a nast vile SOS is a liar ??
A former lawyer for Trump claims that Trump lies on his taxes and describes how he was reimbursed for payment. Trump has not done anything to disprove this.

Releasing his tax returns will allow him to do the snoopy dance

or he might be in the dog house

Nixon had a tax audit and said I am not a crook

The audit said otherwise

every other candidate has released their taxes voluntarily since 1973?

They did another audit t office they reviewed these same taxes and they said he had cheated

Not releasing your taxes indicates you have something to hide

Trump always brags about his worthy and they can redact SSN and other sensitive infor

SO what does he have to hide
Bottom line, the Constitution says Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns to anyone, especially desperate Dims looking for dirt.

Wrong. If they are subpoenaed, they have to deliver them to congress.


House Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to allow many of their committee chairmen to issue subpoenas without consulting the minority party, overriding Democrats objections that likened the tactic to something out of the McCarthy era.


One of the most aggressive to use the new authority was House Science Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who issued dozens of subpoenas to the Obama administration. He demanded records on then-Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy’s text messages, information on two state attorneys general and environmental groups over a probe into whether Exxon Mobil misled investors about the risks of climate change, and emails concerning a study on climate change, among others.

The powerful weapon House Republicans handed Democrats
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"i can write a bigger check than Trump right now and not know it was missing" - Mark Cuban.

Trump can dish out insults by the steam shovel but cant take a teaspoonful back.

Trump vowed lifetime revenge on Cuban and challenged him to a golf match, saying he swings like a girl
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?
His tax returns are none of your business.

If you disagree show your returns. Did you even pay taxes?
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"i can write a bigger check than Trump right now and not know it was missing" - Mark Cuban.

Trump can dish out insults by the steam shovel but cant take a teaspoonful back.

Trump vowed lifetime revenge on Cuban and challenged him to a golf match, saying he swings like a girl
So what?

Did Cuban release his tax returns?
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Sorry, I'm confused....
You're talking about Trump, not the Clinton's, right?

You are confused, unlike Trump (since 2008) Clinton’s gave millions to their charity.

How do we know? Well they did this crazy thing where they PUBLISHED THEIR FUCKING TAX RETURNS.
How did they do that when they were flat broke when they left the White House?

Omg dude, just READ the tax-returns or read an article to break it down for you.

How are you soo helpless???
In other words, you have not facts to support your claims.

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