Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Trump has a lot to hide?

The Cohen testimony...but you knew that.

A few more childish epithets might help your idiotic trolling sound more reasonable huh?.


Yep, Cohen will finally get his say in court.
No wait, Cohen will finally get his second say in court.
No wait, Cohen will finally get his third say in court.
And this time he'll tell the truth.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
I'd pull an Obama on him and have the irs audit his ass.
I wonder what the left would do if the FBI went to Columbia U and had Obama's sealed transcripts opened for everyone to see? Find out that Barry Sorento had applied as a foreign exchange student and all the things Barry would of done in office would be null and void. And of course Obama would go to jail.. I would laugh my ass off...

You’ve got some stupid ass fantasies swirling around in your head.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.
The ONLY people who even give a shit about his taxes are the leftist politicians, I don't care what his taxes look like just like I don't care what Hussein Obama's,Bushes or Clinton's looked like!
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Congress will figure it out
The only thing this Democrat Party-led Congress is doing is continue it's unfortunate quest to take America by cheating coup, using their own people's trust as numbers voting for them. First they have to prove it, and they can't. They keep changing the lying charges. It's an attempted coup using a system that only works when fairness is around. There's no fairness in this malarkey they are proffering once again for people whose minds have been deranged as a direct consequence of Democrat lying on the Mueller "no colluding" now must be mistaken. It's crazy:

Demanding that like everyone else Trump releases his tax returns?


The only people who are demanding tax returns also accused him falsely of colluding with the Russians. That in its best light is perjury, and they have no moral right to open Trump's wealth only to rub it in the face of everyone he knows.

In other words, you can't expect a serial perjurer to tell you the truth, and your party which will soon have those individuals under strictest judicial scrutiny as to what their motive was for lying about trump and costing the American people $40 million for their attempted coup to destroy this and future executive offices of the land we live in.

With the dishonor of creating a false scenario in the mind of their followers, it's no wonder they cry when their candidates lose elections. The American are becoming very angry at being lied to, and some of the Democrats are so confused, they still choose to take their animus out on the President, who was proved not to have colluded by three distinct government queries: The House Intelligence Committee found he did not collude. The Senate Intelligence found out he did not collude, and Robert Mueller's 2-year-long FBI probe found that based on evidence (which was everything) that President Trump--you guessed it--DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Get a life outside of your confused little pointy head, Antonio. Three reports by very profound detectives of fraud found him innocent. President Trump is innocent.

Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.

ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Why do you care about any president’s tax return? What are you looking for?
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound "commanding" people to do something on the interweb?

Wattrya gonna do. Cyber punch him real hard?

I get it that you folks are scared shitless about Trump having his taxes looked at but some self respect
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Moron, you don’t have to work for IRS to know that you are not legally required to make your tax returns public.

Are all Trumpsters retarded?
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound "commanding" people to do something on the interweb?

Wattrya gonna do. Cyber punch him real hard?

I get it that you folks are scared shitless about Trump having his taxes looked at but some self respect

I do....not so much for you though.
Why do you care about any president’s tax return? What are you looking for?

I'm not looking for anything. Congress is. What are YOU afraid they'll find?
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Moron, you don’t have to work for IRS to know that you are not legally required to make your tax returns public.

Are all Trumpsters retarded?

Dang, here I was under the impression you were a CPA or something, and wanted to go over Trumps taxes with a fine toothed comb....dumbass.
The only thing this Democrat Party-led Congress is doing is continue it's unfortunate quest to take America by cheating coup, using their own people's trust as numbers voting for them. First they have to prove it, and they can't. They keep changing the lying charges. It's an attempted coup using a system that only works when fairness is around. There's no fairness in this malarkey they are proffering once again for people whose minds have been deranged as a direct consequence of Democrat lying on the Mueller "no colluding" now must be mistaken. It's crazy:

Demanding that like everyone else Trump releases his tax returns?


The only people who are demanding tax returns also accused him falsely of colluding with the Russians. That in its best light is perjury, and they have no moral right to open Trump's wealth only to rub it in the face of everyone he knows.

In other words, you can't expect a serial perjurer to tell you the truth, and your party which will soon have those individuals under strictest judicial scrutiny as to what their motive was for lying about trump and costing the American people $40 million for their attempted coup to destroy this and future executive offices of the land we live in.

With the dishonor of creating a false scenario in the mind of their followers, it's no wonder they cry when their candidates lose elections. The American are becoming very angry at being lied to, and some of the Democrats are so confused, they still choose to take their animus out on the President, who was proved not to have colluded by three distinct government queries: The House Intelligence Committee found he did not collude. The Senate Intelligence found out he did not collude, and Robert Mueller's 2-year-long FBI probe found that based on evidence (which was everything) that President Trump--you guessed it--DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Get a life outside of your confused little pointy head, Antonio. Three reports by very profound detectives of fraud found him innocent. President Trump is innocent.

Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.

ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.

Scientific poll my ass. This is the exact same poll that had Hillary at 94%. So kindly take a long walk on a short pier. You'll feel better. And so will I.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

You got a bad case of Butt Hurt.....
Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Moron, you don’t have to work for IRS to know that you are not legally required to make your tax returns public.

Are all Trumpsters retarded?

Dang, here I was under the impression you were a CPA or something, and wanted to go over Trumps taxes with a fine toothed comb....dumbass.

You are under many stupid impressions. What’s your point?
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...

Thanks captain obvious.
Do you currently work for the IRS? Have you ever worked for the IRS?
If not, sit down and STFU.

Moron, you don’t have to work for IRS to know that you are not legally required to make your tax returns public.

Are all Trumpsters retarded?

Dang, here I was under the impression you were a CPA or something, and wanted to go over Trumps taxes with a fine toothed comb....dumbass.

You are under many stupid impressions. What’s your point?

What's my point? Sounds like you just want to see Trumps taxes. You have no fricken clue what or where to look but you just want to see them. That's my point, dumbass.
Demanding that like everyone else Trump releases his tax returns?

The only people who are demanding tax returns also accused him falsely of colluding with the Russians. That in its best light is perjury, and they have no moral right to open Trump's wealth only to rub it in the face of everyone he knows.

In other words, you can't expect a serial perjurer to tell you the truth, and your party which will soon have those individuals under strictest judicial scrutiny as to what their motive was for lying about trump and costing the American people $40 million for their attempted coup to destroy this and future executive offices of the land we live in.

With the dishonor of creating a false scenario in the mind of their followers, it's no wonder they cry when their candidates lose elections. The American are becoming very angry at being lied to, and some of the Democrats are so confused, they still choose to take their animus out on the President, who was proved not to have colluded by three distinct government queries: The House Intelligence Committee found he did not collude. The Senate Intelligence found out he did not collude, and Robert Mueller's 2-year-long FBI probe found that based on evidence (which was everything) that President Trump--you guessed it--DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Get a life outside of your confused little pointy head, Antonio. Three reports by very profound detectives of fraud found him innocent. President Trump is innocent.

Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.
ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.

It’s a scientific poll ignoramus.

Don’t like it? Post ANY other scientific poll where a clear majority doesn’t want Trump to release his tax-returns.

Come on - put on your big boy pants and just this once make a positive case instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and no-no-noing.
Scientific poll my ass. This is the exact same poll that had Hillary at 94%. So kindly take a long walk on a short pier. You'll feel better. And so will I.

Ok retard, link to “this exact poll has Hillary at 94%”.

And when you are (not) done with that post a poll you happen to like that doesn’t show clear majority of Americans wanting Trump to release his taxes, just as he has been promising for years now.

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