Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.

But what else to expect from “I can kill in broad day light and they will still support me!” lemmings.
Liberals have covered for the Clintons for far worse.

Are you saying that was the right thing to do? Or just a justification you tell yourself to support the wrong?
I'm saying Hillary actually broke the law, Comey actually said it. But said he thought she didn't intend to do it. You were okay with that and wanted her to be president.

Hillary mishandled some emails, was under investigation that ultimately found insufficient evidence for prosecution and apologized for it.

Personally I didn’t think it was a big deal and I didn’t think it was disqualifying her from becoming a president.

Now what the fuck out of that justifies you uncritically carrying water for Trump??
Okay you good with Trump mishandling emails? You won't say anything if he does?


I SO WISH Trump’s many many many failures to be a decent, ethical human were limited to email mishandling.

There are many reports of him being non-compliant with security protocols, using unsecured personal phones and chatting up sensitive policy in public places like Mar-a-lago...but that’s barely a blip in the shitstorm that is his presidency.
Liberals have covered for the Clintons for far worse.

Are you saying that was the right thing to do? Or just a justification you tell yourself to support the wrong?
I'm saying Hillary actually broke the law, Comey actually said it. But said he thought she didn't intend to do it. You were okay with that and wanted her to be president.

Hillary mishandled some emails, was under investigation that ultimately found insufficient evidence for prosecution and apologized for it.

Now what the fuck out of that justifies you uncritically carrying water for Trump??
See this is where you have compliant DOJ's like Holder and Lynch to sweep it under the rug.
Stay tuned, though....There are rumors that Barr is going to do things differently.
What's done in the dark comes out in the light.

You are straight up fucking stupid if you think that after an extensive investigation and an Inspector General review in 2018 there will be another round of Hillary’s emails investigating.
That's exactly what we expect. Comey conducted a whitewash. Not only does Hillary need to be investigated again, but everyone involved in whitewashing her crimes needs to be investigated, tried, and convicted.
Are you saying that was the right thing to do? Or just a justification you tell yourself to support the wrong?
I'm saying Hillary actually broke the law, Comey actually said it. But said he thought she didn't intend to do it. You were okay with that and wanted her to be president.

Hillary mishandled some emails, was under investigation that ultimately found insufficient evidence for prosecution and apologized for it.

Now what the fuck out of that justifies you uncritically carrying water for Trump??
See this is where you have compliant DOJ's like Holder and Lynch to sweep it under the rug.
Stay tuned, though....There are rumors that Barr is going to do things differently.
What's done in the dark comes out in the light.

You are straight up fucking stupid if you think that after an extensive investigation and an Inspector General review in 2018 there will be another round of Hillary’s emails investigating.
That's exactly what we expect. Comey conducted a whitewash. Not only does Hillary need to be investigated again, but everyone involved in whitewashing her crimes needs to be investigated, tried, and convicted.

Yes, and as I explained it is because you are fucking stupid.

You should know that I’m right in a few years when none of this will happen..but you won’t for the very same reason.
Why are Trumpbots like you so cowardly afraid to have Trump's taxes released to Congressional oversight committees?
Why do ignorant fucks like you don't understand that he has his rights as an American citizen not to release them?
What country do you live in?
Our oversight laws are clear and specific. Congress has a right to review anyone raxes to ensure no one is getting special treatment or getting away with crimes. So, you are just full of crap about Trump having a right to hide his crimes.
No they do not have any such right. We have a thing called the Fourth Amendment which requires a warrant before the government can examine your personal papers and effects.
No they do not have any such right. We have a thing called the Fourth Amendment which requires a warrant before the government can examine your personal papers and effects.
You should brush up on "committee access" before making an even bigger fool out of yourself:

Congress Really Can Demand, And Get, Trump's Tax Returns. Here's How

"When the 'committee access' provision, as it's known, became law in 1924, Congress had been dealing with taxpayers' information in the Teapot Dome scandal afflicting the Harding administration and in a controversy involving former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon.

"Like Trump, he had served in government while refusing to avoid conflicts of interest by letting go of his holdings.

"The committee access provision has rarely been invoked, but here's how it would work:

  1. "For the party in control of the House or Senate, making the request is easy. It would come from the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee (the House panel that writes tax law), Senate Finance Committee or Joint Committee on Taxation. Democrats have been badgering the Republican chairs of those panels to act since February 2017 without success
    1. Once a request is made, no floor action is necessary. The request would go to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS — not to the taxpayer in the Oval Office, who would officially be out of the loop. Yin said the 1924 law 'gave the tax committees the unqualified right to request the tax returns of any taxpayer.'"
That law clearly violates the 4th Amendment, and you're smoking something if you believe Steve Mnuchin is going to approve the release of Trump's returns.
That law clearly violates the 4th Amendment, and you're smoking something if you believe Steve Mnuchin is going to approve the release of Trump's returns.
SCOTUS seems the likely arbiter here, just as it was in 1974

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"The one role that stays the same is that of the Supreme Court, where, it seems, this case, too, will almost inevitably end up.

"But, if the Court is still the Court institutionally, the characters on it have changed utterly since 1974.

"Whereas U.S. v. Nixon was decided unanimously, U.S. v. Trump, or whatever such a case might be called, will almost certainly not be.

"A 4–4 split seems likely, along ideological lines. If so, the case’s fate may end up in the hands of Chief Justice John Roberts."
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

1. If Tax evasion he would have been busted years before he ran for President.

2. If money laundering the IRS would have allowed the State and Federal Government to nail him for it way before he ran for President.


Why he will not release his Returns?

Simple, you want to see them and seeing there is no Federal law requiring him to show them mean he can if he want but knowing it is pissing those like you off, well he refuses.

Also Congress has to follow Federal Law when it come to his returns, so you might never see most of it even if he did give it to Congress.

Also his actual worth might be inflated and those like you would go nuts over it...
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
I think he just wants to hide the fact that he paid $27.63 in taxes in 2015.
His supporters will say "What a smart businessman!" To everyone else? Not good press.

You might be correct but the real reason in my mind is he believes it is none of your business and knows it is driving the left nuts.
Which tax form is for "laundered money" and which is for "defrauded banks"?

Congress will figure it out
The only thing this Democrat Party-led Congress is doing is continue it's unfortunate quest to take America by cheating coup, using their own people's trust as numbers voting for them. First they have to prove it, and they can't. They keep changing the lying charges. It's an attempted coup using a system that only works when fairness is around. There's no fairness in this malarkey they are proffering once again for people whose minds have been deranged as a direct consequence of Democrat lying on the Mueller "no colluding" now must be mistaken. It's crazy:

Demanding that like everyone else Trump releases his tax returns?


The only people who are demanding tax returns also accused him falsely of colluding with the Russians. That in its best light is perjury, and they have no moral right to open Trump's wealth only to rub it in the face of everyone he knows.

In other words, you can't expect a serial perjurer to tell you the truth, and your party which will soon have those individuals under strictest judicial scrutiny as to what their motive was for lying about trump and costing the American people $40 million for their attempted coup to destroy this and future executive offices of the land we live in.

With the dishonor of creating a false scenario in the mind of their followers, it's no wonder they cry when their candidates lose elections. The American are becoming very angry at being lied to, and some of the Democrats are so confused, they still choose to take their animus out on the President, who was proved not to have colluded by three distinct government queries: The House Intelligence Committee found he did not collude. The Senate Intelligence found out he did not collude, and Robert Mueller's 2-year-long FBI probe found that based on evidence (which was everything) that President Trump--you guessed it--DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Get a life outside of your confused little pointy head, Antonio. Three reports by very profound detectives of fraud found him innocent. President Trump is innocent.

Stop spreading bullshit - 74% of Americans wanted him to release his tax-returns

Public Splits on Trump's Ethics Compliance; Three-Quarters Want Tax Returns Released (POLL)

That leaves only you hardcore Trumpster tools in the group that don’t think he should release them.

ABC/Washington Compost fake news. More like 74% of Democrats want his taxes released. Quit posting garbage.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?
Because you fucking retards allowed the most corrupt family ever to get away even with murder. And the DOJ was just as corrupt. Then when a fellow Democrat runs as a Republican, you now hate him, only because your liberal elites tell you to... That is why you are so fucking stupid.

No hated his guts since the early 80's try again!
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?
Because you fucking retards allowed the most corrupt family ever to get away even with murder. And the DOJ was just as corrupt. Then when a fellow Democrat runs as a Republican, you now hate him, only because your liberal elites tell you to... That is why you are so fucking stupid.

No hated his guts since the early 80's try again!
Why have you hated him for so long? Did your envy of his successful life morph into hatred?
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
There is no law requiring a president to show his Tax returns...
But this sure did do the black people of Haiti wrong, as typical of the liberal Democrats prove over and over..
Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
I'd pull an Obama on him and have the irs audit his ass.
I wonder what the left would do if the FBI went to Columbia U and had Obama's sealed transcripts opened for everyone to see? Find out that Barry Sorento had applied as a foreign exchange student and all the things Barry would of done in office would be null and void. And of course Obama would go to jail.. I would laugh my ass off...
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?
Because you fucking retards allowed the most corrupt family ever to get away even with murder. And the DOJ was just as corrupt. Then when a fellow Democrat runs as a Republican, you now hate him, only because your liberal elites tell you to... That is why you are so fucking stupid.

No hated his guts since the early 80's try again!
Why have you hated him for so long? Did your envy of his successful life morph into hatred?

Nope, his out and out arrogance and ability to lie with such ease! Nothing new here!
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?
Because you fucking retards allowed the most corrupt family ever to get away even with murder. And the DOJ was just as corrupt. Then when a fellow Democrat runs as a Republican, you now hate him, only because your liberal elites tell you to... That is why you are so fucking stupid.

No hated his guts since the early 80's try again!
Why have you hated him for so long? Did your envy of his successful life morph into hatred?

Nope, his out and out arrogance and ability to lie with such ease! Nothing new here!
If that's your criterion, then you've hated Bill Clinton your entire life too, right?
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?
Because you fucking retards allowed the most corrupt family ever to get away even with murder. And the DOJ was just as corrupt. Then when a fellow Democrat runs as a Republican, you now hate him, only because your liberal elites tell you to... That is why you are so fucking stupid.

No hated his guts since the early 80's try again!
Why have you hated him for so long? Did your envy of his successful life morph into hatred?

Nope, his out and out arrogance and ability to lie with such ease! Nothing new here!
If that's your criterion, then you've hated Bill Clinton your entire life too, right?

Correct not much of a fan, what else you got?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"

Who says he's afraid to show them? They've already committed to releasing what's legal to be released.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
If Trumps tax returns made him look good he'd bust his ass to release them, fool. His ego alone would force him to. The fact that he's fighting the release speaks volumes, except to clueless Trumptards like you.

He's scared shitless over this. Wonder why?

Why give the jackals anything they want?
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

You mean they didn’t give all those collections to Haiti? Shocking.

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All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....
Why is it that the cult always resorts to Clinton bashing whenever Dotards name comes up? Is it because there's no defending that lunatic you put in the W.H.?

Maybe Bonnie and Clyde aren’t all they claim to be.

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