Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

This has nothing to do with hurt feelings
The difference between simply saying stupid things ( which everyone does from time to time who’s in the position of having their words captured regularly — ie Obama pronouncing the p in Corpsman ) and being genuinely stupid (like this guy certainly is ) is profound.

Ignorance means a state of unknowing and can be fixed. Stupid is a condition that can be bridged, worked around, mitigated.... in regular circumstances. But there’s no one in the position to slap the stupid out of this mouth. This goo-headed invertebrate spouts lies and nonsense and gets a pass by his base ( who can only be equally stupid) and his GOP enablers who are too busy with their daisy chain of fellatio and coprophagia (GOProphiles?) to care that — as his own cabinet secretaries admit— he’s a “fucking moron.”

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Trump rips "Judge Flores" over immigration case, not realizing "Flores" was actually teen migrant named Jenny Flores
"I have to tell you, Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision was a disaster for our country,” Trump said.
And OT just for those with a need to know Obama graduated Harvard MAGNA CUM LAUDE
Lol, Obama paid millions to seal his school records. You don't know shit about how he graduated. We do know through his own words he was a cocaine junky that used pot to come down from his binges.
google it nogood
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
And OT just for those with a need to know Obama graduated Harvard MAGNA CUM LAUDE
Lol, Obama paid millions to seal his school records. You don't know shit about how he graduated. We do know through his own words he was a cocaine junky that used pot to come down from his binges.
google it nogood
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
One thing for sure ,his daddy never paid his way in
Lol, Obama paid millions to seal his school records. You don't know shit about how he graduated. We do know through his own words he was a cocaine junky that used pot to come down from his binges.
google it nogood
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
One thing for sure ,his daddy never paid his way in
And IF it was affirmative action what a great thing becoming President Maybe we need more affirmative action?
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
How come no other president in memory feared showing their taxes ? Under audit?? lol
Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
How come no other president in memory feared showing their taxes ? Under audit?? lol
Congress has gone to the IRS and IT'S THE LAW for IRS to obey
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes.

Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
How come no other president in memory feared showing their taxes ? Under audit?? lol
Fear has nothing to do with it. Post YOUR tax returns retard? If you wont it's only because you're scared right? What are you hiding? What laws have you OBVIOUSLY broken?

Get it retard? It's no ones business. Never was.
Why so they can conduct another witch hunt? What is your basis for even asking Trump for his private none of your fucking business tax returns? Here's an idea, rot in hell first.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
All of the above and he pays no taxes, and doesn't give a dime to charity but his own but to his own foundation.
Just amazing how stupid liberals are.. The Clintons robbed from their own foundation called embezzlement yet you dumbasses adored the bitch and even worse voted for that stinking Kuuunt....

Cool story...but Clintons, unlike Trump released a decade of their joint returns when Hillary ran and those show money going only TO the foundation.

Maybe you should go look for some other rw bullshit to spread.
Lol, Obama paid millions to seal his school records. You don't know shit about how he graduated. We do know through his own words he was a cocaine junky that used pot to come down from his binges.
google it nogood
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
One thing for sure ,his daddy never paid his way in
Yeah he was a drunk that died because of it.
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
How come no other president in memory feared showing their taxes ? Under audit?? lol
Fear has nothing to do with it. Post YOUR tax returns retard? If you wont it's only because you're scared right? What are you hiding? What laws have you OBVIOUSLY broken?

Get it retard? It's no ones business. Never was.
BS When the highest official in America is afraid to show his taxes like all others have he's HIDING something Are you that stupid to not realize that?? Don't answer We know you are
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Liar, there is no law that says he has to show them.
Funny how Trump runs his mouth whenever he can but yesterday he dummied up when asked about his taxes & it was, "talk to my lawyer"!!! Trump is terrified that Congress will get them. Terrified. Sooooo, what's he hiding?
He's hiding his own business from know nothing losers like you.

How would you know?
It'not law but why can't the guy who's been a liar and cheat release his as all others have?? Are you that lame you don't know why?

Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
I'd pull an Obama on him and have the irs audit his ass.
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Liar, there is no law that says he has to show them.
Funny how Trump runs his mouth whenever he can but yesterday he dummied up when asked about his taxes & it was, "talk to my lawyer"!!! Trump is terrified that Congress will get them. Terrified. Sooooo, what's he hiding?
He's hiding his own business from know nothing losers like you.

How would you know?
I saw it on TV.
google it nogood
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
One thing for sure ,his daddy never paid his way in
And IF it was affirmative action what a great thing becoming President Maybe we need more affirmative action?
Yeap the only reason he became president was because he was black. If he was a white guy you think he would've been president?
Lol, what was his grades?
MAGNA CUM LAUDE speaks for itself
Without affirmative action he wouldn't of got shit.
One thing for sure ,his daddy never paid his way in
And IF it was affirmative action what a great thing becoming President Maybe we need more affirmative action?
Yeap the only reason he became president was because he was black. If he was a white guy you think he would've been president?
good question I really don't have a guess
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Lol, it's none of your business. Anyway you really think if Trump did cheat on his taxes Obama wouldn't of had him prosecuted?

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