Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Even if he was squeaky clean it wouldn't be good enough for goofballs like yourself.
If he doesn't have to, he shouldn't do it. I do like your TDS though.

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.

But what else to expect from “I can kill in broad day light and they will still support me!” lemmings.
Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it.
Hey, you have the goods on him? Schiff is looking for a person who has the goods on him. I can get you his number if you like.
You have the smoking gun, Camp.
Can you leak your facts here on USMB for us?
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Even if he was squeaky clean it wouldn't be good enough for goofballs like yourself.
If he doesn't have to, he shouldn't do it. I do like your TDS though.

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.
It's none of my business, and it's none of your business.
Which tax form is for "laundered money" and which is for "defrauded banks"?

Congress will figure it out
The only thing this Democrat Party-led Congress is doing is continue it's unfortunate quest to take America by cheating coup, using their own people's trust as numbers voting for them. First they have to prove it, and they can't. They keep changing the lying charges. It's an attempted coup using a system that only works when fairness is around. There's no fairness in this malarkey they are proffering once again for people whose minds have been deranged as a direct consequence of Democrat lying on the Mueller "no colluding" now must be mistaken. It's crazy:

Demanding that like everyone else Trump releases his tax returns?

Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously
Regardless of whether Trump engaged in a conspiracy with Kremlin connected Russians to "win" the White House, he has a quarter-century long history of what looks suspiciously like money laundering with wealthy Russians and FSU oligarchs:

Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties

"Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties..."

"Buyers connected to Russia or former Soviet republics made 86 all-cash sales — totaling nearly $109 million — at 10 Trump-branded properties in South Florida and New York City, according to a new analysis shared with McClatchy.

"Many of them made purchases using shell companies designed to obscure their identities."
Congress is trying to get Trump's taxes. Every President since Nixon has released theirs and Trump "claims" he'd like to release them.

He is however fighting tooth and nail to keep them secret. His claim here is that he's under audit and for some reason that precludes him from releasing them. It doesn't.

The IRS does not lock them down for that reason, and it's CONGRESS requesting them in accordance with the law. In fact a refusal would put the the head of the IRS or Treasury Secretary in contempt of Congress.

And for what it's worth, Trump's former attorney Cohen testified under oath that Trump WASN'T under audit

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

He's afraid of something obviously

What do you suppose he's hiding? Tax evasion? Money Laundering?

So now you think you will find something mueller or the IRS didn't?? And you dare call Trump a narcissist???
Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it.
Hey, you have the goods on him? Schiff is looking for a person who has the goods on him. I can get you his number if you like.
You have the smoking gun, Camp.
Can you leak your facts here on USMB for us?
Why are Trumpbots like you so cowardly afraid to have Trump's taxes released to Congressional oversight committees?
Trump's tax returns are audited by the IRS every year, and CPA's work with the IRS to confirm Trump pays his fair share. Trump doesn't sit at his kitchen table filling out his own return you morons.
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
You should tell Abu Afak to go pound sand. The dumbfuck is funnying every damn post in this thread. Endless notifications and most because that butthurt liberoid can't handle opposing opinions
Yeah, I noticed that myself. When a person has nothing, that's what you do.
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Even if he was squeaky clean it wouldn't be good enough for goofballs like yourself.
If he doesn't have to, he shouldn't do it. I do like your TDS though.

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.
It's none of my business, and it's none of your business.

Fuck yea it’s my bussiness!

As a certain President once said - “Americans deserve to know if their President is a crook”

That goes double for presidential nomenees, and the precedent Trump hiding his tax-returns sets will lead to more President crooks.

P.s. I love how he lies straight to your face and you give him a full pass. No way you are stupid enough to think he is under never ending audit.
Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it.
Hey, you have the goods on him? Schiff is looking for a person who has the goods on him. I can get you his number if you like.
You have the smoking gun, Camp.
Can you leak your facts here on USMB for us?
Why are Trumpbots like you so cowardly afraid to have Trump's taxes released to Congressional oversight committees?
Why do ignorant fucks like you don't understand that he has his rights as an American citizen not to release them?
What country do you live in?
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Even if he was squeaky clean it wouldn't be good enough for goofballs like yourself.
If he doesn't have to, he shouldn't do it. I do like your TDS though.

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.
It's none of my business, and it's none of your business.

Fuck yea it’s my bussiness!

As one President once said - “Americans deserve to know if their President is a crook”

That goes double for presidential nomenees, and the precedent Trump hiding his tax-returns sets will ENSURE we will get more president crooks.
If he's broken the law....I agree with you. You don't seem to understand how the judicial system works, huh?
Then WHY is he like Muellers papers , afraid to show them GOD DAMN,,,, "THIMK"
Perhaps, it's none of your business. No crimes have been committed, Ed.
NO? 7 different state and Fed investigations are near completion The man has a history as a conman You think he changed stripes?
Do you HAVE a crime, or are you LOOKING for a crime?
If I was Trump, I would call up edward37, and tell him to go pound sand.
You should tell Abu Afak to go pound sand. The dumbfuck is funnying every damn post in this thread. Endless notifications and most because that butthurt liberoid can't handle opposing opinions
Yeah, I noticed that myself. When a person has nothing, that's what you do.
Pretty much. I didn't even funny the OP.
Maddow got his taxes, but it proved he paid his fair share. He paid more percentage than Obama did, but it didn't prove what you wanted it too. If it did, you would've been running with it. So get over it.
No you MORON.
Maddow was intentionally leaked TWO pages of One return.
Not even a full return.
The most/Only honest looking pages of Hundreds of pages over 20 YEARS.

Even if he was squeaky clean it wouldn't be good enough for goofballs like yourself.
If he doesn't have to, he shouldn't do it. I do like your TDS though.

Amazing how you don’t want to see for yourself that “squeaky clean”.

But what else to expect from “I can kill in broad day light and they will still support me!” lemmings.
Liberals have covered for the Clintons for far worse.
Trump is a liar, crook, fraudster and felonious criminal and releasing his taxes will prove it.
Hey, you have the goods on him? Schiff is looking for a person who has the goods on him. I can get you his number if you like.
You have the smoking gun, Camp.
Can you leak your facts here on USMB for us?
Why are Trumpbots like you so cowardly afraid to have Trump's taxes released to Congressional oversight committees?
Why do ignorant fucks like you don't understand that he has his rights as an American citizen not to release them?
What country do you live in?
Our oversight laws are clear and specific. Congress has a right to review anyone raxes to ensure no one is getting special treatment or getting away with crimes. So, you are just full of crap about Trump having a right to hide his crimes.
Trump Is Hiding His Taxes

No he's not! I'm sure everyone in his family has seen them! He has simply told Congress there's nothing to see here, you don't need to see them just like Hillary said there was nothing to see in her 33,000 government emails she destroyed and that we didn't need to see any of those neither!
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