Trump Is Imploding

Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.

Trump's playing the media, everyone knows that the system is rigged, especially the Democrats with their super delegates coronation of Hillary...

He's not fully bought off like the other candidates and he's personally paying his own tab .. yup, he should have paid for some experienced political hacks (better ground game) earlier on but hell the guy is kicking ass and manipulating the media and obviously the imbeciles to the left.

I would recommend you get informed and don't allow your emotions to get the better of you, poor fellow....:laugh:
Trump is a habitual pathological liar. He has raised over 7 million dollars on his own website where he solicits donations. His supporters ignore that lie about self-funding just like they ignore his other lies.

Hypocritical much...:laugh:

Do you have a reliable link to prove your point?

Does it bother you that Hillary is a proven compulsive liar and fully owned by the establishment money-ed interests and her coronation via the Democratic Party and popular vote stealing via the super delegates?

just scratching the surface link on Hillary contributors.

Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Yes, I used a reliable source about Trump collecting donations.
Why is the main defense for Trump by his supporters always a rant about Clinton? You guys just deflect away from confronting the issue and go into your Clinton bla, bla, bla. The thread is about Trump.
The data is from the FEC. That means it is information supplied by Trump.
Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.
True true. All Tiny Hands needs now is a tin foil hat.

The future Pres. Trump is doing just fine. .....


I'm pretty sure tinfoil hats are a requirement to run for the GOP nomination. If they don't already have one when they file the first paperwork, one is issued to them.
Better double the order because the dems are running their's the exact same way
Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.

Trump's playing the media, everyone knows that the system is rigged, especially the Democrats with their super delegates coronation of Hillary...

He's not fully bought off like the other candidates and he's personally paying his own tab .. yup, he should have paid for some experienced political hacks (better ground game) earlier on but hell the guy is kicking ass and manipulating the media and obviously the imbeciles to the left.

I would recommend you get informed and don't allow your emotions to get the better of you, poor fellow....:laugh:
Trump is a habitual pathological liar. He has raised over 7 million dollars on his own website where he solicits donations. His supporters ignore that lie about self-funding just like they ignore his other lies.

Hypocritical much...:laugh:

Do you have a reliable link to prove your point?

Does it bother you that Hillary is a proven compulsive liar and fully owned by the establishment money-ed interests and her coronation via the Democratic Party and popular vote stealing via the super delegates?

just scratching the surface link on Hillary contributors.

Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, although your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.
True true. All Tiny Hands needs now is a tin foil hat.

The future Pres. Trump is doing just fine. .....


I'm pretty sure tinfoil hats are a requirement to run for the GOP nomination. If they don't already have one when they file the first paperwork, one is issued to them.
Better double the order because the dems are running their's the exact same way

I'm sure rush or hannity told you that, but the right wingers are the only ones threatening riots in the street.
Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.

Trump's playing the media, everyone knows that the system is rigged, especially the Democrats with their super delegates coronation of Hillary...

He's not fully bought off like the other candidates and he's personally paying his own tab .. yup, he should have paid for some experienced political hacks (better ground game) earlier on but hell the guy is kicking ass and manipulating the media and obviously the imbeciles to the left.

I would recommend you get informed and don't allow your emotions to get the better of you, poor fellow....:laugh:
Trump is a habitual pathological liar. He has raised over 7 million dollars on his own website where he solicits donations. His supporters ignore that lie about self-funding just like they ignore his other lies.

Hypocritical much...:laugh:

Do you have a reliable link to prove your point?

Does it bother you that Hillary is a proven compulsive liar and fully owned by the establishment money-ed interests and her coronation via the Democratic Party and popular vote stealing via the super delegates?

just scratching the surface link on Hillary contributors.

Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Yes, I used a reliable source about Trump collecting donations.
Why is the main defense for Trump by his supporters always a rant about Clinton? You guys just deflect away from confronting the issue and go into your Clinton bla, bla, bla. The thread is about Trump.
The data is from the FEC. That means it is information supplied by Trump.

I pick on Hillary to expose the hypocrisy of the left mostly, ya know, people like you...:wink_2:
Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.

Trump's playing the media, everyone knows that the system is rigged, especially the Democrats with their super delegates coronation of Hillary...

He's not fully bought off like the other candidates and he's personally paying his own tab .. yup, he should have paid for some experienced political hacks (better ground game) earlier on but hell the guy is kicking ass and manipulating the media and obviously the imbeciles to the left.

I would recommend you get informed and don't allow your emotions to get the better of you, poor fellow....:laugh:
Trump is a habitual pathological liar. He has raised over 7 million dollars on his own website where he solicits donations. His supporters ignore that lie about self-funding just like they ignore his other lies.

Hypocritical much...:laugh:

Do you have a reliable link to prove your point?

Does it bother you that Hillary is a proven compulsive liar and fully owned by the establishment money-ed interests and her coronation via the Democratic Party and popular vote stealing via the super delegates?

just scratching the surface link on Hillary contributors.

Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, although your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

Yeah, in your glass house spewing red herrings much.

"we have to bring them to heel" Hillary Clinton .. many black voters are so F-ing gullible, it's pathetic...:laugh:
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Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.
"Local Coloradians" ? LOL. The Trump-bash comments are getting more and more unhinged every day. Is there anybody who doesn't know that local Coloradians (the PEOPLE of Colorado) are exactly who had NO SAY in the selection of delegates ? Colorado is a disgrace to America, to the process of VOTING, and to the entire concept of democracy, that we cherish.
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Crazy whiny rants about the system is rigged against him.

Earth to Trump: local Coloradians decided how to issue delegates before the election. Just like South Carolinians did when you got 1/3 of the votes yet 100% of the delegates.

The man is nothing but the freak show at the circus.
How many Colorado dues paying GOP members participated in that decision, dude?

IS that how you want the country run, by a 1% elite who couldnt give a rats ass about what the people want?

That is what you sound like you want.
More crazy talk. A rigged system is one that does not follow documented procedures.

So the Death Camps were AOK because they followed written procedures?

Are you a fucking lawyer?


Simply because something is legal or by existing rules DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!
More crazy talk. A rigged system is one that does not follow documented procedures.

Trump is just a spoiled child who is learning the world does not have to listen to him.
More crazy talk. A rigged system is one with "documented procedures" designed to assist one candidate at the expense of others. It's not necessary for Trump supporters to listen to anti-Trump drivel. All we need to do is vote for Trump in November, and give him 95% of the Republican vote, and let all the other dummies fall where they may. :biggrin:
More crazy talk. A rigged system is one that does not follow documented procedures.

Trump is just a spoiled child who is learning the world does not have to listen to him.
More crazy talk. A rigged system is one with "documented procedures" designed to assist one candidate at the expense of others. It's not necessary for Trump supporters to listen to anti-Trump drivel. All we need to do is vote for Trump in November, and give him 95% of the Republican vote, and let all the other dummies fall where they may. :biggrin:

in other word no matter how horrible, embarrassing or venal a candidate he is, you'll vote for him.....

have fun.
So the Death Camps were AOK because they followed written procedures?

Are you a fucking lawyer?


Simply because something is legal or by existing rules DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!
CORRECT. The Trump-bashers are using the "rules are the rules" line, but it's a stupid line. It doesn't matter if the GOP insiders are going by the rules. The rules are WRONG. What matters is right and wrong. What is right is having the VOTERS decide, not creeps in a back room using "rules" to control the whole state, for their own selfish benefit.

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