Trump is in WAY over his head...


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
39° 44 mins 21 secs N, 104° 59 mins 5 secs W
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.
Businessman getting down to business. Thank God we kicked politicians out of our White House. Who knows what parts of our country they would have sold to Iran by way of Russia, next.
How much do you think Hitlery would have pocketed for Yellowstone? After all she received millions for the missing yellowcake..
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So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.

You said: "From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional."

If that is true, why did you post it?
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.
Tell what fix he is in?
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.

In your experience, do you simply pay any bill a contractor hands you, especially for change orders?
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.

There's that whole not having a path to the WH fix
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.
None of your "Take your pick" ambiguous bullshit.
Be specific, Liberal air head.
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.
It was pretty well nailed in the OP.

And no. This isnt about Hilary.
Economy beats expectations
Home prices reach all time high
Consumer confidence soars
ISIS is being defeated
Stock market all time high

Yep, Trump is in wayyyy over his head......
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.
Are you one of those men who brag to other men how you have no Gag Reflex?

Yes you are.

So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.
It was pretty well nailed in the OP.

And no. This isnt about Hilary.

I am sorry, but I don't speak libtard. Can you please translate, since I know you do?
Feel free to run against Trump in 2020 OP I doubt you will be invited to a single Dem primary debate. :laugh: Clowns who are not multi billionaires commenting on Trump :laugh::laugh::laugh:
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.

In your experience, do you simply pay any bill a contractor hands you, especially for change orders?
No he won't but since he knows Trump is rich then Trump should.
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.
It was pretty well nailed in the OP.

And no. This isnt about Hilary.

I am sorry, but I don't speak libtard. Can you please translate, since I know you do?
I dont have time to dumb it down for you. Use the free decoder ring in the bottom of your crackerjacks.

In the long do you think Trump will continue trying to lie, bully and tweet his way through a formal investigation?

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