Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser

Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser


Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser reported that CEO Christopher Ruddy published an essay on Sunday attacking Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and praising his boss’ performance through a week rocked by major revelations regarding Trump and his staff’s communications with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 campaign and White House transition.

“I’ve been watching Chuck Todd’s ‘Meet the Press’ as I write this. There is actually little talk about this unprecedented wire-tapping and even less worry over it,” wrote Ruddy.

On Sunday morning, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told “Meet the Press” emphatically that the wiretapping does not exist. It never happened, he said, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign.”

Ruddy said, “I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this p*ssed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama ‘denials’ about the wiretaps, he shot back: ‘This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.’”

This is what happens when you're a liar and make shit up! People call you on it! Grow up Donald Trump.

This article is fake news. No adviser to the President is going to characterize the situation as 'no one believes' that the survielance took place as there is always a minority of people that believes such things. In this case anyone with an honest view of Obamas abuse of federal power and more than half a brain understands that what Trump claimed is 100% plausible and very likely true.

Matthew, it is a shame you have morphed into just another brainless Trump hating troll.
Could it be because he's a liar?

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

You have no proof that Donald Trump knew who the Russian ambassador was. In 2016 Trump said he didn't know who Vladimir Putin was. In this case ignorance of world leaders, and foreign policy gave Trump an advantage when it comes to denying he ever met somebody.,
How could anyone believe Trump did not know who Putin was in 2016? Do you have a link of trump saying such a silly thing? Obviously, if he said it he was lying.
How did Bill Clinton NOT know the company that gave him $50k for each speech was owned by Ex-KGB extremely close to Putin?
What was the name of the company?
Do I look like 'Google'? :p Look it up. I have already posted several links to the articles.

I thought BIll got paid $250K for a speech. So I have no idea who paid him only $50K per speech.

What was the name of that company?
Do I look like 'Google'? :p Look it up. I have already posted several links to the articles.

You're wasting more time saying you already posted it, than just telling me the name of the company.
People who get blackmailed with leaks of sensitive information that are supposed be Ultra secret --- KNOW how that information was obtained. Because they KNOW where it came from and who was EXPECTED to know these things.

So Trump KNOWS he's been spied on. He just doesn't know how. OR DOES HE?

It was reported that shortly after the election that Trump was briefed on the evidence of Russian hacking, and of the british dossier. That's when Trump called the information he was getting from the 16 intelligence agencies 'fake news' and put his fingers in his ears, and only let the DNI brief him on the presidents daily brief about once a week

The dossier was NOT INTEL. It was an opposition research hit piece commissioned and paid for by the Never Trumpers and later the DNC. Anything in a PUBLIC report is not "intel". And most of what I read is generalized "boiler plate" about the Russian spying which is the SAME spying that the US does worldwide. A claim is made in that report that the Russians planted "fake stories" in the news cycle.. Thru their RT Television and other sources. You think CNN doesn't carry "fake news" to Russian citizens?

IN FACT --- NAME me just ONE of those "fake stories" that damaged Hillary's campaign. Let's have a laugh over it.
A claim is made in that report that the Russians planted "fake stories" in the news cycle.. Thru their RT Television and other sources. You think CNN doesn't carry "fake news" to Russian citizens?

How successful the russians were with their fake news can only be an opinion that people will argue over for years. But what is clear is that the Russians did plant 'fake news' in an attempt to change the presidential election. In short they put their hands on an american election. Which is never accerptable. Coming from Russia, or France, or Germany, or Japan, or Israel, or anybody.
A claim is made in that report that the Russians planted "fake stories" in the news cycle.. Thru their RT Television and other sources. You think CNN doesn't carry "fake news" to Russian citizens?

How successful the russians were with their fake news can only be an opinion that people will argue over for years. But what is clear is that the Russians did plant 'fake news' in an attempt to change the presidential election. In short they put their hands on an american election. Which is never accerptable. Coming from Russia, or France, or Germany, or Japan, or Israel, or anybody.

Here's your challenge. NAME those stories. I've tried. All I can find is laughable deep conspiracy crap about Billy Jeff diddling children on some private tropical island. NAME THE damaging stories.
A claim is made in that report that the Russians planted "fake stories" in the news cycle.. Thru their RT Television and other sources. You think CNN doesn't carry "fake news" to Russian citizens?

How successful the russians were with their fake news can only be an opinion that people will argue over for years. But what is clear is that the Russians did plant 'fake news' in an attempt to change the presidential election. In short they put their hands on an american election. Which is never accerptable. Coming from Russia, or France, or Germany, or Japan, or Israel, or anybody.

Here's your challenge. NAME those stories. I've tried. All I can find is laughable deep conspiracy crap about Billy Jeff diddling children on some private tropical island. NAME THE damaging stories.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
―Mark Twain
Read more at Mark Twain
Here's your challenge. NAME those stories. I've tried. All I can find is laughable deep conspiracy crap about Billy Jeff diddling children on some private tropical island. NAME THE damaging stories.


Fake: Kerry Praises Russian Efforts to Reach Ceasefire in Syria
May 04, 2016 - 06:05 News
Russia’s RT news agency broadcast a news story claiming that US Secretary of State John Kerry praised Russian efforts to reach a ceasefire in Syria.


Website screenshot RT

According to the transcript of the Kerry’s remarks, there were no words of praise addressed to Russia. Both Kerry and UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura talk about efforts to restore the cessation of hostilities agreement within the framework of the Syria support group. Twice a journalist asks Kerry if he trusts the Russians regarding Syria, but the Secretary of State does not answer this question.
Could it be because he's a liar?

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

You have no proof that Donald Trump knew who the Russian ambassador was. In 2016 Trump said he didn't know who Vladimir Putin was. In this case ignorance of world leaders, and foreign policy gave Trump an advantage when it comes to denying he ever met somebody.,
And you voted for him? He didn't even know who Putin was in 2016? You're a fucking idiot.
Could it be because he's a liar?

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

You have no proof that Donald Trump knew who the Russian ambassador was. In 2016 Trump said he didn't know who Vladimir Putin was. In this case ignorance of world leaders, and foreign policy gave Trump an advantage when it comes to denying he ever met somebody.,
How did Bill Clinton NOT know the company that gave him $50k for each speech was owned by Ex-KGB extremely close to Putin?

How did Podesta NOT know the Russian bank that gave him $150k for lobbying against US sanctions on Russia were owned by Ex-KGB and were extremely close to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy Agency? Why did Podesta break the law by not registering as a 'Foreign Agent', as required by law (FARA)? Why was he trying to hide it?

Did Hillary know her husband and Podesta were working for Putin and Russian ex-KGB while running for office?

Funny because Russia really really didn't want Hillary to win. She doesn't sound like someone who owes Russia shit. Russia hated Obama and hates Hillary because they won't play ball. You know who will play ball? Trump
Here's your challenge. NAME those stories. I've tried. All I can find is laughable deep conspiracy crap about Billy Jeff diddling children on some private tropical island. NAME THE damaging stories.


Fake: Kerry Praises Russian Efforts to Reach Ceasefire in Syria
May 04, 2016 - 06:05 News
Russia’s RT news agency broadcast a news story claiming that US Secretary of State John Kerry praised Russian efforts to reach a ceasefire in Syria.


Website screenshot RT

According to the transcript of the Kerry’s remarks, there were no words of praise addressed to Russia. Both Kerry and UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura talk about efforts to restore the cessation of hostilities agreement within the framework of the Syria support group. Twice a journalist asks Kerry if he trusts the Russians regarding Syria, but the Secretary of State does not answer this question.

I don't see the "damage" to Clinton. It looks like bad journalism. And that is NO LONGER just a Russian phenomenom is it?? You really think that many people were listening to John Kerry on ANY channel?? :biggrin:

Nevermind getting their Kerry press ops from RT... :rofl:

PLEASE --- try again. Go for that story of Mr. Clintons visit to that island of young boys. THAT might be even more interesting.. :razz:
Funny because Russia really really didn't want Hillary to win. She doesn't sound like someone who owes Russia shit. Russia hated Obama and hates Hillary because they won't play ball. You know who will play ball? Trump
Putin told you all of this, did he? Or did you deduce all of that with your vastly superior snowflake intellect? :p
Here's your challenge. NAME those stories. I've tried. All I can find is laughable deep conspiracy crap about Billy Jeff diddling children on some private tropical island. NAME THE damaging stories.


Fake: Kerry Praises Russian Efforts to Reach Ceasefire in Syria
May 04, 2016 - 06:05 News
Russia’s RT news agency broadcast a news story claiming that US Secretary of State John Kerry praised Russian efforts to reach a ceasefire in Syria.


Website screenshot RT

According to the transcript of the Kerry’s remarks, there were no words of praise addressed to Russia. Both Kerry and UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura talk about efforts to restore the cessation of hostilities agreement within the framework of the Syria support group. Twice a journalist asks Kerry if he trusts the Russians regarding Syria, but the Secretary of State does not answer this question.

I'm not defending RT -- but OUR propaganda station VOA announced this event THIS way..

Putin Praises Obama’s Leadership in Syria


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian President Vladimir Putin say that cooperation between the two countries has been instrumental in achieving an unexpectedly successful cessation of hostilities in war-torn Syria.

Kerry said it is fair to say that cooperation between the United States and Russia has made it possible for Syrians to “taste and smell” what it means to have a reduction of violence and a resumption of some humanitarian aid deliveries after five years of bloodshed.

Kerry said that the cessation in hostilities has produced the first significant flow of humanitarian assistance to people, some whom had not seen assistance in several years.

The talks in Moscow, added Kerry, can help bring the conflict in Syria to an end as quickly as possible. He also said he hoped for cooperation from Russia in dealing with other conflicts, namely those in Yemen and Libya and the Middle East peace process.

This ain't the election interference that is being claim buddy -- try again..
I don't see the "damage" to Clinton. It looks like bad journalism. And that is NO LONGER just a Russian phenomenom is it?? You really think that many people were listening to John Kerry on ANY channel?? :biggrin:

You wanted an example of fake news from RT, and that example is indisputeably fake. There are so manyj of them out there few sites document their specifics, but instead roll them up into generalities, and into discriptions, rather than giving a hard citation.

That was a hard citation. You said how me the fake news? I showed you the fake news,.
Funny because Russia really really didn't want Hillary to win. She doesn't sound like someone who owes Russia shit. Russia hated Obama and hates Hillary because they won't play ball. You know who will play ball? Trump
Putin told you all of this, did he? Or did you deduce all of that with your vastly superior snowflake intellect? :p
Listen schlub. It's common knowledge in Russia. Just because you don't know shit doesn't mean the rest of us are ignorant too. Maybe you need to tune into more liberal media so you are at least learning the other sides position on such matters. Right now you seem like a brainwashed partisan hack who doesn't know anything Fox or Rush doesn't tell you. Is that you?

Oh! It's the NY Times. It can't be trusted!

Mrs. Clinton is viewed in Moscow as innately hostile to Russia. Widely held conspiracy theories portray her as seeking to foment unrest that will return Russia to the chaos and depression of the 1990s. Even many government technocrats view her with suspicion that at times verges on paranoia.
Republicans sure cared who Hillary was taking money from but no one cares who Trump owes or where his investments are? As a real estate guy he might get Ben Carson (HUD) to open a gofundme page in Trump's name.

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