Trump is literally creating a military junta

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You think Castro was a good guy?
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.

He's literally Castro except a bad guy.
Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
1) More evidence the Left Wing hates the military.....even retired military.

2) After 8 years of LWers whining about RW fear-mongering, it's clear we're looking at 4+ years of LW fear-mongering.

3) Congress has to approve appointments. In some cases, they'd have to provide a waiver too.


Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

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It'll be very interesting to see how more moderate Republicans behave during the hearings for these picks.

There was nothing moderate about the way the Establishment Republicans tried to rig the primaries.
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...
Race Card use noted. Your post is invalid.

Not to mention the fact that Islam is not a race.

I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general.
Yeah sure, who better to lead "defense-related" cabinet positions than people that have spent their whole careers defending the nation? You'd rather have some bone headed war-mongering politician that can't figure out which end of a rifle the bullet comes out of? It's the politician assholes that have gotten us into a state of never ending war and turned the Pentagon is a bottomless money pit, time to try something different.

"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?

Ummm.. I'm not attempting to imply , I'm outright saying it, if they consider bloodthirsty, authoritarian and duplicitous Fidel Castro a "personal friend" then they're HORRIBLE judges of character. :cool:

P.S. burn in Hell Fidel, you murdering prick.
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.

He's literally Castro except a bad guy.
Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?

I agree and that General douchebag called a racist was a smart man.

Smarter than douchebag. He knows Muslims aren't to be trusted and I'm sure he couldn't care less that douchebag called him a racist. One has to consider douchebag, the apologizer in general, is the one calling someone else a racist.

Racist. Such an easy word to use and douchebag wouldn't know a real racist if one kicked his sorry ass.

So far Trump has made some damned good picks. Generals and business professionals. People who know what they are doing. Much better than the current crop of yes men and idiots. Douchebag has put in place.
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Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

Earth to dumbfuck... Islam isn't a race, so being a "racist against Islam" isn't possible.
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

Earth to dumbfuck... Islam isn't a race, so being a "racist against Islam" isn't possible.

I couldn't agree more. Islam isn't a race. Its a ridiculous religion that these morons follow. A religion that says anyone not a Muslim is just nothing.

Seems Pat the idiot is another moron who sees racists under every bush.
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Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

Earth to dumbfuck... Islam isn't a race, so being a "racist against Islam" isn't possible.

I couldn't agree mor. Islam isn't a race. Its a ridiculous religion that these morons follow. A religion that says anyone not a Muslim is just nothing.

Seems Pat the idiot is another moron who sees racists under every bush.
Yeah, pretty much.

The only difference between Islam and Scientology is that the Scientologists don't run around capping innocent people while shouting praises to L. Ron Hubbard, other than that they're pretty much identical. :D

To each his/her own though, if you want to worship a head of lettuce, more power to you, just don't get belligerent when other people choose to worship carrots.

"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death." -- George Carlin
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

Yo Pedro...........not sure how long you are in this country but there is an old saying, "Elections have consequences!". I forget who said it.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Gonna be seeing lots and lots of law and order shit happening after 1/20/17..........ftmfw.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

Listen s0n...........I suggest you get a new hobby or something. A famous person once said, "Elections have consequences". Forget who it was!:coffee:

The voters wanted a lot more law and order so of course, that's what we're gonna see!!:deal::deal:

But for the Trump haters, lets face it............gonna be all bumpy, all the time. Just settle in and learn to deal with the bumpy............


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