Trump is literally creating a military junta

BTW, saying "danger" and "warning" at the same time is redundant :D

Good morning to you as well! :asshole:

Danger Will Robinson, Danger! :eek:
I don't understand

That wasn't for you! :)

It was for the hiring of 3 generals in his first round of picks...and who knows how many more? Civilians, with many years removed from any military, are suppose to run our national security/national defense...

They will be ....

The civilian orange guy with the funny hairdo that's never been in the military will be running our national security/national defense starting on 1/20/2017.

Apparently he just wants some people that actually know what the fuck they're doing working for him while he's doing it.
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Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
Could you expand a bit on how you plan to instate the Hildebeast as president, please? I'm sure the class would appreciate the humor. Well, those of us with brains anyway.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

So he's picked three generals for national defense positions....we're supposed to be outraged?
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

And this is the wealthiest cabinet ever. Billionaires have taken over our country. A new aristocratic government
No one has taken over anything. Trump hasn't even been sworn in. Please keep lying like this.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

So he's picked three generals for national defense positions....we're supposed to be outraged?
Politicians that cant throw a baseball is OBVIOUSLY the more reasonable approach.
Honestly, this is the way I see it -
"Trump is inexperienced, he isn't qualified!"
2 months later
"Trump is hiring qualified people to help him out! That's not right!"
Humorous troll thread.

noun: junta; plural noun: juntas
  1. a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force.
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
You fucking idiot. Like running the VA is anything like running our Homeland Security & Our military.

You people have your heads so far up Trump's ass that you can't think.

We have always had our Defense Department run by a civilian. That is why there is a regulation on how long Defense Secretaries had to be out of the military.

This country has always separated domestic law enforcement from the military.

Besides, why is Trump picking generals when he said that were all sofa king stupid that he knew more about ISIS than they did.
Found this comment regarding the Post -concern-.

"If the Main Stream Media keeps expressing all of this “heart-felt concern”, they are going to worry themselves right into a lifetime supply of Xanex." kingsjester, commentary

Love it!
Too bad they didn't show this same concern over some of Obama's picks.
Honey, the military didn't dare express their concerns. Each time they did they were fired. It also why some of the best resigned.
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
You fucking idiot. Like running the VA is anything like running our Homeland Security & Our military.

You people have your heads so far up Trump's ass that you can't think.

We have always had our Defense Department run by a civilian. That is why there is a regulation on how long Defense Secretaries had to be out of the military.

This country has always separated domestic law enforcement from the military.

Besides, why is Trump picking generals when he said that were all sofa king stupid that he knew more about ISIS than they did.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

You clearly don't grok what a Military Junta is, bub.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

You clearly don't grok what a Military Junta is, bub.
Agreed, but LW extremists always exaggerate. You know, "sniper fire", "dead broke" and "military junta".
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

You clearly don't grok what a Military Junta is, bub.
Agreed, but LW extremists always exaggerate. You know, "sniper fire", "dead broke" and "military junta".

It's like when they Scream "NAZI" at someone who explains to them that people who disagree with their politics have free speech rights under the 1st Amendment.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
You aren't going to do anything but continue to type inane messages on the usmb.

You have already served his purpose. He has no need for you anymore, rube.

Do you idiots really think this guy gives a flying fuck about you, or anyone else except himself? LOL.
They don't realize the rich have been trying to take over this country ever since it was first founded. The founders fought them off best they could but the rich are patient. In 1913 they took over the Federal Reserve. In Nixon's time they went off the gold standard.

The rich had some set backs. The New Deal and Unions. But they are about to kill both of those.

This is a great op ed explaining what's going on

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

A new aristocracy is taking over not just the United States of America but also the world. ... This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

And this is the wealthiest cabinet ever. Billionaires have taken over our country. A new aristocratic government
yeah, rich goin in. That's much more horrible than being rich leaving. Right genius?
Trump can't relate to you. He thinks his ways will work best for everyone but he's wrong. His way will work best for him. Trickle down doesn't work.

But Trump is 1000 times more liberal than any of the real Republicans so so far so good or so far not so bad. Well it's bad but it's not as bad as if Cruz were president.
I'd rather see Generals and Business Professionals in the Executive Branch than the incompetent and corrupt politicians and political insiders that we have there now. Generals and Business Professionals know how to effectively manage organizations while politicians only know how to steal from them.
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you want to see every single defense-related cabinet position led by some former general. Michael Flynn literally accused Obama of not doing enough against ISIS. Is that someone you want in charge of your children's safety? What an asshole that guy is. At least Hillary would've picked someone qualified like Biden.

Are you attempting to imply that Castro wasn't a "bad guy" ?
Are you attempting to imply that Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and the other legitimate world leaders who mourned the passing of a personal friend when Castro died are poor judges of character?
This is a joke. It has to be.

Yes. I want generals in charge of my children's safety. Not career politicians. Generals. Preferably former Seals.

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