Trump is literally creating a military junta

Trump isn't playing politics.
He is selecting who he thinks is best for each position. Who he thinks is best in each field.
He campaigned on this.
He also said he would fire them if they did not do the job right. No lobbyists games.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

You literally don't know what the word literally means
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
You aren't going to do anything but continue to type inane messages on the usmb.

You have already served his purpose. He has no need for you anymore, rube.

Do you idiots really think this guy gives a flying fuck about you, or anyone else except himself? LOL.
They don't realize the rich have been trying to take over this country ever since it was first founded. The founders fought them off best they could but the rich are patient. In 1913 they took over the Federal Reserve. In Nixon's time they went off the gold standard.

The rich had some set backs. The New Deal and Unions. But they are about to kill both of those.

This is a great op ed explaining what's going on

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

A new aristocracy is taking over not just the United States of America but also the world. ... This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.

The top 1% pay 40% of taxes, the top 5% pay 60% and the top 20% pay 80%.

You're full of shit, commie bastard
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
You fucking idiot. Like running the VA is anything like running our Homeland Security & Our military.

You people have your heads so far up Trump's ass that you can't think.

We have always had our Defense Department run by a civilian. That is why there is a regulation on how long Defense Secretaries had to be out of the military.

This country has always separated domestic law enforcement from the military.

Besides, why is Trump picking generals when he said that were all sofa king stupid that he knew more about ISIS than they did.

Ah, you are unhinged and in danger of being dissolved by your own stomach acid. :cuckoo: Trump took Hillary to the wood shed, Trump won Hillary lost, Trump will be the president Hillary will have no say in anything, come to grips with it.

Trump could pick the pope and these freaked out libs would complain ^^^
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

The butt hurt from you people is staggering, and you display it ever so proudly
We have always had our Defense Department run by a civilian

You are full of shit as usual. Actually the vast majority of Secretaries of Defense have had military experience
Out of the military for a set number of years. As I said.

SO, when was the last time a career miitary person served as Sec of Defense? Especially anyone reaching a rank of General.
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
You aren't going to do anything but continue to type inane messages on the usmb.

You have already served his purpose. He has no need for you anymore, rube.

Do you idiots really think this guy gives a flying fuck about you, or anyone else except himself? LOL.
They don't realize the rich have been trying to take over this country ever since it was first founded. The founders fought them off best they could but the rich are patient. In 1913 they took over the Federal Reserve. In Nixon's time they went off the gold standard.

The rich had some set backs. The New Deal and Unions. But they are about to kill both of those.

This is a great op ed explaining what's going on

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

A new aristocracy is taking over not just the United States of America but also the world. ... This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.

The top 1% pay 40% of taxes, the top 5% pay 60% and the top 20% pay 80%.

You're full of shit, commie bastard

Do ya think that possibly that has to do with the fact they have the bulk of the money?
We have always had our Defense Department run by a civilian

You are full of shit as usual. Actually the vast majority of Secretaries of Defense have had military experience
Out of the military for a set number of years. As I said.

SO, when was the last time a career miitary person served as Sec of Defense? Especially anyone reaching a rank of General.

McNamara, Weinberger, Aspen and Marshall are a few with military careers, though only Marshall was a general.

What is this latest butt hurt based on? Who said former generals can't be secretary of Defense? Who said Trump can't pick former military people or who he wants?

Obviously you would not be arguing this for Hillary. Your passion for keeping your ass flaming is endless
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
You aren't going to do anything but continue to type inane messages on the usmb.

You have already served his purpose. He has no need for you anymore, rube.

Do you idiots really think this guy gives a flying fuck about you, or anyone else except himself? LOL.
They don't realize the rich have been trying to take over this country ever since it was first founded. The founders fought them off best they could but the rich are patient. In 1913 they took over the Federal Reserve. In Nixon's time they went off the gold standard.

The rich had some set backs. The New Deal and Unions. But they are about to kill both of those.

This is a great op ed explaining what's going on

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

A new aristocracy is taking over not just the United States of America but also the world. ... This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.

The top 1% pay 40% of taxes, the top 5% pay 60% and the top 20% pay 80%.

You're full of shit, commie bastard

Do ya think that possibly that has to do with the fact they have the bulk of the money?


The top 1% pay 40% of taxes ... and earn 20% of the money

The top 5% pay 60% of the taxes ... and earn 30% of the money

and the top 20% pay 80% of the taxes ... and earn about 40% of the money

Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
Trump isn't playing politics.
He is selecting who he thinks is best for each position. Who he thinks is best in each field.
He campaigned on this.
He also said he would fire them if they did not do the job right. No lobbyists games.

He's picking from his group of cronies. If that isn't politics, I don't know what is.

What I find interesting is that none of these people would stand up for him at the RNC. Scott Baio, some woman golfer and Laura Ingraham showed up. And as soon as these boot-lickers saw the Never Trumper Republicans denied the roll call vote, these ass-kissers started lining up behind Trump's sizable rear end. What a fucking sham.
What is this latest butt hurt based on? Who said former generals can't be secretary of Defense?

Hyper-partisan morons that haven't gotten the memo that we've had former generals as Presidents aka The Secretary of Defense's boss aka Commander in Chief of the Military without rational people calling it a "junta".

"It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company." -- General George Washington aka President George Washington
Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
Trump isn't playing politics.
He is selecting who he thinks is best for each position. Who he thinks is best in each field.
He campaigned on this.
He also said he would fire them if they did not do the job right. No lobbyists games.

He's picking from his group of cronies. If that isn't politics, I don't know what is.

What I find interesting is that none of these people would stand up for him at the RNC. Scott Baio, some woman golfer and Laura Ingraham showed up. And as soon as these boot-lickers saw the Never Trumper Republicans denied the roll call vote, these ass-kissers started lining up behind Trump's sizable rear end. What a fucking sham.

You're a ridiculous person, Pocahontas. All you are posting is that you're butt hurt, you're butt hurt, you're butt hurt
If Donald Trump hires Rex Tillerson, then he'll also have a crony administration in league with the second largest (but most abusive) petroleum company in the world.
If Donald Trump hires Rex Tillerson, then he'll also have a crony administration in league with the second largest (but most abusive) petroleum company in the world.

So we can't have people with government experience or business experience. So who is he allowed to hire then according to you whack job Democrats?
You will not enjoy us dismantling your Orwellian hell state,...,
You aren't going to do anything but continue to type inane messages on the usmb.

You have already served his purpose. He has no need for you anymore, rube.

Do you idiots really think this guy gives a flying fuck about you, or anyone else except himself? LOL.
They don't realize the rich have been trying to take over this country ever since it was first founded. The founders fought them off best they could but the rich are patient. In 1913 they took over the Federal Reserve. In Nixon's time they went off the gold standard.

The rich had some set backs. The New Deal and Unions. But they are about to kill both of those.

This is a great op ed explaining what's going on

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

A new aristocracy is taking over not just the United States of America but also the world. ... This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.

The top 1% pay 40% of taxes, the top 5% pay 60% and the top 20% pay 80%.

You're full of shit, commie bastard

Do ya think that possibly that has to do with the fact they have the bulk of the money?


The top 1% pay 40% of taxes ... and earn 20% of the money

The top 5% pay 60% of the taxes ... and earn 30% of the money

and the top 20% pay 80% of the taxes ... and earn about 40% of the money

The American people are either going to find out you are fos or right. It's like a guy who says he can bat better than Obama. Obama has low unemployment and slow steady job growth. Id give him a 300. How will you bat now that it's your turn to hit. Improve blue collar wages, defeat Isis, fix healthcare. Go for it! Swing away
Trump hires a third general, raising concerns about heavy military influence
Trump Is Filling His Cabinet with Former Generals
‘Trump junta’: third retired general named to cabinet, raising concerns about military influence in new administration

He picked former generals for National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Homeland Security? He's literally Castro except a bad guy. We need to abolish the Electoral College and instate Hillary as POTUS immediately to save the Republic from the results of this election. The more Republicans try to stall and point to the "Constitution" the more they risk riots against the forming Orwellian hell state. What's next? He's going to put another general in charge of the VA? What a bastard.

Actually what this country needs is a General Pinochet.

Did you read the links? That's no less than three generals he's picked so far. One of them was even director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until Obama fired him for being racist against Islam. No wonder Trump picked a fellow radical bigot...

OMG Trump picked a general to lead the VA lol, do you even know what the VA is?:laugh:
Trump isn't playing politics.
He is selecting who he thinks is best for each position. Who he thinks is best in each field.
He campaigned on this.
He also said he would fire them if they did not do the job right. No lobbyists games.

He's picking from his group of cronies. If that isn't politics, I don't know what is.

What I find interesting is that none of these people would stand up for him at the RNC. Scott Baio, some woman golfer and Laura Ingraham showed up. And as soon as these boot-lickers saw the Never Trumper Republicans denied the roll call vote, these ass-kissers started lining up behind Trump's sizable rear end. What a fucking sham.

That's what the left wants you to think.
So we can't have people with government experience or business experience. So who is he allowed to hire then according to you whack job Democrats?

Rex Tillerson is the head executive of a global murder empire. You would be singing a different tune if an Exxon private army had burned your Indonesian village to the ground. In Papua New Guinea, their crony connections with the government has led to the military slaughtering peaceful natives. Want to talk about Nigeria?

My god, what a sycophant....
If Donald Trump hires Rex Tillerson, then he'll also have a crony administration in league with the second largest (but most abusive) petroleum company in the world.

So we can't have people with government experience or business experience. So who is he allowed to hire then according to you whack job Democrats?
Just funny he picks the guys who screwed up in Iraq to be his defense guys, the global warming deniers to run the EPA, Ben carson to fix the inner cities. I can't wait to see how all this works out. As a straight white middle age man no kids white collar I'm not a target. The targets should have realized voting matters

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