Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
If he wanted to know how the polls were conducted, he'd have already done this. But he doesn't want to he's already dismissed them all, despite admitting he doesn't know how they were conducted.

Cont doesn't care. And it doesn't matter what this Cont ignores. The election in November won't change a bit one way or the other.

I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?

If you don't know if or how the polls were conducted....why are you referencing the polls?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?

Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

"Would you start torturing him right away or see if he would cooperate and share information? Belgian police say he has been talking," Blitzer asked Trump.

"He may be talking but he'll talk faster with the torture," Trump remarked.

Trump: "They Can Chop Off Heads, We Can't Waterboard"; Should "Torture" Arrested Paris Terrorist

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

"You're going to have a deportation force, and you're going to do it humanely," Trump said.

Trump favors a 'deportation force'

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
If you don't know if or how the polls were conducted....why are you referencing the polls?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?

Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

"Would you start torturing him right away or see if he would cooperate and share information? Belgian police say he has been talking," Blitzer asked Trump.

"He may be talking but he'll talk faster with the torture," Trump remarked.

Trump: "They Can Chop Off Heads, We Can't Waterboard"; Should "Torture" Arrested Paris Terrorist

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

"You're going to have a deportation force, and you're going to do it humanely," Trump said.

Trump favors a 'deportation force'

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?

Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

"Would you start torturing him right away or see if he would cooperate and share information? Belgian police say he has been talking," Blitzer asked Trump.

"He may be talking but he'll talk faster with the torture," Trump remarked.

Trump: "They Can Chop Off Heads, We Can't Waterboard"; Should "Torture" Arrested Paris Terrorist

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

"You're going to have a deportation force, and you're going to do it humanely," Trump said.

Trump favors a 'deportation force'

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
yet she couldn't understand that her email server was illegal to her position. That shows judgement and it shows she doesn't have good judgement. Her Benghazi mess another poor judgement problem. It seems she is full of poor judgements. I could post more, but this is good for now.
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?

Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

"Would you start torturing him right away or see if he would cooperate and share information? Belgian police say he has been talking," Blitzer asked Trump.

"He may be talking but he'll talk faster with the torture," Trump remarked.

Trump: "They Can Chop Off Heads, We Can't Waterboard"; Should "Torture" Arrested Paris Terrorist

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

"You're going to have a deportation force, and you're going to do it humanely," Trump said.

Trump favors a 'deportation force'

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.

Per Trump his years in military school provided him with more military training that a lot of people in the military. And Trump insists that he knows ISIS better than the generals.

Um, 'because'.
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?

Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

"Would you start torturing him right away or see if he would cooperate and share information? Belgian police say he has been talking," Blitzer asked Trump.

"He may be talking but he'll talk faster with the torture," Trump remarked.

Trump: "They Can Chop Off Heads, We Can't Waterboard"; Should "Torture" Arrested Paris Terrorist

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

"You're going to have a deportation force, and you're going to do it humanely," Trump said.

Trump favors a 'deportation force'

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
yet she couldn't understand that her email server was illegal to her position. That shows judgement and it shows she doesn't have good judgement. Her Benghazi mess another poor judgement problem. It seems she is full of poor judgements. I could post more, but this is good for now.
Those are accusations based on half truths and assumption by her political opposition.
Again, I ask what qualifies Trump to be president?
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.

If polls mean 'absolutely nothing', then how did Nate Silver call the 2012 election, the popular vote within a percentage point or two, the electoral count, every state, every congressional race and every senate race save one?

How have polls at this point in the race for the white house accurately forecast the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections?

Everytime I ask you these try and change the topic. Um, why?
Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
yet she couldn't understand that her email server was illegal to her position. That shows judgement and it shows she doesn't have good judgement. Her Benghazi mess another poor judgement problem. It seems she is full of poor judgements. I could post more, but this is good for now.
Those are accusations based on half truths and assumption by her political opposition.
Again, I ask what qualifies Trump to be president?

He has the 'best words'?
Even Trump admits that waterboarding is torture. Trump has called for the return of waterboarding and 'worse'. And just so that there's not the slightest confusion that its actual torture that Trump is advocating.......Trump offered us this:

With Trump commiting to going even farther than waterboarding and inflicting 'worse' on our prisoners. Which is ludicrously fascist.

Trump has called for ordering the US military to kill non-combatant women and children in revenge killings, where we 'take out the entire families of terrorists', with Trump reiterating 'entire families' just to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Which is flagrantly criminal and wildly fascist.

Trump has called for a 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S. until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Donald Trump Back-Pedals on Banning Muslims From U.S.

As for Trump's call for 'deportation teams', he said this:

So a better question you know what Trump is saying? Because I have a pretty clear idea. And it is some hellaciously fascist shit.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
yet she couldn't understand that her email server was illegal to her position. That shows judgement and it shows she doesn't have good judgement. Her Benghazi mess another poor judgement problem. It seems she is full of poor judgements. I could post more, but this is good for now.
Those are accusations based on half truths and assumption by her political opposition.
Again, I ask what qualifies Trump to be president?
the same thing as every other candidate, people voted for him.
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.

If polls mean 'absolutely nothing', then how did Nate Silver call the 2012 election, the popular vote within a percentage point or two, the electoral count, every state, every congressional race and every senate race save one?

How have polls at this point in the race for the white house accurately forecast the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections?

Everytime I ask you these try and change the topic. Um, why?
I already did that yesterday, go read my responses from there. Nate picked Trump once already. D'oh
Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If "Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory" - shouldn't he be ahead in at least one poll?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
based on what? the manipulated questions one asks of someone who won't poll? You know people don't respond based on questions right? hahaahahhaa live with your poll, I love it. means absolutely nothing. You hold onto like it's fking gold. too funny
Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If "Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory" - shouldn't he be ahead in at least one poll?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
based on what? the manipulated questions one asks of someone who won't poll? You know people don't respond based on questions right? hahaahahhaa live with your poll, I love it. means absolutely nothing. You hold onto like it's fking gold. too funny

Yeah, the Romney NaziCons thought the same thing. Keep on dreamin'. Will you be eating crow or steak on November 8?
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.

If polls mean 'absolutely nothing', then how did Nate Silver call the 2012 election, the popular vote within a percentage point or two, the electoral count, every state, every congressional race and every senate race save one?

How have polls at this point in the race for the white house accurately forecast the winner of the popular vote 16 of the last 16 elections?

Everytime I ask you these try and change the topic. Um, why?
I already did that yesterday, go read my responses from there. Nate picked Trump once already. D'oh

You already avoided my questions yesterday. Just like you're doing now. As they obliterate your claims.

Keep running, buddy. The facts are right behind you....and they look hungry!
Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If "Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory" - shouldn't he be ahead in at least one poll?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
based on what? the manipulated questions one asks of someone who won't poll? You know people don't respond based on questions right? hahaahahhaa live with your poll, I love it. means absolutely nothing. You hold onto like it's fking gold. too funny

Laughing....its like Confirmation Bias had a one night stand with Congnitive Dissonance.

Trump himself cited the polls when they showed him in the lead. Its only when his polling numbers tanked that he dismissed polls.

You're simply ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to be true. And you know Trump is taking. We know Trump is taking. And you know we know.

So who is your 'Denial-palooza' schtick for? Even you don't believe you.
Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If "Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory" - shouldn't he be ahead in at least one poll?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
based on what? the manipulated questions one asks of someone who won't poll? You know people don't respond based on questions right? hahaahahhaa live with your poll, I love it. means absolutely nothing. You hold onto like it's fking gold. too funny

Yeah, the Romney NaziCons thought the same thing. Keep on dreamin'. Will you be eating crow or steak on November 8?
I don't have to dream I know. I just have to wander in this forum and look at the angst that is the hitlery team and see the panic. One after another after another of Trump threads that at the most might be false. Oh never mind, they are false. You have nothing at all that can challenge that. The party is still going on, and it ain't over and it ain't over until it is. So as many threads as you want to create like you have truth, know you have panic and you're panicking daily in here.
I've been laughing quite a lot at all of the trump threads of nonsense thank you very much. that you find humor good for you, it just doesn't make me wrong. haahahahahahaahahahah.

I'm still waiting on the debate from all you leftists in here. but you shy away. Like hitlery does from the news.

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