Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?
he stated why earlier. Didn't you read?

Nate Silver was able to predict the 2012 election, the popular vote within 2 percentage points, the exact electoral count, every congress and every senate race save one.

If polls aren't accurate, how do you explain the amazing accuracy?
sure he did!

Here was Nate Silver's predicted electoral map:

Here was the actual electoral map after the election:


They match exactly.

He predicted Obama 50.8% and Romney 48.3%. The actual election results were Obama 51.1% and Romney 47.2%.

If polling is so inaccurate, how do you explain the amazing accuracy?
dude I don't care, that was 2012. even old nate is calling Trump. so d'oh
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.

If he wanted to know how the polls were conducted, he'd have already done this. But he doesn't want to he's already dismissed them all, despite admitting he doesn't know how they were conducted.

Cont doesn't care. And it doesn't matter what this Cont ignores. The election in November won't change a bit one way or the other.

I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

He hasn't managed to convince enough people to support him. As demonstrated by litanies of polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?
he stated why earlier. Didn't you read?

Nate Silver was able to predict the 2012 election, the popular vote within 2 percentage points, the exact electoral count, every congress and every senate race save one.

If polls aren't accurate, how do you explain the amazing accuracy?
how about this from old Nate:

Nate Silver: Trump would likely win if election were held today

do you still think he's that good?
"Statistician Nate Silver on Monday said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would be favored to win if the general election occurred today."

That was last month. Just before Trump's numbers fell off a cliff. Here's what Nate Silver says today:

Hillary: 89.9% chance of winning the election.
Trump: 11.1% chance of winning the election.

So I ask again, how was Nate able to call the 2012 election with such accuracy, nailing the electoral count, the states won, the popular vote within 2%, and every congressional and senate race save one.....

.....if polls have no accuracy? Explain it to us.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?
he stated why earlier. Didn't you read?

Nate Silver was able to predict the 2012 election, the popular vote within 2 percentage points, the exact electoral count, every congress and every senate race save one.

If polls aren't accurate, how do you explain the amazing accuracy?
how about this from old Nate:

Nate Silver: Trump would likely win if election were held today

do you still think he's that good?
"Statistician Nate Silver on Monday said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would be favored to win if the general election occurred today."

That was last month. Just before Trump's numbers fell off a cliff. Here's what Nate Silver says today:

Hillary: 89.9% chance of winning the election.
Trump: 11.1% chance of winning the election.

So I ask again, how was Nate able to call the 2012 election with such accuracy, nailing the electoral count, the states won, the popular vote within 2%, and every congressional and senate race save one.....

.....if polls have no accuracy? Explain it to us.
you just proved it, last month trump, this month hillary. derp.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
ah, jealous fella aren't you?
Do you need some crackers with that whine?
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.

If he wanted to know how the polls were conducted, he'd have already done this. But he doesn't want to he's already dismissed them all, despite admitting he doesn't know how they were conducted.

Cont doesn't care. And it doesn't matter what this Cont ignores. The election in November won't change a bit one way or the other.

I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
Trump is losing badly. What excuse will you tell yourself when Hillary is elected in November?
I didn't know there was a vote yet! how is it he's losing? Explain.

He hasn't managed to convince enough people to support him. As demonstrated by litanies of polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?

If you don't know if or how the polls were conducted....why are you referencing the polls?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.

If he wanted to know how the polls were conducted, he'd have already done this. But he doesn't want to he's already dismissed them all, despite admitting he doesn't know how they were conducted.

Cont doesn't care. And it doesn't matter what this Cont ignores. The election in November won't change a bit one way or the other.

I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
I didn't know there was a vote yet! how is it he's losing? Explain.

He hasn't managed to convince enough people to support him. As demonstrated by litanies of polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?

If you don't know if or how the polls were conducted....why are you referencing the polls?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?
nothing like getting the quotes wrong as usual.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country

Are you sure that's what he said? Are you confident, that's what he said?
If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?
he stated why earlier. Didn't you read?

Nate Silver was able to predict the 2012 election, the popular vote within 2 percentage points, the exact electoral count, every congress and every senate race save one.

If polls aren't accurate, how do you explain the amazing accuracy?
how about this from old Nate:

Nate Silver: Trump would likely win if election were held today

do you still think he's that good?
"Statistician Nate Silver on Monday said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would be favored to win if the general election occurred today."

That was last month. Just before Trump's numbers fell off a cliff. Here's what Nate Silver says today:

Hillary: 89.9% chance of winning the election.
Trump: 11.1% chance of winning the election.

So I ask again, how was Nate able to call the 2012 election with such accuracy, nailing the electoral count, the states won, the popular vote within 2%, and every congressional and senate race save one.....

.....if polls have no accuracy? Explain it to us.
you just proved it, last month trump, this month hillary. derp.

Yup, polls change. With the polling a couple of weeks after the conventions being an excellent indicator of success in November.

Even in the short term blip for Trump (which lasted a grand total of 3 days), Nate indicated that long term Hillary was still the favorite:

If the election were today, Trump would likely win. But Clinton's still favored long-term:

And sure enough, 2 days after that tweet......Trump's numbers tanked and Clinton's flew higher. Exactly as Nate Silver predicted.

So riddle me this: if elections have no did Nate Silver call the 2012 election with such stunning accuracy?
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.


It is extremely dangerous to have someone claim that certain events occurred but where there are no consequences if he/she lied.

Affidavits where someone states UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the facts narrated are true are more reliable.



You are making no sense.

A poll is a statistical survey that attempts to replicate a sample of the population. It has nothing to do with past events or affidavits.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
ah, jealous fella aren't you?
Do you need some crackers with that whine?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
ah, jealous fella aren't you?
Do you need some crackers with that whine?
Pity is better description.
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.


It is extremely dangerous to have someone claim that certain events occurred but where there are no consequences if he/she lied.

Affidavits where someone states UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the facts narrated are true are more reliable.



You are making no sense.

A poll is a statistical survey that attempts to replicate a sample of the population. It has nothing to do with past events or affidavits.

You are making no sense.

Media have tremendous power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political discourse. It is essential that news media, along with other institutions, are challenged to be fair and accurate. The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias.

Many Americans will not vote, the RNC will make decisions based upon what biased media elements broadcast as true.

Factual matters should be easily confirmed. I can not confirm the fact that a poll was actually conducted . I can not confirm that the responses reported are the ones that were actually given

I can not believe that Americans , who monitor incoming calls using caller ID, are actually answering their phones and responding to calls from unknown parties.

The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.

If he wanted to know how the polls were conducted, he'd have already done this. But he doesn't want to he's already dismissed them all, despite admitting he doesn't know how they were conducted.

Cont doesn't care. And it doesn't matter what this Cont ignores. The election in November won't change a bit one way or the other.

I am very aware that you will tolerate corruption and criminality so long as they favor your candidate and your fascistic tendencies.

Facicist tendancies? Like calling for the return of torture and 'worse'? Calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Calling for massive 'deportation teams' to scoure the country
I didn't know there was a vote yet! how is it he's losing? Explain.

He hasn't managed to convince enough people to support him. As demonstrated by litanies of polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

Show me where those polls were actually conducted.

Provide a link where we can here the questions asked, who answered the questions and the name of the pollster.


If you don't know how the polls were conducted....why are you dismissing the polls?

If you don't know if or how the polls were conducted....why are you referencing the polls?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Their general record of accuracy.

If you don't know how the polls are conducted, why ignore them? You can't claim its a failure of process when you don't know what the process is. Remembering of course that the App you've cited in the OP has accurately called 0.0% of presidential elections.

While Nate Silver, for example, nailed the 2012 election. Every state, the popular vote within 2%, the electoral count, every senate race save one and every congressional race.

If polls have no accuracy, how do you explain the stunning accuracy?

If polls are stunningly accurate, why bother to vote. Abolish suffrage and make Nate Silver the king maker.


Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
ah, jealous fella aren't you?
Do you need some crackers with that whine?

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!.
This gets crazier and crazier. Now all the polls are wrong.

And when Trump loses in stunning fashion.....its because of 'rigged elections'. At no point is Trump responsible for his own campaign, his own words, his own policies.

Its *always* someone else's fault. The person least responsible for Trump's campaign according to his own Trump.
As far I can tell, Trump has never taken responsibility for any failure in his life because Trump never fails, not in his failed marriages, his bankruptcies, or his campaign. When he is questioned about business failures, he blows pass them with a "whatever" and goes on to describe his great success. Trump never admits to losing even one of his 3500 lawsuits he has been involved in. He claims he got a great settlement, a witness lied, or the trial was rigged.

Trump learned this from his father. Never admit failure. Any admission of failure tarnishes the name Trump.

Truman said, "The buck stops here". Trump says, "The buck will never stop here".
ah, jealous fella aren't you?
Do you need some crackers with that whine?
Pity is better description.
I pity no man. still waiting to see if you need crackers with your whine?
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.


It is extremely dangerous to have someone claim that certain events occurred but where there are no consequences if he/she lied.

Affidavits where someone states UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the facts narrated are true are more reliable.



You are making no sense.

A poll is a statistical survey that attempts to replicate a sample of the population. It has nothing to do with past events or affidavits.

You are making no sense.

Media have tremendous power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political discourse. It is essential that news media, along with other institutions, are challenged to be fair and accurate. The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias.

Many Americans will not vote, the RNC will make decisions based upon what biased media elements broadcast as true.

Factual matters should be easily confirmed. I can not confirm the fact that a poll was actually conducted . I can not confirm that the responses reported are the ones that were actually given

I can not believe that Americans , who monitor incoming calls using caller ID, are actually answering their phones and responding to calls from unknown parties.


First of all, you're going off the deep end if you doubt that a poll was conducted. That's really loopy stuff.

Second, it is a legitimate concern to ask who is picking up the phone. Less than 10% of Americans will participate in a phone poll compared to 30-40% a generation or two ago. This makes it more difficult to conduct polls and obtain a representative sample. That's why the dispersion of quality of polls has increased over the years. Some polling firms put more resources into their polls, making them higher quality.

As for media bias, just ask the other 16 candidates in the Republican primary about how "unfair" the media was to Donald Trump when he was getting 90%+ of the coverage and north of $1,000,000,000,000 in media advertising for free.
The links for the polls are on RCP. Just click on each poll and a pdf of the poll will come up or an article usually love linking the poll will come up.


It is extremely dangerous to have someone claim that certain events occurred but where there are no consequences if he/she lied.

Affidavits where someone states UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the facts narrated are true are more reliable.



You are making no sense.

A poll is a statistical survey that attempts to replicate a sample of the population. It has nothing to do with past events or affidavits.

You are making no sense.

Media have tremendous power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political discourse. It is essential that news media, along with other institutions, are challenged to be fair and accurate. The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias.

Many Americans will not vote, the RNC will make decisions based upon what biased media elements broadcast as true.

Factual matters should be easily confirmed. I can not confirm the fact that a poll was actually conducted . I can not confirm that the responses reported are the ones that were actually given

I can not believe that Americans , who monitor incoming calls using caller ID, are actually answering their phones and responding to calls from unknown parties.


First of all, you're going off the deep end if you doubt that a poll was conducted. That's really loopy stuff.

Second, it is a legitimate concern to ask who is picking up the phone. Less than 10% of Americans will participate in a phone poll compared to 30-40% a generation or two ago. This makes it more difficult to conduct polls and obtain a representative sample. That's why the dispersion of quality of polls has increased over the years. Some polling firms put more resources into their polls, making them higher quality.

As for media bias, just ask the other 16 candidates in the Republican primary about how "unfair" the media was to Donald Trump when he was getting 90%+ of the coverage and north of $1,000,000,000,000 in media advertising for free.

There are issues that are really super-important which will be decided in November

Hillary is anti-firearms and have stated that she will appoint judges who are anti 2A.

Hillary is determined to confront Putin over Syria and Ukraine.

Trump is our only hope.

It is really a shame if his campaign is destroyed by highly unreliable sources.

Last edited:
that's why you never hear about him from mainstream media. Right? And people are protesting his rallies and things, oh wait, that's Trump. too funny. yep sure loser there taz, go with him. good for you, backing a sure loser. I'll just laugh at all you third party farts.

That's an amusing comment coming from someone who, himself, is backing a sure loser.
I'm backing the next president. you, sure loser.

I'm afraid I have bad news for you.

USA Today reported that Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Trump 56 percent to 20 percent among those under 35 years old. If others candidates are added to the survey. Clinton would win 50 percent, Trump 18 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson 11 percent and Green Party nominee Jill Stein 4 percent.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!


No wonder the US is economically fucked up - bankrupt - 19 trillion deficit - a socialist neighborhood organizer who loves to distribute soomebody elses's money is considered electable - a billionaire is no good.= go fig.


Do you realize that Trump's policies have been independently analyzed and will add 11 TRILLION to that debt you complain about - taking our national debt from 75% of GDP to a economy crushing 127% of GDP?
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election


Link to the "independent analysts" (wink, wink)

Go for it.

Ok and how exactly would Trump pay for all of his policy ideas then? Be specific.

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