Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda

And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda


I've yet to see a poll on the American election by Pravda.
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda


I've yet to see a poll on the American election by Pravda.

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda


I've yet to see a poll on the American election by Pravda.

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

.'d have to be onsite to hack one of those machines. You'd have to be at the polling station itself.

And there are over 100,000 polling stations in a typical US presidential election. You've literally have to do it over 100,000 times, one at a time, in person.

Its not happening. You're just trying to self sooth by giving yourself excuses for what you already know is happening:

Trump is losing. Badly.
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Alex fucking Jones..... Why don't you try a source that doesn't think Jews are trying to kill you with fluoride.
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda


so Brietbart , Drudge and Fox are off your watching list? But since you are using Alex Jones we already know you are full of shit
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.
New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda


I've yet to see a poll on the American election by Pravda.

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

.'d have to be onsite to hack one of those machines. You'd have to be at the polling station itself.

And there are over 100,000 polling stations in a typical US presidential election. You've literally have to do it over 100,000 times, one at a time, in person.

Its not happening. You're just trying to self sooth by giving yourself excuses for what you already know is happening:

Trump is losing. Badly.

Symantec Security Response director Kevin Haley
said elections can also be hacked by breaking into the machines after the votes are collected.

"The results go from that machine into a piece of electronics that takes it to the central counting place," Haley said. "That data is not encrypted and that's vulnerable for manipulation."


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Criticize based on the merits - I can't trust Pravda

I've yet to see a poll on the American election by Pravda.

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

.'d have to be onsite to hack one of those machines. You'd have to be at the polling station itself.

And there are over 100,000 polling stations in a typical US presidential election. You've literally have to do it over 100,000 times, one at a time, in person.

Its not happening. You're just trying to self sooth by giving yourself excuses for what you already know is happening:

Trump is losing. Badly.

Symantec Security Response director Kevin Haley
said elections can also be hacked by breaking into the machines after the votes are collected.

"The results go from that machine into a piece of electronics that takes it to the central counting place," Haley said. "That data is not encrypted and that's vulnerable for manipulation."


The data is carried BY HAND from 100,000 polling places.

Cont, you're desperately trying to convince yourself that the election is rigged....because you know you aren't going to like the outcome. That's just plain old confirmation bias.

And it will have nothing to do with the outcome of the election.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
It's all about who he's running against.
Hillary is a bought and paid for incompetent unqualified political hack.
Therefore Trump wins my vote.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

This entire thread is bookmarked for future entertainment. :mm:
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.


Trump will protect Trump just as he always has; anything he might do for this country will be secondary. If he can get Putin to agree to government financing of Trump businesses in Russia, he will give him anything he wants.

The only way Trump would defend this country is if his arrogance and lack of experience got us into a war, which is entirely possible if not likely.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

Is Trump the ideal candidate? Fuck no.

But he is a lot better that Killary.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

Killary on the other hand will abolish that right and will start WWIII.

You do the math.

Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.


And where pray tell did you get this idea seeing as he supports the stringent gun laws in his own city?
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.


And where pray tell did you get this idea seeing as he supports the stringent gun laws in his own city?

Yeah, but the assault rifle bans and longer waiting periods that Trump supported was *before* he tried to convince these rubes to vote for him.

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