Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.
Trump adds a guy to run his campaign who is good at getting the angry white guy vote
and Wonderful Donald already has that group locked up....

How does this help the Trump campaign get the votes he needs to win...
The mind of Donald Trump is a mystery. The new guy has about 11 weeks to turn the campaign around. This will be Trump's third strike.

The problem is not Trump's campaign managers. It's good old Donald, who thinks he knows everything. Trump takes advice from no one unless they agree with him and no campaign manager is going to agree with Trump.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.


And where pray tell did you get this idea seeing as he supports the stringent gun laws in his own city?


Their website does NOT support your claims.

recheck your premises.

Unless it was Manafort that adviced Trump to go after the Khan family, or insist that Obama founded ISIS it doesn't matter who Trump brings on.

As the best advice in the world is utterly meaningless if your candidate won't listen to it. And Trump only takes counsel from Trump.

Alas, the source that Trump uses to base his decisions on is a political incompetent.
Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.

Word from inside the Trump campaign was that Manafort warned Trump to cool it and the campaign would handle it. If Trump had kept his mouth shut and Manafort commiserated with the Khans, praised their son, etc. The issue would have been dead in 48 hours. This is typical Trump. He can never resist defending his honor, regardless of the costs.


Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Trump will protect our most basic right , ie, the right to bear arms


will disarm us

will start WWIII in order to defend Israel.



Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

Trump Enrages the War Party

He’s challenging 70 years of US foreign policy – and they hate him for it!

by Justin Raimondo, July 22, 2016
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This election season is so much fun because Donald Trump keeps enraging all the right people – and his timing is perfect. Just as the Republican convention was at its height, with his running mate up there on the podium perorating about the alleged threat of Vladimir Putin, along comes Donald with an interview in the New York Times that has the War Party yelling and screaming bloody murder. The head of NATO; the foreign policy pundits; even some alleged “non-interventionists” – they’re all aghast that Trump is questioning the supposedly sacred tripwires that commit us to going to war if Lower Slobbovia invades Upper Slobbovia.

It started with this article, in which Trump’s views on NATO, the Turkey coup, and other matters were summarized, but it caused such a commotion that the Timespublished the entire interview, and it is really a sight to see – good news for us anti-interventionists, and very bad news for the internationalists, i.e. the entire foreign policy Establishment
Trumps stunning fascist proposals aren't irrelevant. Insisting that he'll put his political opponent in prison if he wins isn't irrelevant.

Insisting that he'll order the US military to murder non-combatant women and children in revenge killings isn't irrelevant.

Calling for 'purity tests' isn't irrelevant.

Calling for the return of torture 'and worse' isn't irrelevant.

Proposing sending US citizens to military tribunals in wild violation of US law isn't irrelevant.

Yet in glassy eyed, slack jawed obsequiousness, you simply nod and grin and swallow whatever hapless horseshit the man pumps down your eager gullet.

Like his insane claim that if he doesn't win a state that he's trailing in by 13 points and no republican has won since 1988 that it must have been cheating.



Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.


Stop bullshiting


It is true that the US is a formidable police state. It is also true that the presidents use drones to kill Americans.

But is not true that presidential candidates opponents are jailed, well not yet.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

The US murdered thousands of women and children in Iraq. The US has murdered thousands of Syrians and has destroyed that country. How many women and children will die when Killary starts WWIII?

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

Does he have the power to overrule Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 US 557 (2006) or the 5th Am due process clause ? No? So why are you worried about military tribunals? Your "concern" surprises me because you are the mother of all fascists, always seeking government supremacy and the abolition of the Constitution (1787).

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

The most basic of all rights is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. Trump has pledged to respect that right and to nominate Justices who will support that right.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

Trump is openly advocating having his opponent imprisoned if he's elected with chants of 'Lock Her Up'.

That's unprecedented in modern politics.

Trump has openly advocated targeted revenge murders of the 'entire families' of terrorists. Which would of course include non-combatant men, women and children.

That's a blatant war crime in addition to being ludicriously fascist.

So you acknowledge Trumps wildly fascist demands....but insist that the Judiciary will save us from him.

I've got a better idea. Lets save ourselves from him....and not elect his fascist ass.

You realize that Trump has openly and repeatedly called for bans on assault rifles almost indistinguishable from Hillary's own position, yes?

You're being played.

See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.


Laughing....why look at that. You're stuck in a spamming loop. Because your 'what could Trump actually do' argument obliterates your entire critique of Clinton.

Show us how Hillary would 'take away all of our guns' Recognizing that any argument you make in defense of your premise would work just as well on Trump and every fascist proposal he has ever made.

You've painted yourself into quite the corner, Cont.
See Post #282.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.


Laughing....why look at that. You're stuck in a spamming loop. Because your 'what could Trump actually do' argument obliterates your entire critique of Clinton.

Show us how Hillary would 'take away all of our guns' Recognizing that any argument you make in defense of your premise would work just as well on Trump and every fascist proposal he has ever made.

You've painted yourself into quite the corner, Cont.

Hillary will nominate "justices" who will claim the Americans have no individual right to bear arms and that Heller was wrongly decided.

The miserable pieces of shits will perpetrate another fraud by claiming that FREEMEN do not have a right to bear arms for a lawful purpose.

Read the Heller dissent , where the stupid fucks claimed that the individual right to bear arms is a "new right"

That's how Killary is going to do it.


Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for targeted revenge murders by the US of non-combatant men, women and children. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated insistence that his opponent will be put in prison if he's elected. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's repeated call to bring back torture 'and worse'. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call to try US citizens in military tribunals. Which is fascist.

Post 282 doesn't address Trump's call for assault weapon bans that are nearly identical to those called for by Clinton.

Try again.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.


Laughing....why look at that. You're stuck in a spamming loop. Because your 'what could Trump actually do' argument obliterates your entire critique of Clinton.

Show us how Hillary would 'take away all of our guns' Recognizing that any argument you make in defense of your premise would work just as well on Trump and every fascist proposal he has ever made.

You've painted yourself into quite the corner, Cont.

Hillary will nominate "justices" who will claim the Americans have no individual right to bear arms and that Heller was wrongly decided.

Then by your own logic, Trump would nominate justices to forward his fascist torture. And murdering children in revenge killings. Or imprisoning political rivals. Or turning over US citizens to military tribunals.

And Trump has proposed, repeatedly, the same bans on assault weapons that Clinton has.

All you're doing telling us why we should never, under any circumstance, vote Trump.
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Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.

So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.


Laughing....why look at that. You're stuck in a spamming loop. Because your 'what could Trump actually do' argument obliterates your entire critique of Clinton.

Show us how Hillary would 'take away all of our guns' Recognizing that any argument you make in defense of your premise would work just as well on Trump and every fascist proposal he has ever made.

You've painted yourself into quite the corner, Cont.

Hillary will nominate "justices" who will claim the Americans have no individual right to bear arms and that Heller was wrongly decided.

Trump would nominate justices to forward his fascist torture. And murdering children in revenge killings. Or imprisoning political rivals. Or turning over US citizens to military tribunals.

And Trump has proposed, repeatedly, the same bans on assault weapons that Clinton has.

All you're doing telling us why we should never, under any circumstance, vote Trump.

I have tried to get you to see the light - i wash my hands


Pontius Pilate…

I am innocent of the blood of .......Americans see ye to it.”
So you've conceded *every* point on how fascist Trump is, arguing that we should ignore his wildly criminal and blatantly fascist policy proposals ranging from torture to murdering children in revenge killings...

.....because he won't actually be able to do them.

Okay. Show us how Hilllary will 'actually be able to take our guns'. Realizing of course that any argument you make would also apply to Trump and every criminal and fascist proposal he has ever made.

Chase that tail, Cont.

Concentrate on what Trump can actually do.

While it is true that the US has become a formidable police state certain things Trump can not do on his own

Let us begin by understanding that BOTH candidates are fascists, ie, government supremacists who use the power of government to control the population.

Obama already conducts targeted revenge murders of non-combatant men, women and children.

Trump may want to place Killary in jail , but is up to the system to prosecute and punish.

Unfortunately, torture is still being done nowadays by the CIA - The CIA takes the victims to location to foreign countries.

I have already addressed the military tribunal issue.

His website does not support the issue of "assault" weapons ban - Pence would NOT go for it.

.So you decision to support Killary has NOTHING to do with the aforementioned issues.


Laughing....why look at that. You're stuck in a spamming loop. Because your 'what could Trump actually do' argument obliterates your entire critique of Clinton.

Show us how Hillary would 'take away all of our guns' Recognizing that any argument you make in defense of your premise would work just as well on Trump and every fascist proposal he has ever made.

You've painted yourself into quite the corner, Cont.

Hillary will nominate "justices" who will claim the Americans have no individual right to bear arms and that Heller was wrongly decided.

Trump would nominate justices to forward his fascist torture. And murdering children in revenge killings. Or imprisoning political rivals. Or turning over US citizens to military tribunals.

And Trump has proposed, repeatedly, the same bans on assault weapons that Clinton has.

All you're doing telling us why we should never, under any circumstance, vote Trump.

I have tried to get you to see the light - i wash my hands


Pontius Pilate…

I am innocent of the blood of .......Americans see ye to it.”

Laughing.....and thus the Trump supporter, stymied by their *own* logic, closes their eyes and stops up their ears. Eager to vote in wildly fascist, criminal policies proposed by the Donald.

No thank you. I'll solve the problem of Trump's fascist proposals for you by making sure he never sits in the Oval electing Clinton. Simple, effective, and at this point, nearly inevitable.
Trump visited Louisiana over floods

Pravda ignored the event - not convenient.

What did Crazy Donald do for the folks there suffering from the flooding?

What has Obama done personally other than many photo ops of him playing golf?
What has Hillary done personally? She's pretty much MIA re any press conferences or personal interviews.
What is the MSM doing to alleviate the problem? You don't see much on the evening news do you unless you happen to live in Louisiana.
None of them have even commented on it to any extent and have shown no interest in the plight of the people there.
Trump at least went to see, to care, and in so doing cast a LOT of media attention on the situation that he found--a situation the mainstream media has not focused on to any major extent. Trump has no power to act yet. Give him the power and I think we might see a lot more presidential interest in a tragedy of that magnitude.
Trump visited Louisiana over floods

Pravda ignored the event - not convenient.

What did Crazy Donald do for the folks there suffering from the flooding?

What has Obama done personally other than many photo ops of him playing golf?
What has Hillary done personally? She's pretty much MIA re any press conferences or personal interviews.
What is the MSM doing to alleviate the problem? You don't see much on the evening news do you unless you happen to live in Louisiana.
None of them have even commented on it to any extent and have shown no interest in the plight of the people there.
Trump at least went to see, to care, and in so doing cast a LOT of media attention on the situation that he found--a situation the mainstream media has not focused on to any major extent. Trump has no power to act yet. Give him the power and I think we might see a lot more presidential interest in a tragedy of that magnitude.
Obama personally authorized federal emergency funds be used to aid Louisiana.

What did Crazy Donald do other than to divert emergency responders to his photo-op.
Democrats like to point out to 2012 when the same argument was made but what were the participation rates for the average conservative voter? I suspect it was way down because no body got excited for Romney. This time, however, it seems the enthusiasm advantage belongs to republicans which could tilt the republican party into the whitehouse.
I think you've been going to too many Trump rallies. The fact is regardless of the number of Republican Trump supporters that show at the polls, it's statistically impossible for Trump to win without picking up more support from anti-Trump Republicans which seem to be growing daily, Democrats, Independent, Blacks, or Hispanics. Republican Support for Trump is 84% which is down from 91% for Romney in Aug 2012. Independents are split.

On the other side, Democrat support for Hillary stands at 94%. The Black vote is somewhere between 95% to 99% depending on the poll. The Hispanic vote for Clinton is just under 75%.

More disturbing for Trump is Clinton has been gaining support in most key demographic groups over the last 2 months.

I don't understand why polls oversample democrats when democrat enthusiasm is down and republican enthusiasm is up. In fact, I don't understand why they oversample democrats at all. Perhaps they just can't find any anymore.
That's because they don't. The major polling services are careful to select participants so they are a true match to the actual population. Typically the error is plus or minus 3%. Skewing polls will destroy the creditably of the polling service and their credibility is damn important to them. They have customers who trust them and pay for their services. Their polling services go well beyond just political polls. The details of ever poll is available to their paid subscribers so any efforts to distort a poll can be easily uncovered.

When polls are taken why do they ask for party affiliation? Should it really matter if a sample is a true random sample taken from the population. There is absolutely no reason to ask know about the sample's party affiliation. You claim they don't take the number of democrats, republicans, or independents into consideration but if that was the case why would they even want to know what that information is in the first place considering they are not going to use it.

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