Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been laughing quite a lot at all of the trump threads of nonsense thank you very much. that you find humor good for you, it just doesn't make me wrong. haahahahahahaahahahah.

I'm still waiting on the debate from all you leftists in here. but you shy away. Like hitlery does from the news.

Here's an article you may find interesting:

Voters From Both Parties Expect Trump To Lose In November
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.
If polls were so inaccurate why do you think both Trump and Clinton spend a ton of money conducting polls? And how do you account for the accuracy of national polls in predicting winners in the presidential races?

I would never vote for Trump but I'm certainly planning on going to his rally in my area if I can get in. Trump is fascinating as a candidate. He has no qualifications for the office, makes incredibly naive proposals, and so much of what he says is just not true. Yet, his personal charisma and tell it the way it is style of speaking sets off the crowds.

Clinton, on the other hand hates the big arena and circus atmosphere so most of her rallies are more town hall style. I've attended one her meeting when she ran against Obama in the primaries. She's was a bit boring often because she spend a lot time talking about her position on the issues which everyone knew quite well.

The bottom line is Trump is a true curiosity and a real performer. He will attract crowds and the media, but that doesn't mean we want to watch the Trump Show for next 4 years.
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.
If polls were so inaccurate why do you think both Trump and Clinton spend a ton of money conducting polls? And how do you account for the accuracy of national polls in predicting winners in the presidential races?

I would never vote for Trump but I'm certainly planning on going to his rally in my area if I can get in. Trump is fascinating as a candidate. He has no qualifications for the office, makes incredibly naive proposals, and so much of what he says is just not true. Yet, his personal charisma and tell it the way it is style of speaking sets off the crowds.

Clinton, on the other hand hates the big arena and circus atmosphere so most of her rallies are more town hall style. I've attended one her meeting when she ran against Obama in the primaries. She's was a bit boring often because she spend a lot time talking about her position on the issues which everyone knew quite well.

The bottom line is Trump is a true curiosity and a real performer. He will attract crowds and the media, but that doesn't mean we want to watch the Trump Show for next 4 years.
and that is unlike who? what proposals are there out there from hitlery? obama, failed miserably to have a platform of reform, and has never put one forward.
Trump's statements show clearly why he is so unqualified for the presidency. Is his only qualifications for the presidency his age and citizenship?

In other words his qualifications are about the same as Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think both suck?
Surely you jest.
I think most of us have seen the pages of qualifications of Hillary covering her education in politician science and law, work on behave of women and children, work as first lady, bills sponsored, Senate committee work, administering foreign policy as Secretary of State, and years political experience. Can you list anything that Trump has actually done that qualifies him for the presidency? Not what he says he will do but he has actually done.
yet she couldn't understand that her email server was illegal to her position. That shows judgement and it shows she doesn't have good judgement. Her Benghazi mess another poor judgement problem. It seems she is full of poor judgements. I could post more, but this is good for now.
Those are accusations based on half truths and assumption by her political opposition.
Again, I ask what qualifies Trump to be president?
the same thing as every other candidate, people voted for him.
So, Trump's qualifications for office are people vote for him. Well that says a lot about Trump supporters.
The polls show the race to be tighter than the media says but the polls are wrong therefore trump wins with a landslide because people like his page and not Hillary's?

Since when did Facebook likes translate to electoral votes? Which states do you think they are polling wrong? Why?
There are lot polls being taken national, state, demographic, and issue polls. Some use scientific samplings and others are just straw polls. However, it you look at the major polls that use statistically valid sampling, Clinton is significantly ahead of Trump.

If you look at the RCP (Real Clear Politics) average of the following polls, you will see Clinton is leading Trump by 6.7 percentage points. This is very significant because it is an average of 6 reputable major polls which eliminates most errors and it's more than twice the margin of error (3%).

LA Times/USC Clinton +4
NBC News/SM Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos Clinton +6
Bloomberg Clinton +6
Economist/YouGov Clinton +7
ABC News/Wash Post Clinton +8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
and it means absolutely nothing. Polls don't hit equally and not everyone, so it's a sample and it's not controlled, can't be so a poll can be swayed by merely one question. so fking what. brag all you want it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Look at the crowds and the crowds say it all. Look at the number of trump threads in here, he's ahead by a fking landslide.
If polls were so inaccurate why do you think both Trump and Clinton spend a ton of money conducting polls? And how do you account for the accuracy of national polls in predicting winners in the presidential races?

I would never vote for Trump but I'm certainly planning on going to his rally in my area if I can get in. Trump is fascinating as a candidate. He has no qualifications for the office, makes incredibly naive proposals, and so much of what he says is just not true. Yet, his personal charisma and tell it the way it is style of speaking sets off the crowds.

Clinton, on the other hand hates the big arena and circus atmosphere so most of her rallies are more town hall style. I've attended one her meeting when she ran against Obama in the primaries. She's was a bit boring often because she spend a lot time talking about her position on the issues which everyone knew quite well.

The bottom line is Trump is a true curiosity and a real performer. He will attract crowds and the media, but that doesn't mean we want to watch the Trump Show for next 4 years.
and that is unlike who? what proposals are there out there from hitlery? obama, failed miserably to have a platform of reform, and has never put one forward.
Hillary position on the issues are the same as they have been throughout the race. She's not a reform candidate. Unlike Trump, she thinks the nation is pretty damn great. There are changes that need to be made but there is certainly no reason to destroy the nation and rebuild it.
Zogby just out showing Trump strong comeback the Cunton at 38% Trump at 36%!!!
Zogby conducts Internet-based polls. These polls are conducted among users who volunteer to participate in them, first by signing up at the Zogby website. These Internet polls, to the extent they rely on voluntary participation, violate the most basic precept of survey research. They are not a random sample. And as you might infer, they obtain absolutely terrible results.
The Worst Pollster in the World Strikes Again
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.
Zogby just out showing Trump strong comeback the Cunton at 38% Trump at 36%!!!
Zogby conducts Internet-based polls. These polls are conducted among users who volunteer to participate in them, first by signing up at the Zogby website. These Internet polls, to the extent they rely on voluntary participation, violate the most basic precept of survey research. They are not a random sample. And as you might infer, they obtain absolutely terrible results.
The Worst Pollster in the World Strikes Again
Another excuse from the anti-American denizens of society...funny how that works when things aren't going their way!

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

Oh just stop it already! I can go back to August 2012 and show you stupid assholes saying the same thing then about Romney. You're a fucking joke! LOL.

More Than 100 Republicans Urge RNC To Drop Donald Trump

Can't you see the writing on the fucking wall?
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.
Poor Donald. The primaries were rigged, the convention was rigged, government is rigged, the polls are rigged, and the election may also be rigged.

Does this man every take responsibility for his mistakes? If it had been Trump in the email scandal, he would have never admitted his mistake like Hillary did. He would swear with his dying breath, that it was all rigged.
And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary

And another boogeyman/scapegoat/excuse is born. Liberals, the MEDIA, 'rigged elections' and now polling are all available to the Trumpeteers to use as an excuse when his joke of a campaign augers into the ground in flames come November.

Ain't it curious how much work the Trumpeteers have put into making excuses, even as early as mid August? Rather than having a disciplined candidate who can stay on message without throwing bombs at his own feet, they are stuck with a huckster buffoon digging his own grave one mouthful at a time.

New Polls Are Rigged for Hillary


Info wars. You're not being educated. Your views are being reinforced and validated.

Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory

Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slanderthat Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!

Oh just stop it already! I can go back to August 2012 and show you stupid assholes saying the same thing then about Romney. You're a fucking joke! LOL.

More Than 100 Republicans Urge RNC To Drop Donald Trump

Can't you see the writing on the fucking wall?

The writing on the wall reads"election fraud"

Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud


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