Trump is losing ground with white voters in swing states,not gaining with minorities


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015

But he is gonna keep pandering to those minorities for a percentage point or more gain! What an idiot. You can't lose your base and just gain 1 or 2 points with nonwhites and expect to win! Jesus christ.....

But he is gonna keep pandering to those minorities for a percentage point or more gain! What an idiot. You can't lose your base and just gain 1 or 2 points with nonwhites and expect to win! Jesus christ.....
8 Craiglist paid shinny dark nigga's showed up at his rally and the look on Trumps face pretty much said it all...."why they gotta be so dark and shinny"....LOLOL

But he is gonna keep pandering to those minorities for a percentage point or more gain! What an idiot. You can't lose your base and just gain 1 or 2 points with nonwhites and expect to win! Jesus christ.....

The Donald should pull his finger out, Creepy Joe is even more easy to beat than Hillary because Creepy Joe already is nearly 80 and has one foot in the grave and obviously has Senile Dementia.

My advice to Donald Trump, stop pandering to groups who are NEVER going to vote Republican and start paying attention to your Base, start giving more things to your Base and throw red meat at your Base to activate them and forget about all these whining Victim Groups that the MSM INSIST you should pander to or else you are a racist, they ALREADY call you a racist, so fuck that crowd.

Points Donald Trump should focus on: IF the Democrats win they will make LEGAL the approx 11 MILLIONS Illegal Aliens, that will mean that crowd can vote in 2024 and with that Republicans will NEVER win ANYTHING EVER again and America will stop being America because that 11 MILLIONS has no CONNECTION to American History and Heritage. Next United States Supreme Court, Democrats have already said they are going to turn that Court from 9 into 11, with this they would have a way to remove The Second Amendment or at LEAST water it down so it becomes meaningless. Next, if Democrats win they will abolish the US Borders and just allow 20 MILLIONS, 30 MILLIONS of Aliens to walk into America and they will be almost immediately made US Citizens.

So Donald Trump should hammer away at - risking 11 MILLIONS Illegal Aliens being made LEGAL = they can vote and USSC being stacked with SJW Leftist Activist's to trash The Second Amendment and Open Borders No Borders.

But he is gonna keep pandering to those minorities for a percentage point or more gain! What an idiot. You can't lose your base and just gain 1 or 2 points with nonwhites and expect to win! Jesus christ.....

The Donald should pull his finger out, Creepy Joe is even more easy to beat than Hillary because Creepy Joe already is nearly 80 and has one foot in the grave and obviously has Senile Dementia.

My advice to Donald Trump, stop pandering to groups who are NEVER going to vote Republican and start paying attention to your Base, start giving more things to your Base and throw red meat at your Base to activate them and forget about all these whining Victim Groups that the MSM INSIST you should pander to or else you are a racist, they ALREADY call you a racist, so fuck that crowd.

Points Donald Trump should focus on: IF the Democrats win they will make LEGAL the approx 11 MILLIONS Illegal Aliens, that will mean that crowd can vote in 2024 and with that Republicans will NEVER win ANYTHING EVER again and America will stop being America because that 11 MILLIONS has no CONNECTION to American History and Heritage. Next United States Supreme Court, Democrats have already said they are going to turn that Court from 9 into 11, with this they would have a way to remove The Second Amendment or at LEAST water it down so it becomes meaningless. Next, if Democrats win they will abolish the US Borders and just allow 20 MILLIONS, 30 MILLIONS of Aliens to walk into America and they will be almost immediately made US Citizens.

So Donald Trump should hammer away at - risking 11 MILLIONS Illegal Aliens being made LEGAL = they can vote and USSC being stacked with SJW Leftist Activist's to trash The Second Amendment and Open Borders No Borders.
We know our nation has gotten so bad that Donald Trump is/was the last chance to anything resembling what is left of a republic. That is who had to run for Repubs. After Reagan....Bush the first, Dole, W. Bush, McCain and Romney were pushed on us. They and Bill Clinton and Obama and Hillary combined with also past legislation created Trump. There are people who vote Prog and frankly Republican who are going to cringe and lament what they gave away to those who seek to rule with firmness and finality at some point. For the record, I believed Ted Cruz was a candidate to be a great President. Would he have won in 2016? It sure looked like it was Hillary that was going to be number 45. Trump has the ability to give it back. Progs were shocked. It is a shame that speaking like Trump is not the normal Repub DNA.

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