. Trump is 'making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office' in series of 'frantic and foul-tempered' rants

This is the sad reality for the crazy Democrat Cultists.
Joe Biden is 'making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office' in series of 'frantic and foul-tempered' rants.

You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.

I think the only reason Clarence Thomas is on the court is because he is black

No Ordinary American Cares About Their Constitutional Rights

I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.

The next person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up their ass.

When you're appealing to people's fears and anxieties, you can make some gains.

Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought.

I worked at an all-black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, I was involved in what the Negroes, I mean, blacks were thinking, what they were feeling.

Every single morning since I've been 27 years old, I've got up and someone's handed me a card like the one I have in my pocket with the schedule on it, of all the things I'm gonna do. I don't know what to do if I didn't have that card.

I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.

It's easy being vice president - you don't have to do anything.

I did not grope the wife of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter or the daughter of Sen. Christopher Coons. I don't put drugs in drinks or give drinks to underage females. And all those photos about me inappropriately touching girls, they are blown-up.

For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.

If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them.

I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid.

He is stupid
Perhaps it's time for an average real American, (one who lives paycheck to paycheck), to be in charge. But most of you will lick the bootstraps of the Uber wealthy although they know zilch.

Well the political class pulled a coup against that President.
Potatohead has given us disaster. Massive inflation, high cost of energy, trillions in debt with nothing to show for it, increased taxes, millions of Illegals, decreased family income and a weakened military. Not to mention foreign policy being the laughing stock of the world.

Worst President ever and that is saying a lot seeing that The Worthless Negro has the runner up slot.

You idiots that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the 2020 election have really fucked this country.
More spoon fed bullshit thanks to your master's in right wing media & Trump who had his ass handed back to him by Biden in a clean election, dummy.
More spoon fed bullshit thanks to your master's in right wing media & Trump who had his ass handed back to him by Biden in a clean election, dummy.

Everything I said sbout his record is a fact. You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats can't stand the facts. Potatohead is a disaster for this country in addition to being an embarrassment and stealing an election. A pedo on top of everything else.

You were fucking idiots supporting this Potatohead clown. Real fucking idiots and now the whole country is paying for it. How could you be so stupid? Even Obama warned you that Joe would fuck things up.
Everything I said sbout his record is a fact. You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats can't stand the facts. Potatohead is a disaster for this country in addition to being an embarrassment and stealing an election. A pedo on top of everything else.

You were fucking idiots supporting this Potatohead clown. Real fucking idiots and now the whole country is paying for it. How could you be so stupid? Even Obama warned you that Joe would fuck things up.
You crazed Trump's asseater's can't fathom that your guy had his ass beat. Guess what? He lost, get over it.
Everything I said sbout his record is a fact. You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats can't stand the facts. Potatohead is a disaster for this country in addition to being an embarrassment and stealing an election. A pedo on top of everything else.

You were fucking idiots supporting this Potatohead clown. Real fucking idiots and now the whole country is paying for it. How could you be so stupid? Even Obama warned you that Joe would fuck things up.

Stupid, Idiots, retards, those are all proper terms for anyone that supported biden.
But it was, of course, unverifiable mail in ballots that allowed biden to be seated.
Should never lose sight of that.
Democrat Cultists dominate Social Media
In the real world we surround them.
Sadly foul mouthed and ill tempered is what many want........well, far too many at least.
Well, he's their big FUCK YOU to a country they feel has victimized them. Their bull in the china shop. Fuck it, break it all down.

The more childish, the louder, the more juvenile, the more pugilistic the better. That's how full of rage the voices they trust have made them.
Stupid, Idiots, retards, those are all proper terms for anyone that supported biden.
But it was, of course, unverifiable mail in ballots that allowed biden to be seated.
Should never lose sight of that.
Democrat Cultists dominate Social Media
In the real world we surround them.
They are greedy little shits that think the US would be a better place if it was a Socialist shithole.

I also think that TDS was a very destructive mental illness that the Moon Bats were (and still are) afflicted with.
They are greedy little shits that think the US would be a better place if it was a Socialist shithole.

I also think that TDS was a very destructive mental illness that the Moon Bats were (and still are) afflicted with.

If standing up to Trump's insanity, lies, corruption, evilness & hate mongring is "TDS", then so be it, fool.

It's far better wearing that label then being under the thumb of a lunatic & his asskissers like you.

Btw, Trump had his ass beat fair & square. Can't handle it? Fuck you, your problem.
if standing up to Trump's insanity, lies, corruption, evilness & hate mongrring is "TDS", then so be it, fool.

It's far better wearing that label then being under the thumb of a lunatic & his asskissers like you.I

Btw,,Trump had his ass beat fair & square. Can't handle it? Fuck you, your problem.

You have TDS. Go see a mental health specialist and always take your medication.

Either that or you are stupid inbred idiot confused Moon Bat that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course you could be both.
You have TDS. Go see a mental health specialist and always take your medication.

Either that or you are stupid inbred idiot confused Moon Bat that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course you could be both.
Pissed off now? Wait till Trump is indicted.

Trump is 'making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office' in series of 'frantic and foul-tempered' rants

“‘Donald Trump gives new meaning to the word 'shameless,’ ’ [columnist Bill] Lueders said. ‘I could go on and on with the catalog of Trump posts, but you get the idea: He is ensconced in his bunker at Mar-a-Lago, spewing nonsense, denying the obvious, and making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office.’”

As his legal situation slowly sinks in, trump is beginning to realize he no longer has the immunity to criminal prosecution afforded by the office of the POTUS. In the decades prior to his stint in the White House, civil lawsuits brought against him for his dishonest shenanigans were his only worries.

Now however, the consequences he faces for his growing list of crimes while POTUS are threatening him with prison time. The lies and denial he relied upon to disguise his corrupt activities during those years, which kept his tens-of-millions of right-wing cultists fooled, have been, and are being investigated by law enforcement officials at both the state and federal levels. All but a few of the conservatives he appointed to the federal bench have decided they cannot, or will not, protect him from criminal charges.

But trump will never spend a second behind bars. As the noose continues to tighten and former allies agree to testify against him as they seek plea deals, trump will skip town and relocate to a non-extradition country. Some of these include Brazil, an Arab nation where he has friends, Russia, perhaps he can move in with his close friend Kim Jong-un in North Korea.

Whether he winds up in federal prison or self-exiles to another country, the American people will finally be rid of him. Sadly, his countless fvck-ups will remain, and be disasters left to others to clean up.

What rants?
No, for being a career criminal.
Prove it without making an ass of yourself.
Do you what an indictment is?
Most murderous thugs in Blue cities are no longer indicted; that shows what a phony psycho you are.
Prove it without making an ass of yourself.
Do you what an indictment is?
Most murderous thugs in Blue cities are no longer indicted; that shows what a phony psycho you are.
wtf are you talking about. What murderers aren't being indicted, you moron.

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