. Trump is 'making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office' in series of 'frantic and foul-tempered' rants

It will get worse. He is just beginning. Once desantis announces, then the mud is going to fly. trump thinks he is entitled to the 2024 nomination. Everyone else needs to pull to the side and let him by. I think he will be indicted before the end of 2023.

I hope he's indicted soon. He did hire a criminal lawyer named Drew Finding.
Yes, like Trump supporters you tried to blame everyone else.
LOL What's with the holier-than-thou attitude? Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? :itsok:

And no, I did not blame everyone else. I explained the facts and Dem votes in Congress. Don't blame me if you don't get it.
LOL What's with the holier-than-thou attitude? Did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? :itsok:

And no, I did not blame everyone else. I explained the facts and Dem votes in Congress. Don't blame me if you don't get it.

I really don't. I really don't understand promising to make the rich pay their fair share but then go after the poor and working class with the $600 1099 limit now.
I really don't. I really don't understand promising to make the rich pay their fair share but then go after the poor and working class with the $600 1099 limit now.
Do you think Biden is a magician? He somehow can materialize votes out of thin air? He works with the votes his party has in Congress.

This reminds me of when Obama was able to push ACA through; he was criticized for not getting more. Instead of understanding that with his party's votes, he was lucky to get at least some of it through.

This attitude of all or nothing stops us from moving forward and creating meaningful reforms. We are like kids. We want everything now. Grow up. Politics, as in life, are usually a compromise.

You aim big but settle for what you can get. Politics is usually three steps forward, two steps back. Pessimists look at the two steps back. I look at the net one step forward and am thankful we are ahead.

:soapbox: Thanks, I will get off my soapbox.
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Do you think Biden is a magician? He somehow can materialize votes out of thin air? He works with the votes his party has in Congress.

This reminds me of when Obama was able to push ACA through; he was criticized for not getting more. Instead of understanding that with his party's votes, he was lucky to get at least some of it through.

This attitude of all or nothing stops us from moving forward and creating meaningful reforms. We are like kids. We want everything now. Grow up. Life is a compromise.

You aim big but settle for what you can get. Life is usually three steps forward, two steps back. Pessimists look at the two steps back. I look at the net one step forward and am thankful we are ahead.

:soapbox: Thanks, I will get off my soapbox.

Settle for what you can get? We got taxes on the poor and middle class.
Settle for what you can get? We got taxes on the poor and middle class.
Where the heck are you getting your facts? Granted, it is not as a big tax on the wealthy corporations as was promised but not sure where you are finding that there will be taxes on the poor and middle class.
It got delayed as it was hastily passed. That doesn't mean that wasn't what was passed.

This wasn't even him not doing what he said. It was doing the opposite.
LOL Asking business to pay taxes is evil? Did you even read the link?

How the fuck do you think we will be able to pay for all the reforms you want?
It would surprise me if the left allows this to happen.

Trump is FAR to valuable to the left right now. He will single handedly ensure a sweeping 2024 victory for them.
He is signaling a third party run if the repubs do not hand him the 2024 nomination.
Yes, like Trump supporters you tried to blame everyone else.
Joe has gotten off pretty good and he lies every day. He has dementia or something akin to it. Yet his sniffing pedophile instincts and his nose has led him to the Virgin Islands and close to Epstein's Island. Joe is like a hound dog. You gotta wonder wha tis going on down there.

Trump is 'making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office' in series of 'frantic and foul-tempered' rants

“‘Donald Trump gives new meaning to the word 'shameless,’ ’ [columnist Bill] Lueders said. ‘I could go on and on with the catalog of Trump posts, but you get the idea: He is ensconced in his bunker at Mar-a-Lago, spewing nonsense, denying the obvious, and making a perpetual display of his unfitness for office.’”

As his legal situation slowly sinks in, trump is beginning to realize he no longer has the immunity to criminal prosecution afforded by the office of the POTUS. In the decades prior to his stint in the White House, civil lawsuits brought against him for his dishonest shenanigans were his only worries.

Now however, the consequences he faces for his growing list of crimes while POTUS are threatening him with prison time. The lies and denial he relied upon to disguise his corrupt activities during those years, which kept his tens-of-millions of right-wing cultists fooled, have been, and are being investigated by law enforcement officials at both the state and federal levels. All but a few of the conservatives he appointed to the federal bench have decided they cannot, or will not, protect him from criminal charges.

But trump will never spend a second behind bars. As the noose continues to tighten and former allies agree to testify against him as they seek plea deals, trump will skip town and relocate to a non-extradition country. Some of these include Brazil, an Arab nation where he has friends, Russia, perhaps he can move in with his close friend Kim Jong-un in North Korea.

Whether he winds up in federal prison or self-exiles to another country, the American people will finally be rid of him. Sadly, his countless fvck-ups will remain, and be disasters left to others to clean up.

TDS strikes again!

Poor bastard

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