Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.

I think and I may be wrong but does Congress declare war in this instance. Do the majority of American people want the borders CLOSED for a period of time? Will the President be solely in charge and declare war on these migrants? Are the women and children being used as human shields? Who exactly are these men? Sounds kinda like a suicide bomber. Do they not understand there is a legal process, or just ignoring it and if they are ignoring is that an invading force? Full of questions about this situation.

The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.
They all look like Democrats to me...
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
You want him to shoot a bunch of unarmed people? Way to go. I think that’s what the Synagogue shooter wanted too.
If these sons a bitches are so ready to CRASH BORDERS and FIGHT, then why don't they FIGHT for a better life in their OWN COUNTRY?
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
They aren't crashing the border. They are coming here to seek work and asylum. It's unAmerican scum like you that make me sick. So much fucking fear and hatred instilled in you by your messiah.
They're not?

Caravan migrants break Guatemala border fence, rush Mexico

See, it's people like you talking your SHIT and LIES that people see right though. You are a traitor to your own country and it's sovereignty and citizens. You make me wanna fucking VOMIT you anti American FILTH. What the fuck are you even doing here?
No, they aren't crashing the border, you fucking moron.

You are the un-American shitbag. You are just too filled with hate and stupidity to realize it.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
You want him to shoot a bunch of unarmed people? Way to go. I think that’s what the Synagogue shooter wanted too.
You want our nations military and border patrol to just stand there be pelted with ROCKS and other debris that can cause serious injury and just STAND THERE, and NOT FIGHT BACK?

What kind of IDIOT are you, really?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
They aren't crashing the border. They are coming here to seek work and asylum. It's unAmerican scum like you that make me sick. So much fucking fear and hatred instilled in you by your messiah.
They're not?

Caravan migrants break Guatemala border fence, rush Mexico

See, it's people like you talking your SHIT and LIES that people see right though. You are a traitor to your own country and it's sovereignty and citizens. You make me wanna fucking VOMIT you anti American FILTH. What the fuck are you even doing here?
No, they aren't crashing the border, you fucking moron.

You are the un-American shitbag. You are just too filled with hate and stupidity to realize it.
I just PROVED they ALREADY crashed through a border, you IGNORANT STEAMING PILE OF LYING HORSE SHIT.

Your HATE for AMERICA and it's LAWS and BORDERS is MIND BOGGLING. Get the fuck otta here you worthless SKANK.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
You want him to shoot a bunch of unarmed people? Way to go. I think that’s what the Synagogue shooter wanted too.
You want our nations military and border patrol to just stand there be pelted with ROCKS and other debris that can cause serious injury and just STAND THERE, and NOT FIGHT BACK?

What kind of IDIOT are you, really?
That is happening? Really? So far most have been turning themselves in to border authorities asking for asylum.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
Freaking "huddled masses". What do they think this is? Some kind of beacon of liberty or some shit? Fuck them.
---------------------------------------------------------- you were also brain washed about that stupid statue and lefty 'emma lazurus' poem eh . Probably brain washed in Public School eh DBlack ????
Wherever. The bottom line is - I'm not down with fascism. Sorry.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
You want him to shoot a bunch of unarmed people? Way to go. I think that’s what the Synagogue shooter wanted too.
You want our nations military and border patrol to just stand there be pelted with ROCKS and other debris that can cause serious injury and just STAND THERE, and NOT FIGHT BACK?

What kind of IDIOT are you, really?
That is happening? Really? So far most have been turning themselves in to border authorities asking for asylum.
Like FUCK they are... you LYING sack of PIG SHIT.

And who exactly do you think is believing this BULL SHIT you're PUKING up?
I think and I may be wrong but does Congress declare war in this instance. Do the majority of American people want the borders CLOSED for a period of time? Will the President be solely in charge and declare war on these migrants? Are the women and children being used as human shields? Who exactly are these men? Sounds kinda like a suicide bomber. Do they not understand there is a legal process, or just ignoring it and if they are ignoring is that an invading force? Full of questions about this situation.
------------------------------------------- this issue can't be a mystery to you . But do some reading in the threads , course its an invasion by third worlders that think that the can enter and then just disperse into the USA and disappear and in the end that might be what they do . See the muslim invaders of 'europe' going back a few years and see what these invaders are doing or trying to do as these 'third worlders' copy what the 'muslims' have done in 'europe' SaBl .
I half expect the illegals, once they are initially repelled to burn tires like Palestinians along with some being armed and live firing at us.
The latter will be a big mistake on their part.

Time to make a stand. The only way our do little Congress will get off their lazy asses and pass effective immigration law.

In 50 years Congress has done almost nothing to protect America. In fact, if anything they've made the USA the easiest place in the world for foreigners to hijack and take over.
How many countries allow you citizenship just because you dump your womb on another countries soil? Check it.

Why on Earth would you think Congress would suddenly have a change of heart?

Even better question...why do you think Congress has always seemed to side with the illegal immigration and against protecting America????
when you can answer that, you'll come to the Great Realization. Caution - You should be sitting when it dawns on you.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.

Different times bud...Caveman used to impregnate their own daughters like it was okay as well. What now?
Trump would like to screw his daughter .
Have times really changed?

Yeah, you liberals don't use disgusting tactics to go after conservatives! Not you, NoNukes! You've become the "Party of Smear"'ll say anything and do anything if you think the end justifies the means!
And you on the right are so clean.

We sure as hell weren't paying Richard Steele to write phony "dossiers" about Hillary Clinton and then using them to spy on her campaign! That would be you guys! We also weren't using sleazy people like Michael Avenatti to smear Clinton. Once again...that would be you guys!
I think and I may be wrong but does Congress declare war in this instance. Do the majority of American people want the borders CLOSED for a period of time? Will the President be solely in charge and declare war on these migrants? Are the women and children being used as human shields? Who exactly are these men? Sounds kinda like a suicide bomber. Do they not understand there is a legal process, or just ignoring it and if they are ignoring is that an invading force? Full of questions about this situation.

You seem very concerned.
How cool would it be if this caravan catalyzed a full blown war between the U.S. and the Brown Shitholes?

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