Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.


The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.
That's right whitewash Nazism like a good little liberal....the more you refer to Trump supporters as Nazis the longer he and we will be in power....glad you don't get it....

The only thing Shitting bull gets is that she hates Trump and her ability to post her idiotic threads.

She is good for a laugh though.
Of course he has to stop them crossing into the US. Merkel failed to stop mass immigration in Europe a couple of years ago and she's had to retire for her lack of judgement. Her party is also crushed at the polls. She is to blame for a massive move to the right at this time because she decided to go all soft on pretty much everything.

Nah. She invited them in. Fool that she is.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.
People in the bible were escaping slavery. These people are merely leaving the mess they created themselves and are now looking for a new place to mess up.
These people are escaping oppression, the same thing.

Let them escape oppression in some other country.

They are passing through loads of country. Let em seek asylum in one of them.

Now why do you think they are making for our border??
They have a right to file a claim for asylum. You are the ones who need to leave this country. White supremacists should be arrested and shot.

If that were the case, why doesn't CHINA just send 400 million people over here to claim political Asylum....then China OWNS the USA....see how silly you're being?
That's why there are limits and prevent ABUSE.
These people are escaping oppression, the same thing.

So they should stay HOME and FIGHT to improve THEIR OWN country.
Who legally designated the USA taxpayer as the keeper of all the world's people?

There are only so many mouths a farm can feed, and only so many buckets of water a well can produce. Resources are NOT limitless.

And The USA has already done more for the world's people than ALL other nations combined MANY times over.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role.
Don't be so sure pal.
All it's going to take is an EO and Mad Dog will let the hounds loose on the invaders.
It's all sort of moot anyway.
By the time the invaders get to the US border the REPs will have kept the House and Senate and when the water cannons are turned on the invaders the DEMs only recourse will be to go on the LIB MSM and scream their heads off.
So fucking what?
They have a right to file a claim for asylum. You are the ones who need to leave this country. White supremacists should be arrested and shot.

If that were the case, why doesn't CHINA just send 400 million people over here to claim political Asylum....then China OWNS the USA....see how silly you're being?
That's why there are limits and prevent ABUSE.
China doesn't need to do that. China is using birth tourism to build an army composed of American citizens.

The invaders coming here believe that the left in this country will support them and start shooting those Americans who object. Judging from the previous post, their beliefs are not unfounded.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
I doubt the military is going to use water cannons and rubber bullets, so let's cut those women and children down with real bullets, right?
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
80% are males between 15/25.
Who in their right mind believes these assholes are going to waste their time trying to help the women and children get across the border.
The RC church is condemning these males for assaulting and raping the females in the caravan.
If you are an eight year old girl in the caravan your chance of keeping your virginity is NIL!
THINK ABOUT THAT! all you white LIB 'educated' soccer moms!
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man
I never give charity to an asshole who demands it and threatens me.

Fuck this horde of illegal commie shits. It's an invading army that should be attacked immediately with deadly force.
An invading army? Are you getting that from Faux? LOL.

They are a ragtag group of people fleeing violence in their own countries and trying to find work to provide for their families.

You truly are a worthless unAmerican piece of dogshit.
The males in the caravan are wearing $200 Nikes. They are all using cell phones.
Someone AKA Soros is feeding them. Where are the thousands of meals coming from??????
Millions of Americans aren't dressed in such nice clothes.
Who is buying the thousands of bottled waters the caravan is drinking.
Who is getting paid to clean up the shit and garbage the caravan is leaving behind?
Someone stinks to high heaven!
His name is Soros.
It's 80% young men... spew your bull shit somewhere else.
So you have no problem using real bullets then, right? You can just chalk up the other 20% (women and children) as collateral damage, right?
So you think a massive invasion of mostly young men have a right to crash our border and illegally enter our nation, right?

What do we have a border for? When does a nation have a right to protect it's border?

According to you, never.
They aren't crashing the border. They are coming here to seek work and asylum. It's unAmerican scum like you that make me sick. So much fucking fear and hatred instilled in you by your messiah.
They're not?

Caravan migrants break Guatemala border fence, rush Mexico

See, it's people like you talking your SHIT and LIES that people see right though. You are a traitor to your own country and it's sovereignty and citizens. You make me wanna fucking VOMIT you anti American FILTH. What the fuck are you even doing here?
No, they aren't crashing the border, you fucking moron.

You are the un-American shitbag. You are just too filled with hate and stupidity to realize it.
How many invaders is your mom going to let move into your basement suite with you?
If you had a real job the invaders will take it from you by working for half of the minimum wage you get cleaning up the AW parking lot twice a week.
You are cutting your own throat pal.
Lucky for you your mommy still has a few bucks to sneak to you when daddy isn't looking.
It's already mishandled, playing on people's fear of people that we don't know that come from strange places & speak a different language that are poor & hungry. that's pretty dam scary.
They can pawn their $200 a pair Nikes for a bus ticket back to where they came from.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.

Remember when he announced he was running? He said he would build a wall, he said he will deport illegals. Little way in to the job he tried immegration shit with the DACA illegals. He opened that deal with Amnesty. Notice he has not uttered “amnesty” since? Hopefully he got a hint. I’m thinking he did. I figure he closes the border when they arrive and let’s them sit in Mexico stewing in their own piss and shit until Mexico reports them. Mexicans hate Guatamalins.
They do indeed!
Mexicans hate ANYONE south of their border.
It's like how much negroes living in Africa hate negroes living in America.
How cool would it be if this caravan catalyzed a full blown war between the U.S. and the Brown Shitholes?

As long as you go man the front line, cupcake.

Unlike you lowlife bastards, I pay income taxes, I pay people to do that for me, I have a military. What now?

You're a pussy-boy that talks a big game. What now?

Right...says some wacked out Loon in Cycberworld.
Haha...I don’t know why you follow me around sucking my ass...I make a fool out of you every time you engage me. Why subject yourself to the embarrassment? You’re in over your head with me along now, BEAT IT!

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