Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.

It's already mishandled, playing on people's fear of people that we don't know that come from strange places & speak a different language that are poor & hungry. that's pretty dam scary.
It's already mishandled, playing on people's fear of people that we don't know that come from strange places & speak a different language that are poor & hungry. that's pretty dam scary.

Molly Tibbetts would advise us to be “scared”
Am not saying if this is good or bad, One of the reasons we give money to other country's that are having problems with keeping their people feed & housed is so they can stay in there own country & not have to come beg from ours, did you know we cut the money for Honduras in half?
Am not saying if this is good or bad, One of the reasons we give money to other country's that are having problems with keeping their people feed & housed is so they can stay in there own country & not have to come beg from ours, did you know we cut the money for Honduras in half?

We should send them cases of rubbers and teach their teens abstinence. Shit, animals in the wild know to stop making babies when resources are scarce.
Sounds the kind of humans the US needs....we don’t have enough total pieces of shits here now you know.
You know one of the problems you have with them is having baby's you do know there Christians & don't believe in birth control or abortions.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.

You just make shit up, dude.

If you dont think we can use our military to protect our own border from a hoard of thousands of foreign invaders, you're sadly mistaken and a moron to boot.

You need to read the law, moron:

Whoever, except the Congress or the President of the United States, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus of otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned or both

That means the POTUS can authorize the use of the military in law enforcement.
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The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.
Roping the Klan and Nazis in with your political opponent?

This is the kind of rhetoric that is over the top and causing anger/violence.

It is the truth. Trump refused to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville. Lied in saying he did not know who David Duke is and refused to condemn him. This is not rhetoric. This is reality. In addition, a number of Republicans running for Congress are playing the race card.
Anyone that is a citizen of this country that wants these undocumented people to be allowed to bully their way into America should leave this country for good...because you are bad Americans and we don't want you included....

They have a right to file a claim for asylum. You are the ones who need to leave this country. White supremacists should be arrested and shot.
The reason these people are coming to the US is because of the drug cartels. These cartels get their power from the drugs they sell in the US and other advanced countries.
Anyone that is a citizen of this country that wants these undocumented people to be allowed to bully their way into America should leave this country for good...because you are bad Americans and we don't want you included....

They have a right to file a claim for asylum. You are the ones who need to leave this country. White supremacists should be arrested and shot.

You need to learn how to file for asylum. It ain't what they plan on doing.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.

Remember when he announced he was running? He said he would build a wall, he said he will deport illegals. Little way in to the job he tried immegration shit with the DACA illegals. He opened that deal with Amnesty. Notice he has not uttered “amnesty” since? Hopefully he got a hint. I’m thinking he did. I figure he closes the border when they arrive and let’s them sit in Mexico stewing in their own piss and shit until Mexico reports them. Mexicans hate Guatamalins.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.
People in the bible were escaping slavery. These people are merely leaving the mess they created themselves and are now looking for a new place to mess up.
These people are escaping oppression, the same thing.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.

Different times bud...Caveman used to impregnate their own daughters like it was okay as well. What now?
Trump would like to screw his daughter .
Have times really changed?

Yeah, you liberals don't use disgusting tactics to go after conservatives! Not you, NoNukes! You've become the "Party of Smear"'ll say anything and do anything if you think the end justifies the means!
And you on the right are so clean.

We sure as hell weren't paying Richard Steele to write phony "dossiers" about Hillary Clinton and then using them to spy on her campaign! That would be you guys! We also weren't using sleazy people like Michael Avenatti to smear Clinton. Once again...that would be you guys!
s, you guys are squeaky clean. Your President simply lies, makes things up and you guys just suck it up.
I don't think the bulk of the caravan will make it to the border before the mid-terms.

Tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets hopefully will do the trick when most arrive.
The important thing is that they keep coming and get in the news.
Of course he has to stop them crossing into the US. Merkel failed to stop mass immigration in Europe a couple of years ago and she's had to retire for her lack of judgement. Her party is also crushed at the polls. She is to blame for a massive move to the right at this time because she decided to go all soft on pretty much everything.

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