Trump is playing with fire...He better not mishandle this “caravan” issue.

Breaking news four more caravans on the march...Mexico tries to stop one caravan in Mexico and a migrant was killed...the caravan members are turning predicted....
It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement
Wrong sailor boy....look it up....Posse Comitatus only refers to military police action against American citizens....the Caravan hoard are not citizens of the US and never will be....
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else sailor boy.... what happens the first time one of these invaders injures a US soldier by throwing rocks or bottles.

Rocks and bottles are a gimmee. It's armed illegals with guns that are a worry
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.

When does the "caravan" become a mob that is forcing it's way into the country? We have the right to defend our borders and use the military to do so. If they show up at the border...I say we arrest them...bus them to the nearest international airport...put them on planes and fly them back to Honduras...THEN SEND GEORGE SOROS THE BILL!!!
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else sailor boy.... what happens the first time one of these invaders injures a US soldier by throwing rocks or bottles.

Rocks and bottles are a gimmee. It's armed illegals with guns that are a worry

I wouldnt imagine they have to many guns among them.
But God help em if they do and they open fire.
Anyone that is a citizen of this country that wants these undocumented people to be allowed to bully their way into America should leave this country for good...because you are bad Americans and we don't want you included....

The Trump caravan is the only threat to America.
That's right whitewash Nazism like a good little liberal....the more you refer to Trump supporters as Nazis the longer he and we will be in power....glad you don't get it....
Sounds you are admitting that he attracts them and there are lots of them.
The military isn't going to be able to stop immigrants. All they will be able to do is be in a support role
Not true...if Obama were still president yes but not with Trump in charge...the Border patrol said the military will be able to guard points of access so they can stop the caravan before they reach our more catch and release by order of the you will have to get votes some place else....

It's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act to use the military as law enforcement. There are very few exceptions, and they are 1) the government can deploy them at the request of the state's governor or legislature, 2) in the case of recovering nuclear weapons and material, and 3) in the case of recovering chemical and biological weapons.

Other than that? All they can do is serve in a support role. According to some news articles, they are going to be building detention centers and won't be coming into contact with the immigrants.

NEGATIVE there War Hero.....try again.
You’re grossly misunderstanding how shit works...once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act DOES NOT APPLY.
The cartels and sympathetic Mexican citizens will arm some of them.

The Mexican Red Cross will be busy if that happens.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.

Different times bud...Caveman used to impregnate their own daughters like it was okay as well. What now?
Trump would like to screw his daughter .
Have times really changed?

Yeah, you liberals don't use disgusting tactics to go after conservatives! Not you, NoNukes! You've become the "Party of Smear"'ll say anything and do anything if you think the end justifies the means!
And you on the right are so clean.
Breaking news four more caravans on the march...Mexico tries to stop one caravan in Mexico and a migrant was killed...the caravan members are turning predicted....
Where are you getting that news from?
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
U pleading to you **** master, cute!!!
Also expect internal violent protests in some cities by the 'open borders' left.
If recent history is a reliable indicator, some police forces will stand down depending on the city.
Some Americans will be left to their own devices to protect themselves and their own.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man
I never give charity to an asshole who demands it and threatens me.

Fuck this horde of illegal commie shits. It's an invading army that should be attacked immediately with deadly force.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
Nothing on earth could be better for our cause than viral videos of that caravan smashing their way into the US. Its going to piss off EVERYONE, except for a few hardcore left wing zealots, but they wont have a voice anymore. This is how our wall gets built.
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
Nothing on earth could be better for our cause than viral videos of that caravan smashing their way into the US. Its going to piss off EVERYONE, except for a few hardcore left wing zealots, but they wont have a voice anymore. This is how our wall gets built.
Derek Utley
If he pusses out and doesn’t deal with this aggressively enough I can see staunch Trump supporters getting real pissed off and maybe staying home in early November.
Hammer down Mr Trump....stop this bullshit by any means the right thing for the right people.
There were similar caravans in the Bible. Have a little empathy and love for your fellow man.
People in the bible were escaping slavery. These people are merely leaving the mess they created themselves and are now looking for a new place to mess up.

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