Trump is running out of "excuses"....

So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!

Get a better education and you too would see the why the House is holding up any vote on impeachment articles.

Meanwhile, DO keep your head right up Trump's ass...its safer for low IQ folks like yourself in avoiding reality.
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!

Get a better education and you too would see the why the House is holding up any vote on impeachment articles.

Meanwhile, DO keep your head right up Trump's ass...its safer for low IQ folks like yourself in avoiding reality.

From Dana,,,
It's insane,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

trump has no business being in the White House. The man never had and never will have the skills for the job. Which is one of the reasons why putin picked him for the presidency and worked so hard to get him elected.

trump's only motivation in life is himself, money and the power of revenge against those who he believes have harmed him.

He has the mental level and capacity of a 10 year old.

I will always believe the reason why he allowed Turkey to do what they have done with the Kurds in Syria is trump's hotel towers in Turkey. I believe that the president of Turkey threatened trump with his hotel towers in some way. trump just rolled over. Allowing people who are or were our allies to be slaughtered. There are no excuses for what he has allowed to happen in Syria. Sure we want our troops out of the area but not at the expense of our allies to be slaughtered and thousands more becoming refugees. There's no excuse to allow all those isis fighters who were being guarded by the Kurds to be free again to commit more acts of terrorism around the world. And they will come here to kill Americans.

When I read that letter trump sent to the president of Turkey at first I thought it was not real. I thought that some person was doing satire or a joke or something like that. Then I read that it was real and I was just embarrassed and ashamed that we have such a person as our president.

trump is nothing but a huge shame and embarrassment to all real Americans who actually care about our whole nation. Not just those who agree with our views.

trump conspired with Russia to win in 2016. He is trying to conspire with the leaders of Ukraine to win in 2020. While doing nearly nothing to prevent russia from influencing our 2020 election.

I have never seen a president so tangled up with russians and communists. While he and his supporters call anyone who doesn't agree with their views a communist. it's insane.

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So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!

Get a better education and you too would see the why the House is holding up any vote on impeachment articles.

Meanwhile, DO keep your head right up Trump's ass...its safer for low IQ folks like yourself in avoiding reality.
And while up trumps ass look for Giuliani and Mulvaney trying to drive out
Trump is running out of "excuses"....
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!
They're still gathering evidence ,questioning former trump people Looking for INDISPUTABLE evidence Evidence that would even satisfy your cowardly Senate

Hey Shithead, they have been "gathering evidence" since 19 minutes after he took office. If you are "gathering" evidence, that means you don't HAVE evidence, meaning no grounds, basis or proof to support all the 10,000 bullshit claims you've made for THREE YEARS.

The nation has heard you cry wolf 10X too often. All that's going to happen now is that little by little, even the diehard Trump haters are going to be forced to admit you've GOT NO HAND.


America is not a country where the cop down the street who doesn't like you can arrest you, accuse you, then ransack your house hoping to turn up something to actually charge you on.
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!
Get a better education and you too would see the why the House is holding up any vote on impeachment articles.
Meanwhile, DO keep your head right up Trump's ass...its safer for low IQ folks like yourself in avoiding reality.

Sorry, I could drop 8 years of education and 40 IQ points and still have an edge over you. Truly smart people argue based on facts and evidence. It is only the truly challenged tards like you who feel they must begin and end every post with how stupid or uneducated the other person is. :1peleas:
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Trump is running out of "excuses"....
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!
They're still gathering evidence ,questioning former trump people Looking for INDISPUTABLE evidence Evidence that would even satisfy your cowardly Senate

Hey Shithead, they have been "gathering evidence" since 19 minutes after he took office. If you are "gathering" evidence, that means you don't HAVE evidence, meaning no grounds, basis or proof to support all the 10,000 bullshit claims you've made for THREE YEARS.

The nation has heard you cry wolf 10X too often. All that's going to happen now is that little by little, even the diehard Trump haters are going to be forced to admit you've GOT NO HAND.


America is not a country where the cop down the street who doesn't like you can arrest you, accuse you, then ransack your house hoping to turn up something to actually charge you on.
Denying people the right to honor subpoenas ,,Emoluments ,,quid pro quo Not dems fault the pos is protected by McConnell and repub senate
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!

Get a better education and you too would see the why the House is holding up any vote on impeachment articles.

Meanwhile, DO keep your head right up Trump's ass...its safer for low IQ folks like yourself in avoiding reality.

That's rich, you no education at all and here you are projecting it on others.
You don't. You have your Stalinist party - that leaves NO room for honor or integrity.

You know, I don;t like to wrestle with pigs like you for too long, BUT, when you call others "Stalinists" you should first ask gown ups WHO is in love with ex-KGB Putin........and who Putin hates.

Trump just gave a chunk of the ME to his lover, Putin, to Vlad as a birthday present.
Erdogvan going to visit Putin Going to laugh their asses off over what a dummy America has at it's head

You think that Trump was in charge of Syria?

Say, didn't Potentate Obamugabe swear there were NO combat troops in Syria? Are you saying he was lying?
You support the people who are destroying our Constitution. They are turning this country into a police state where the government monitors people who criticize the government and Dim politicians.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Your diaper rash has you in a bad mood, middle-finger-baby...

You'll soon find out WHO is fucking up with our Constitution and that rash will spread....LOL...
I already know. The Stalinist thugs you admire are the ones who are fucking with the Constitution.
How can you say that when the guy you support is nothing but a russian putin kiss ass?
That's exactly what a lying douchebag Stalinist thug would say.
In fact, the more we discover about Donald Trump’s financial interests, the more it appears he is profiting from the presidency.

Donald Trump Reports He's Getting Richer as President
He made money off of his real-estate? That's exactly what he did before he became President, shit for brains. He's making less now than he did before the election. Your article doesn't say whether he's making more since he was elected or less. Of course, that's because he's making less.
airplane Did you get this far??
Trump is trying to distract from his own financial conflicts
By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama’s post-presidency book deal, Donald Trump is trying to distract from his own conflicts of interest when it comes to his business dealings.

While Obama signed a lucrative book deal after leaving office, Trump is profiting from the presidency each and every day.

As was previously reported, Saudi Arabian lobbyists pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Trump’s D.C. hotel in 2017 alone. In 2016, within a month of Trump’s election victory, the Saudis paid for a whopping 500 nights at his D.C. hotel, according to The Washington Post.

The Post also noted last year that revenue at Trump’s hotel in New York went up for the first time in two years last spring thanks to a boost from the Saudis.

Trump likes to complain, as he did again on Tuesday, that the presidency has cost him a fortune, but there is no evidence to support that claim.

In fact, the more we discover about Donald Trump’s financial interests, the more it appears he is profiting from the presidency.
You haven't proved that Trump is making money from being President. Two properties are only a small fraction of his business.
Well please show me all 8 years of Obama's returns.

Apologize and thank Dana for showing you Obama's tax returns.........That is, if you have any testicles left after all that orange kool-aid binges.

No reason to apologize, my question still stands. How does one become worth 100 million on a presidents salary? Where did all his money come from? Ya'll bitch about Trump "enriching himself" and EMOLUMENTS EMOLUMENTS but NOBODY fucking asked where the Oreo made all HIS money while president.

Trump has a property and wants to rent it out as president. Liberals scream EMOLUMENTS even though 2/3 don't even know what the fuck it means.

Obama writes a book, sells it as president. Makes 100 million. Liberals scream ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Fuck off you fucking liberal idiots. You can take you faux outrage and shove it up your collectively dumb liberal asses.
Here airplane
Trump Says Obama Is Violating Emoluments Clause Even ... › 2019/08/13 › trump-obama-emolument-cla...

Aug 13, 2019 - By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama's post-presidency book deal, ... The emoluments clause applies to federal officeholders, not private ...
Obama Ethics Official: Trump Violated the Emoluments Clause › obama-ethics-official-trump-violated-the-...

“This is a violation of the Emoluments Clause. ... Trump has been under fire for notdivesting from his businesses, which include licensing his name out to ...
It's behind a paywall, asshole.
You support the people who are destroying our Constitution. They are turning this country into a police state where the government monitors people who criticize the government and Dim politicians.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Your diaper rash has you in a bad mood, middle-finger-baby...

You'll soon find out WHO is fucking up with our Constitution and that rash will spread....LOL...
I already know. The Stalinist thugs you admire are the ones who are fucking with the Constitution.
How can you say that when the guy you support is nothing but a russian putin kiss ass?

Yo, fucking liar...


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232



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Using political powers for personal gain not the countries IMPEACH the POS ,,,,Come on Republicans Do something constructive for your country Help take him down
So then, getting a trade deal passed is a violation of the campaign finance laws because Trump would benefit?
airplane Did you get this far??
Trump is trying to distract from his own financial conflicts
By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama’s post-presidency book deal, Donald Trump is trying to distract from his own conflicts of interest when it comes to his business dealings.

While Obama signed a lucrative book deal after leaving office, Trump is profiting from the presidency each and every day.

As was previously reported, Saudi Arabian lobbyists pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Trump’s D.C. hotel in 2017 alone. In 2016, within a month of Trump’s election victory, the Saudis paid for a whopping 500 nights at his D.C. hotel, according to The Washington Post.

The Post also noted last year that revenue at Trump’s hotel in New York went up for the first time in two years last spring thanks to a boost from the Saudis.

Trump likes to complain, as he did again on Tuesday, that the presidency has cost him a fortune, but there is no evidence to support that claim.

In fact, the more we discover about Donald Trump’s financial interests, the more it appears he is profiting from the presidency.

Then that doesn't explain how he got $100 million while he was IN office?

Now, you're a fucking retard and a shameless liar - Trump was a Billionaire BEFORE taking office, he KNOWS how to make money and doesn't need to sell the presidency the way Obama and Clinton did.

Oh, and about that $900,000 that Burisma paid Quid Pro Joe Biden WHILE HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT, isn't that just a WEE bit illegal? I mean, he DID get the investigation into them stopped, but still it sure looks like outright bribery...

Well, because it is....
Well please show me all 8 years of Obama's returns.

Apologize and thank Dana for showing you Obama's tax returns.........That is, if you have any testicles left after all that orange kool-aid binges.

No reason to apologize, my question still stands. How does one become worth 100 million on a presidents salary? Where did all his money come from? Ya'll bitch about Trump "enriching himself" and EMOLUMENTS EMOLUMENTS but NOBODY fucking asked where the Oreo made all HIS money while president.

Trump has a property and wants to rent it out as president. Liberals scream EMOLUMENTS even though 2/3 don't even know what the fuck it means.

Obama writes a book, sells it as president. Makes 100 million. Liberals scream ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Fuck off you fucking liberal idiots. You can take you faux outrage and shove it up your collectively dumb liberal asses.
Here airplane
Trump Says Obama Is Violating Emoluments Clause Even ... › 2019/08/13 › trump-obama-emolument-cla...

Aug 13, 2019 - By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama's post-presidency book deal, ... The emoluments clause applies to federal officeholders, not private ...
Obama Ethics Official: Trump Violated the Emoluments Clause › obama-ethics-official-trump-violated-the-...

“This is a violation of the Emoluments Clause. ... Trump has been under fire for notdivesting from his businesses, which include licensing his name out to ...

Obama was worth 30 million in 2015, while still president. He made millions off of a book deal WHILE PRESIDENT.

Try to keep up.
Trump is running out of "excuses"....
So it is Trump excuses keeping the House from Impeaching him! I was wondering what the hold up was!
They're still gathering evidence ,questioning former trump people Looking for INDISPUTABLE evidence Evidence that would even satisfy your cowardly Senate

Like the "whistle blower?" Oh wait, that was a complete fabrication...

"we're impeaching the president because Adam Schiff lied about a whistle blower that never existed and floated forged documents that were refuted by the actual transcripts; but we're still impeaching - well, not really, no vote, but we are using taxpayer money to run a smear campaign to try and alter the election."

Corruption, when democrats do it it's really good...
Well please show me all 8 years of Obama's returns.

Apologize and thank Dana for showing you Obama's tax returns.........That is, if you have any testicles left after all that orange kool-aid binges.

No reason to apologize, my question still stands. How does one become worth 100 million on a presidents salary? Where did all his money come from? Ya'll bitch about Trump "enriching himself" and EMOLUMENTS EMOLUMENTS but NOBODY fucking asked where the Oreo made all HIS money while president.

Trump has a property and wants to rent it out as president. Liberals scream EMOLUMENTS even though 2/3 don't even know what the fuck it means.

Obama writes a book, sells it as president. Makes 100 million. Liberals scream ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Fuck off you fucking liberal idiots. You can take you faux outrage and shove it up your collectively dumb liberal asses.
Here airplane
Trump Says Obama Is Violating Emoluments Clause Even ... › 2019/08/13 › trump-obama-emolument-cla...

Aug 13, 2019 - By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama's post-presidency book deal, ... The emoluments clause applies to federal officeholders, not private ...
Obama Ethics Official: Trump Violated the Emoluments Clause › obama-ethics-official-trump-violated-the-...

“This is a violation of the Emoluments Clause. ... Trump has been under fire for notdivesting from his businesses, which include licensing his name out to ...

Obama was worth 30 million in 2015, while still president. He made millions off of a book deal WHILE PRESIDENT.

Try to keep up.

A book NO ONE has ever read or bought....

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