Trump is the candidate of the white man who------

It takes a real freaking loser to claim that he can never reach the upper echelons of society in the greatest Country on earth if he is other than white. I guess years of democrat propaganda has convinced "minorities" to stay on the plantation and wait for a handout. How pathetic.
Really is that what his slogan is? "Make Whitey Great again?" Where do you get that? Unemployment affects all races, trade imbalance affects all Americans. Illegal immigration affects all Americans. Your weak attempt to paint Trump as a Racist fails.
Yes, unemployment affects all Americans. But Trump's rhetoric and solutions are toward white man. Have you heard Trump's comments about racial minorities and women.
Trump and many American Businesses depend on illegal immigrant workers. As the illegals have not been available American citizens have not filled the jobs.
Trump and many American businesses need to access cheaper foreign labor to be competitive in a global economy.
You need to change the global economy to affect the issues above.

No, you don't, dumb and the fuck can there be free trade if American workers have to compete with slave labor? We had legislation in place to protect that until that POS Woodrow Wilson was put in office by the same theiving bastards that were behind the central bank i.e The Federal Reserve. Tariffs for many raw goods were totally eliminated and other goods went from a 40 percent tariff to 25 percent. Now "da gubermint collects a little over 1 percent of it's revenue from tariffs. While USA.INC allows the corporations that they are majortiy stockholders in to export jobs and then bring in those cheap goods for those that actually have a little walking around money. Yopu can't change didly squat in this country until you get to the root cause of it and you don't have the slightest clue.....nada, zilch.
The biggest consuming markets of the future will be China and India. Global trade will allow us to take advantage of it.
The America consumer buys the products of similar quality that is priced the lowest. We can force manufacturing back to the USA but will our own citizens buy it if foreign product is cheaper. The solution is to put a tariff on the foreign product. Then that country will put more tariffs on USA products. Then we have a trade war.
We need to find a way to attract manufacturing to the USA, not force it.
The future of the USA is not in manufacturing.

We have everything we need in our own country...we don't need goods from other nations. What neccessities do other nations have that America doesn't? Dismantle the military industrial complex and that will save hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Let's have a hard core audit of the CAFR that every state, county, city and town has because after all, they are incorporated thus under the UCC Audit the Fed and then dismantle it as well....I'm betting that there is quite a bit of money being hidden not only here but in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, etc,etc. Then we could release the 6,000 plus patents that have been suppressed under the guise of "National (snicker) "Security" that would totally take us off a power grid and that technology has been around since the 1920's. When the crash happens (and it is a ceratinty that it will) they will do to the United States what they did to the Chinese people.......your faith in this corporate "gubermint" totally astounds really are a political infant and your childlike faith is kinda scary..
The poster contradicts himself
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.[/QUOTH

Here we are after 8 years of Obama and the left is still whining and asking themselves what the hell happened. What did they get from the liberalism of a half Black man who's father was an alcoholic bigamist anti-American African nationalist and his mother was a white hippie? Cash for clunkers and a health plan that is guaranteed to put you in the poor house? Can you earn greatness by voting for a socialist or a psychotic abused wife of a former (white) president? Trump probably hired and gave a living wage more minorities in his career than all the scams pulled by Barry Hussein in his taxpayer funded career.
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.

You realize that all you've done with that post is reveal your own prejudices, right?
No I do not realize I revealed my own prejudices. What are they.
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.

You realize that all you've done with that post is reveal your own prejudices, right?
No I do not realize I revealed my own prejudices. What are they.
you mean you don't know that you're a racist and a sexist?

It's clear to all of us
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.


As in the years following the civil when poor whites returned home to find their economy ruined because it was based on the vile sin of slavery, they become fearful and resentful, hating the black man.

The same thing is happening to blue collar whites all over the county. I'm not saying moving factories and jobs to mexico and china is right, but that's why your NASCAR t-shirt is so cheap, it wasn't made here.

You like Walmart?

Well, that's the price you pay for cheap goods -- American tax payers must subsidize Walmart store employees while the Waltons get rich off marking up goods made by laborers paid a few dollars a day.

Really is that what his slogan is? "Make Whitey Great again?" Where do you get that? Unemployment affects all races, trade imbalance affects all Americans. Illegal immigration affects all Americans. Your weak attempt to paint Trump as a Racist fails.
Really? Didn't miss a day in the downturn in 2008-9. Millwrights and electricians need never be out of work if they are good at their craft. And willing to move and change industries. And while Trump himself may not be a racist, he is using race baiting to attract people like you.
The last thing that attracts people like me to Trump is race baiting. That is how Liberals are trying to come to grips with a movement they don't understand. "Trump's gittin all dem Racists!" I thought you Liberals were supposed to be smart. That's a very simple minded explanation that completely misses the mark.
Really is that what his slogan is? "Make Whitey Great again?" Where do you get that? Unemployment affects all races, trade imbalance affects all Americans. Illegal immigration affects all Americans. Your weak attempt to paint Trump as a Racist fails.
Really? Didn't miss a day in the downturn in 2008-9. Millwrights and electricians need never be out of work if they are good at their craft. And willing to move and change industries. And while Trump himself may not be a racist, he is using race baiting to attract people like you.
The last thing that attracts people like me to Trump is race baiting. That is how Liberals are trying to come to grips with a movement they don't understand. "Trump's gittin all dem Racists!" I thought you Liberals were supposed to be smart. That's a very simple minded explanation that completely misses the mark.

Yeah, liberals and leftards are confused as to why ANYONE would refuse to vote "leftard" and for someone like Hitlery Clinton and all her globalist connections and she just recently said she wants to ban semi-automatic weapons like Bill "drop trou" did....but you can bet that she will make sure that the ban is permanent. She can "ban" in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.
I reckon a lot of men in general and white women are going to vote for Trump i a landslide. White women have woken up finally.
Following the polls and primary results, lots of people of all stripes are voting for Trump (and for Sanders), why is that?
Really is that what his slogan is? "Make Whitey Great again?" Where do you get that? Unemployment affects all races, trade imbalance affects all Americans. Illegal immigration affects all Americans. Your weak attempt to paint Trump as a Racist fails.
Yes, unemployment affects all Americans. But Trump's rhetoric and solutions are toward white man. Have you heard Trump's comments about racial minorities and women.
Trump and many American Businesses depend on illegal immigrant workers. As the illegals have not been available American citizens have not filled the jobs.
Trump and many American businesses need to access cheaper foreign labor to be competitive in a global economy.
You need to change the global economy to affect the issues above.
I call BS. Or perhaps you see only white men as being affected by unemployment? Most of Trump's comments and observations have a kernel of truth in them, if you are able to see the situation without using those liberal-tinted glasses.
If you don't want white people in public office, propose a constitutional amendment.
Trump is the candidate of the white man who has nothing else going for them except they are a white man. At one time in our country, being a white man guaranteed you spot in the middle to upper echelons of our society.

In today's world it takes more. It takes a skill that is in demand in a 21st century economy.

The white man that is willing to believe Trump's empty promises to make White Man Great again is too lazy to get the skills to allow them to earn greatness.
I reckon a lot of men in general and white women are going to vote for Trump i a landslide. White women have woken up finally.
Following the polls and primary results, lots of people of all stripes are voting for Trump (and for Sanders), why is that?
Because they are sick of electing phoneys.

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