Trump is The Enemy of the State

Trump has been nominated for two Nobel prizes and may get a third non because of the Israel Bahrain peace deal. He's the first president in 30 years not to start any new wars. He's bringing the military home.

He is a fantastic president. Better than anyone could have hoped.
Can't wait to hear how leftists explain that peace in the Middle East is a bad thing.
All they were saying was give peace a chance! What the fk happened?
i can't tell whether Trump wants to be the next Alexander The Great...or get re-elected as the next president of The United States!
Trump has been nominated for two Nobel prizes and may get a third non because of the Israel Bahrain peace deal. He's the first president in 30 years not to start any new wars. He's bringing the military home.

He is a fantastic president. Better than anyone could have hoped.
Can't wait to hear how leftists explain that peace in the Middle East is a bad thing.
All they were saying was give peace a chance! What the fk happened?
They'd rather any number of brown people died than admit Trump did a good thing.
"... leaning to the white persuasion."

Yes, because race is a choice.
Of course Race is a choice.

Just ask Sean King or Rachel Dolezal.

Hey, if gender is merely a matter of how you feel, rather than an immutable fact determined by biology, why should race be any different?

Insanity is insanity.

If I happen to feel like a 24-year-old black woman, if I identify as a 24-year-old black woman, who are you to deny my truth on the irrelevant basis of silly things like time and genetics?
There was a 54 year old man who identifies as a six year old girl. Everyone is required to treat him like a six year old girl.

He might be dead by now.
Well,if he is the enemy of the state,he hasn’t proved it the fact he has not even lifted a finger to do what he said he would do,get rid of the evil,cia,fbi and fed as our last great president jfk tried to do.guess he is afraid he’ll suffer the same fate and wants to stay alive which makes no sense to me sense if I was him,I would also do what kennedy tried to do,get rid of them and forget the consequences,what’s the point in living if you live in a dictatership as we do, I would want to do something about it having the power to do so as he does.
Define "alt-right.: I get the feeling, to the left they are anyone in the Republican Party NOT a rino
Alt Right is a term the psycho Leftist use to describe White Supremacist and then promptly adds ALL White People and Patriots of all Race and Ethnicity to that category.
There IS an "alt-right", but the left places anyone who fights back into that category. I'm conservative, and I'm a nationalist, and I think the country would be FAR BETTER if we were a nation of ethnically RELATED people who shared common values, but I am not part of the "alt-right." That's why I want to hear how the left defines that term. I'm sure they would place me in that category

I don't know if you are going to be placed as a member of the alternative right (aka: alt right), but here are some quotes to feed upon:

In their own words:

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!”

“Immigration is a kind of proxy war—and maybe a last stand—for White Americans, who are undergoing a painful recognition that, unless dramatic action is taken, their grandchildren will live in a country that is alien and hostile.”

“Since we are fighting for nothing less than the biological survival of our race, and since the vast bulk of Jews oppose us, we need to err on the side of caution and have no association with Jews whatsoever. Any genuine Jewish well-wishers will understand, since they know what their people are like better than we ever can. Saving our race is something that we will have to do ourselves alone.”

“I oppose the Jewish diaspora in the United States and other white societies. I would like to see the white peoples of the world break the power of the Jewish diaspora and send the Jews to Israel, where they will have to learn how to be a normal nation.”

“At the core of the JI [Jewish Identity] is a malevolent supremacy. This is the manifest in their rejection of outgroups who wish to participate and innovate traditional Jewish cultural activities. Why reject diversity and progress within your community if not a false feeling of ‘betterness’? The root of this problem is, of course, a sexual feeling of inferiority. Mighty psychosexual urges must not be downplayed within group dynamics. As a remedy to this, the JI must be infiltrated with foreign members to procreate with their men and women. That way, the deep psychological psychosis can be treated at the root.”

“The new left doctrine of racial struggle in favor of non-Whites only, a product of decolonization and the defeat of nationalists by egalitarians after WWII, must be repudiated and Whites must be allowed to take their own side in their affairs. A value system that says Whites are not allowed to have collective interests while literally every other identity group can do so and ought to do so is unacceptable.”

“This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.”

I don't know if you are going to be placed as a member of the alternative right (aka: alt right), but here are some quotes to feed upon:

In their own words:

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!”

“Immigration is a kind of proxy war—and maybe a last stand—for White Americans, who are undergoing a painful recognition that, unless dramatic action is taken, their grandchildren will live in a country that is alien and hostile.”

“Since we are fighting for nothing less than the biological survival of our race, and since the vast bulk of Jews oppose us, we need to err on the side of caution and have no association with Jews whatsoever. Any genuine Jewish well-wishers will understand, since they know what their people are like better than we ever can. Saving our race is something that we will have to do ourselves alone.”

“I oppose the Jewish diaspora in the United States and other white societies. I would like to see the white peoples of the world break the power of the Jewish diaspora and send the Jews to Israel, where they will have to learn how to be a normal nation.”

“At the core of the JI [Jewish Identity] is a malevolent supremacy. This is the manifest in their rejection of outgroups who wish to participate and innovate traditional Jewish cultural activities. Why reject diversity and progress within your community if not a false feeling of ‘betterness’? The root of this problem is, of course, a sexual feeling of inferiority. Mighty psychosexual urges must not be downplayed within group dynamics. As a remedy to this, the JI must be infiltrated with foreign members to procreate with their men and women. That way, the deep psychological psychosis can be treated at the root.”

“The new left doctrine of racial struggle in favor of non-Whites only, a product of decolonization and the defeat of nationalists by egalitarians after WWII, must be repudiated and Whites must be allowed to take their own side in their affairs. A value system that says Whites are not allowed to have collective interests while literally every other identity group can do so and ought to do so is unacceptable.”

“This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.”

All Patriot Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity, are considered "Alt Right" by the Left.
Whitmer knocked over the palookas on the alt right and will do it again.

The Trump right has every right to fear her.
Define "alt-right.: I get the feeling, to the left they are anyone in the Republican Party NOT a rino

Just about ^^^; the moderate Republicans were either tossed out as RINO's, or they left when Trump crossed the line of honesty and competence and either didn't vote in 2018 or voted for Democrats. In fact many real Conservatives are fed up with Trump and how the Republican Party has evolved into a right wing neo fascist party.
The Republican Party has been sliding leftward for decades.

That you think they're neo-fascists only proves how Marxist you are.

Dumb de dumb de de dumb ... I really don't know how to respond to your post, it is so out of touch with reality. Are you being sarcastic, silly or ... insane.
I don't know if you are going to be placed as a member of the alternative right (aka: alt right), but here are some quotes to feed upon:

In their own words:

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!”

“Immigration is a kind of proxy war—and maybe a last stand—for White Americans, who are undergoing a painful recognition that, unless dramatic action is taken, their grandchildren will live in a country that is alien and hostile.”

“Since we are fighting for nothing less than the biological survival of our race, and since the vast bulk of Jews oppose us, we need to err on the side of caution and have no association with Jews whatsoever. Any genuine Jewish well-wishers will understand, since they know what their people are like better than we ever can. Saving our race is something that we will have to do ourselves alone.”

“I oppose the Jewish diaspora in the United States and other white societies. I would like to see the white peoples of the world break the power of the Jewish diaspora and send the Jews to Israel, where they will have to learn how to be a normal nation.”

“At the core of the JI [Jewish Identity] is a malevolent supremacy. This is the manifest in their rejection of outgroups who wish to participate and innovate traditional Jewish cultural activities. Why reject diversity and progress within your community if not a false feeling of ‘betterness’? The root of this problem is, of course, a sexual feeling of inferiority. Mighty psychosexual urges must not be downplayed within group dynamics. As a remedy to this, the JI must be infiltrated with foreign members to procreate with their men and women. That way, the deep psychological psychosis can be treated at the root.”

“The new left doctrine of racial struggle in favor of non-Whites only, a product of decolonization and the defeat of nationalists by egalitarians after WWII, must be repudiated and Whites must be allowed to take their own side in their affairs. A value system that says Whites are not allowed to have collective interests while literally every other identity group can do so and ought to do so is unacceptable.”

“This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.”

All Patriot Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity, are considered "Alt Right" by the Left.

Gee, a clear statement and yet without any supportive evidence to make the claim.

I suggest most humbly that you first define "the left", and then provide evidence that the alt. right is patriotic. By that I mean the Constitution of the United States is being protected by the alt. right, and not by those on the left (as you define it).

[this will either be ignored, or the response will use "commie" somewhere in a diatribe]
Gee, a clear statement and yet without any supportive evidence to make the claim.

I suggest most humbly that you first define "the left", and then provide evidence that the alt. right is patriotic. By that I mean the Constitution of the United States is being protected by the alt. right, and not by those on the left (as you define it).

[this will either be ignored, or the response will use "commie" somewhere in a diatribe]
First of all ....

I do not have to define "the Left".

Normal thinking people are well aware of what that term means in context.

And, secondly ...

I never defended the Alt Right.

I stated that the Left puts all Patriot Americans in the same class as the Alt Right.
Gee, a clear statement and yet without any supportive evidence to make the claim.

I suggest most humbly that you first define "the left", and then provide evidence that the alt. right is patriotic. By that I mean the Constitution of the United States is being protected by the alt. right, and not by those on the left (as you define it).

[this will either be ignored, or the response will use "commie" somewhere in a diatribe]
First of all ....

I do not have to define "the Left".

Normal thinking people are well aware of what that term means in context.

And, secondly ...

I never defended the Alt Right.

I stated that the Left puts all Patriot Americans in the same class as the Alt Right.

Definition is one aspect in Introduction to logic, so sad that you must deflect a very important issue in any expository essay, not matter how short one may be.

Well I'm well above a normal people and I know what "the left" is in context, i.e. a pejorative. Would you like me to define pejorative?

I will anyway:

Synonyms: Adjective
Of course in Political Science the Left were those who sat on the side of We the People; and the Right are those who sit on the side of the King.

The far left are radical, those who seek change for the people immediately; the latter are revolutionary, and reject democracy and support the Divine Right of the King.

You're most welcome.
Last edited:
Definition is one aspect in Introduction to logic, so sad that you must deflect a very important issue in any expository essay, not matter how short one may be.
You want an expository essay ...

Go write yourself one.

This is a political forum and my comments and positions are clear.

It is YOU who are deflecting from that fact.
Definition is one aspect in Introduction to logic, so sad that you must deflect a very important issue in any expository essay, not matter how short one may be.
You want an expository essay ...

Go write yourself one.

This is a political forum and my comments and positions are clear.

It is YOU who are deflecting from that fact.

I have (written expository essays often, and get the same response from people like you, that is nothing of substance).
Whitmer knocked over the palookas on the alt right and will do it again.

The Trump right has every right to fear her.
Define "alt-right.: I get the feeling, to the left they are anyone in the Republican Party NOT a rino

Just about ^^^; the moderate Republicans were either tossed out as RINO's, or they left when Trump crossed the line of honesty and competence and either didn't vote in 2018 or voted for Democrats. In fact many real Conservatives are fed up with Trump and how the Republican Party has evolved into a right wing neo fascist party.
The Republican Party has been sliding leftward for decades.

That you think they're neo-fascists only proves how Marxist you are.

Dumb de dumb de de dumb ... I really don't know how to respond to your post, it is so out of touch with reality. Are you being sarcastic, silly or ... insane.
Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.
Gee, a clear statement and yet without any supportive evidence to make the claim.

I suggest most humbly that you first define "the left", and then provide evidence that the alt. right is patriotic. By that I mean the Constitution of the United States is being protected by the alt. right, and not by those on the left (as you define it).

[this will either be ignored, or the response will use "commie" somewhere in a diatribe]
First of all ....

I do not have to define "the Left".

Normal thinking people are well aware of what that term means in context.

And, secondly ...

I never defended the Alt Right.

I stated that the Left puts all Patriot Americans in the same class as the Alt Right.

Definition is one aspect in Introduction to logic, so sad that you must deflect a very important issue in any expository essay, not matter how short one may be.

Well I'm well above a normal people and I know what "the left" is in context, i.e. a pejorative. Would you like me to define pejorative?

I will anyway:

Synonyms: Adjective
Of course in Political Science the Left were those who sat on the side of We the People; and the Right are those who sit on the side of the King.

The far left are radical, those who seek change for the people immediately; the latter are revolutionary, and reject democracy and support the Divine Right of the King.

You're most welcome.
Oh, look -- once again a leftist is claiming the Founding Fathers would be on today's political left.

Tell me a plank of the Democratic Party platform that supports non-intrusive government and individual liberties. You know -- things the Founding Fathers were prepared to give their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for.

Face it, FLy Catcher -- if you were around in the late 1700s, you'd have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
Definition is one aspect in Introduction to logic, so sad that you must deflect a very important issue in any expository essay, not matter how short one may be.
You want an expository essay ...

Go write yourself one.

This is a political forum and my comments and positions are clear.

It is YOU who are deflecting from that fact.

I have (written expository essays often, and get the same response from people like you, that is nothing of substance).
Your definition of "substance" being, of course, "anything that accepts what I say without question".

You don't want debate. You want instant and unthinking agreement and endorsement. You want your ass kissed.

How's that working out for you?
Your definition of "substance" being, of course, "anything that accepts what I say without question".

You don't want debate. You want instant and unthinking agreement and endorsement. You want your ass kissed.

How's that working out for you?
Of course they won't debate.

These extremist are never who they claim to be.

They are uneducated and uninformed.

After all ... that is what makes them Leftist.
Your definition of "substance" being, of course, "anything that accepts what I say without question".

You don't want debate. You want instant and unthinking agreement and endorsement. You want your ass kissed.

How's that working out for you?
Of course they won't debate.

These extremist are never who they claim to be.

They are uneducated and uninformed.

After all ... that is what makes them Leftist.

Oh, gosh, it looks like no one's going to say Fly Catcher is the smartest guy in the room.

Well, just another day ending in Y. That's okay. He'll say it himself and flounce off in a huff.
She's a rising star in the Democratic party and a rock star to boot. She's stood toe to toe with the alt-right in her state and won.
She's 100% on the money here.
You mean being a Hitler is okay? I am telling you. This nation under total tyranny will not put a Prog woman in as their Fuhrer. Impoverished males do not listen to women in their communities. They do what they want.

Hmmm. There's that Hitler reference again..wish people would stop using it. All you're doing is watering down history. Kinda like the right's constant use of the term socialism.
Anyway, pointing out that Trump spews misinformation (and disinformation) is not wrong. Those "impoverished males"....(read alt-right) just don't like it when a woman stands
up to a man.
Trump has been nominated for two Nobel prizes and may get a third non because of the Israel Bahrain peace deal. He's the first president in 30 years not to start any new wars. He's bringing the military home.

He is a fantastic president. Better than anyone could have hoped.
Can't wait to hear how leftists explain that peace in the Middle East is a bad thing.

Oh, that's easy. It's secretly giving power to the Jewish cabal that runs the world behind the scenes.

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