Trump is the greatest president that has ever been or ever will be!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
It is TRUE! Ask anyone who is a loyal supporter!

Yeah, he rubs leftist libtards the wrong way with his brash words. He doesn't give a crap about political correctness. He doesn't even care about poll numbers unless they favor him. He tweets about really trivial and stupid shit sometimes.... but hey, that's what is so awesome about him. He's human!

Every week since becoming president, Trump has managed to push the buttons of his detractors in ways that no man has ever done before. He has driven the left to the verge of insanity and they're displaying it for the whole world to see. ....And I'm loving every stinking minute of it!

I'll be the first to admit, I didn't vote for Trump. I had issues with him on trade policies and some other things, like extended family leave, raising the minimum wage and waffling on top marginal tax cuts. But if I had known how he was going to completely drive the left over the cliff on insanity the way he has, I would've gladly voted for him.

Sure, I know there are a ton of establishment type Republicans who are out there hollering and screaming against him. They've just not gotten the message yet... it will happen soon enough. Once the midterms wipe out a few of them in the primaries, they'll start to realize they've made a grave error in judgement. The day of reckoning is coming for them and it will be just as rewarding as watching the liberal left in full meltdown mode.

More than anything, I think the lesson he has taught the right is monumental. The days of Republicans sitting there and just taking the shit off the liberal left and apologizing for being Republican, is OVER! We're not doing that anymore... EVER AGAIN! If they want to lash out, we have to lash back. They want to lie and distort the facts, we'll lie and distort the facts too. They want to drag the debate into the mud, we'll get in the mud with them and kick their fucking asses.

Of course, this thread is soon to be inundated with snowflakes emoting and virtue signalling all over the place. Because that's really all they have. They honestly don't get Trump and they HOPE they can persuade others to abandon their support of Trump by constantly attacking them, calling them racists and other things.... but that's not going to work... it hasn't worked for some time. He is oblivious to it and his supporters are as well. And those of us who aren't necessarily his supporters are sitting here watching all this in amusement as he continues to own them.

Yeah, there have been greater presidents in terms of demeanor and policy. There have been more likeable presidents. There will likely be more of these in the future. But there will NEVER be another Trump! History is going to record this man as being the most unorthodox and different president that we ever had. He has single-handedly changed the landscape of American politics forever. No other president has done that and I doubt another one will.
The Trump presidency speaks volumes...about the left. Liberals on a good day can barely contain their hate and loathing of America and its people, then Trump came along and triggered them repeatedly, like stomping on a fire ant mound.
So, your only reasoning is that he pisses off liberals. His ability to further divide is the only thing you like about him. Awesome. You could have just said that so I didn't waste my time reading the rest of your drivel.
Record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, low gas prices, record high Stock Market. I'm good with Trump so far. Now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. That's all i require of him. I'm not into that whole anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That was for the loony Obamabots. I have limited expectations of US Presidents.

The most important thing for me is taking control of the Supreme Court. I would love to see Trump get to appoint a couple more Justices. That would set the NWO Globalists back for years. We'd have a real chance of saving our country. If Trump can achieve taking the Court back, he will have done all i asked of him.
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It is TRUE! Ask anyone who is a loyal supporter!

Yeah, he rubs leftist libtards the wrong way with his brash words. He doesn't give a crap about political correctness. He doesn't even care about poll numbers unless they favor him. He tweets about really trivial and stupid shit sometimes.... but hey, that's what is so awesome about him. He's human!

Every week since becoming president, Trump has managed to push the buttons of his detractors in ways that no man has ever done before. He has driven the left to the verge of insanity and they're displaying it for the whole world to see. ....And I'm loving every stinking minute of it!

I'll be the first to admit, I didn't vote for Trump. I had issues with him on trade policies and some other things, like extended family leave, raising the minimum wage and waffling on top marginal tax cuts. But if I had known how he was going to completely drive the left over the cliff on insanity the way he has, I would've gladly voted for him.

Sure, I know there are a ton of establishment type Republicans who are out there hollering and screaming against him. They've just not gotten the message yet... it will happen soon enough. Once the midterms wipe out a few of them in the primaries, they'll start to realize they've made a grave error in judgement. The day of reckoning is coming for them and it will be just as rewarding as watching the liberal left in full meltdown mode.

More than anything, I think the lesson he has taught the right is monumental. The days of Republicans sitting there and just taking the shit off the liberal left and apologizing for being Republican, is OVER! We're not doing that anymore... EVER AGAIN! If they want to lash out, we have to lash back. They want to lie and distort the facts, we'll lie and distort the facts too. They want to drag the debate into the mud, we'll get in the mud with them and kick their fucking asses.

Of course, this thread is soon to be inundated with snowflakes emoting and virtue signalling all over the place. Because that's really all they have. They honestly don't get Trump and they HOPE they can persuade others to abandon their support of Trump by constantly attacking them, calling them racists and other things.... but that's not going to work... it hasn't worked for some time. He is oblivious to it and his supporters are as well. And those of us who aren't necessarily his supporters are sitting here watching all this in amusement as he continues to own them.

Yeah, there have been greater presidents in terms of demeanor and policy. There have been more likeable presidents. There will likely be more of these in the future. But there will NEVER be another Trump! History is going to record this man as being the most unorthodox and different president that we ever had. He has single-handedly changed the landscape of American politics forever. No other president has done that and I doubt another one will.
Wow, thats quite the turn from the Fuck Trump i'm voting for Hillary post you did during the election... Yeah, i'm not gonna let you live that one down! :)
Record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, record high Stock Market. I'm good with Trump so far. Now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. That's all i require of him. I'm not into that whole anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That was for the loony Obamabots. I have limited expectations of US Presidents.

The most important thing for me is taking control of the Supreme Court. I would love to see Trump get to appoint a couple more Justices. That would set the NWO Globalists back for years. We'd have a real chance of saving our country. If Trump can achieve taking the Court back, he will have done all i asked of him.
Give Trump credit for the Immigration numbers and Court appointment but the stock market is speculation and can come crashing down very easily if he doesn't deliver on his economic promises. Unemployment you're gonna have to credit Obama. He got those numbers down to where they are now, and we are still working off his last budget so Trump has had not as big of an effect as he leads his puppets to believe. Give it through 2018 and we will get a much better look at the Trump effect to see if it is good or bad.
Love this post, and disagree only in a couple of minor particulars:

1) "He {Trump} has driven the left to the verge of insanity."

I don't think the left is on the verge of insanity. I think they jumped off {rather, he drove them off} that cliff a good while ago. The daily conniptions, apoplectic strokes, and hissy fits are One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest type stuff. Its like a Maxine Waters Zombie Apocalypse. Rosie O'Donnell can't even keep up.


2) "The days of Republicans sitting there and just taking the shit off the liberal left and apologizing for being Republican, is OVER!"

Unfortunately, that is still not true for our Republican Representatives. There are more Pussies in the Republican Caucus in Congress than in 50 Bunny Ranches. They are scared to death of the New York Media.


But, great post.
Record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, record high Stock Market. I'm good with Trump so far. Now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. That's all i require of him. I'm not into that whole anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That was for the loony Obamabots. I have limited expectations of US Presidents.

The most important thing for me is taking control of the Supreme Court. I would love to see Trump get to appoint a couple more Justices. That would set the NWO Globalists back for years. We'd have a real chance of saving our country. If Trump can achieve taking the Court back, he will have done all i asked of him.
Give Trump credit for the Immigration numbers and Court appointment but the stock market is speculation and can come crashing down very easily if he doesn't deliver on his economic promises. Unemployment you're gonna have to credit Obama. He got those numbers down to where they are now, and we are still working off his last budget so Trump has had not as big of an effect as he leads his puppets to believe. Give it through 2018 and we will get a much better look at the Trump effect to see if it is good or bad.

I'm good with Trump so far. Like i said, now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. Keeping the Supreme Court out of NWO Globalist control is my #1 concern. If he just gets 1 more Justice in there, he will have done all i've asked of him. I don't pay attention to all the noise. I don't care what hysterical Democrat Fake News spews. If Trump delivers on what i expect of him, he will always have my support.
Yeah, there have been greater presidents in terms of demeanor and policy. There have been more likeable presidents. There will likely be more of these in the future. But there will NEVER be another Trump! History is going to record this man as being the most unorthodox and different president that we ever had. He has single-handedly changed the landscape of American politics forever. No other president has done that and I doubt another one will.

Trump would have been a lot more likable and orthodox if the Swamp were not so big and so deep. No other president (as well as his family) has ever been trashed so much by the Swamp or had such a resistance from the Swamp before. The Swamp doesn't give Trump any choice and makes him an unorthodox. And that's exactly what the President has to be like if he dares to declare a war on the Swamp. Time is right and Trump is the right person for this particular time. Good luck, Mr. President, get them!
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I'm bettin' blood pressure med prescriptions are way up this year.

I shoulda' bought shares last year.


Yeah, there have been greater presidents in terms of demeanor and policy. There have been more likeable presidents. There will likely be more of these in the future. But there will NEVER be another Trump! History is going to record this man as being the most unorthodox and different president that we ever had. He has single-handedly changed the landscape of American politics forever. No other president has done that and I doubt another one will.

Trump would have been a lot more likable and orthodox if the Swamp were not so big and deep. No other president has been trashed so much by the Swamp or had such a resistance from the Swamp ever before. The Swamp doesn't give Trump any choice and makes him an unorthodox. And that's exactly what the President has to be if he dares to declare a war to the Swamp. Time is Right and Trump is the right person fro this particular time. Good luck, Mr. President, get them!

Yup, Swamp Creatures aren't gonna go down without a vicious fight. He's angered both Republican and Democrat Swamp Creatures. That's exactly why i like him. But he is in danger. The swamp is fighting back. I truly hope he makes it. But it's gonna be a very rough road for him. I'll continue praying for him.
It is TRUE! Ask anyone who is a loyal supporter!

Yeah, he rubs leftist libtards the wrong way with his brash words. He doesn't give a crap about political correctness. He doesn't even care about poll numbers unless they favor him. He tweets about really trivial and stupid shit sometimes.... but hey, that's what is so awesome about him. He's human!

Every week since becoming president, Trump has managed to push the buttons of his detractors in ways that no man has ever done before. He has driven the left to the verge of insanity and they're displaying it for the whole world to see. ....And I'm loving every stinking minute of it!

I'll be the first to admit, I didn't vote for Trump. I had issues with him on trade policies and some other things, like extended family leave, raising the minimum wage and waffling on top marginal tax cuts. But if I had known how he was going to completely drive the left over the cliff on insanity the way he has, I would've gladly voted for him.

Sure, I know there are a ton of establishment type Republicans who are out there hollering and screaming against him. They've just not gotten the message yet... it will happen soon enough. Once the midterms wipe out a few of them in the primaries, they'll start to realize they've made a grave error in judgement. The day of reckoning is coming for them and it will be just as rewarding as watching the liberal left in full meltdown mode.

More than anything, I think the lesson he has taught the right is monumental. The days of Republicans sitting there and just taking the shit off the liberal left and apologizing for being Republican, is OVER! We're not doing that anymore... EVER AGAIN! If they want to lash out, we have to lash back. They want to lie and distort the facts, we'll lie and distort the facts too. They want to drag the debate into the mud, we'll get in the mud with them and kick their fucking asses.

Of course, this thread is soon to be inundated with snowflakes emoting and virtue signalling all over the place. Because that's really all they have. They honestly don't get Trump and they HOPE they can persuade others to abandon their support of Trump by constantly attacking them, calling them racists and other things.... but that's not going to work... it hasn't worked for some time. He is oblivious to it and his supporters are as well. And those of us who aren't necessarily his supporters are sitting here watching all this in amusement as he continues to own them.

Yeah, there have been greater presidents in terms of demeanor and policy. There have been more likeable presidents. There will likely be more of these in the future. But there will NEVER be another Trump! History is going to record this man as being the most unorthodox and different president that we ever had. He has single-handedly changed the landscape of American politics forever. No other president has done that and I doubt another one will.
his election was to expose the trash that is making money off our tax dollars and to reveal the political bias. It has been fking amazing to watch. I have had my popcorn daily watching the meltdown.
tRump is not a good leader let alone qualified to be president of America. His time will be remembered as the last stand before the coup.
Be careful anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That's what the Obamabots did. Personally, i have limited expectations of all US Presidents. For me, this record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, low Gas Prices, and record high Stock Market, means Trump is doing fine. Now he just needs to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices, and he will have done all i've asked of him. But he's no 'Messiah.' I don't expect that of any US President.
Wow, thats quite the turn from the Fuck Trump i'm voting for Hillary post you did during the election... Yeah, i'm not gonna let you live that one down! :)

Meh... don't really care... no fucks given.
Record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, low gas prices, record high Stock Market. I'm good with Trump so far. Now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. That's all i require of him. I'm not into that whole anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That was for the loony Obamabots. I have limited expectations of US Presidents.

The most important thing for me is taking control of the Supreme Court. I would love to see Trump get to appoint a couple more Justices. That would set the NWO Globalists back for years. We'd have a real chance of saving our country. If Trump can achieve taking the Court back, he will have done all i asked of him.

I dont see that happening.He said on the national radio the other day he was going to invade afghanistan.he has yet to get rid of all the goldman sachs people in his administration.doesnt sound any different to me than Obama or Bush,traiters to americans.
Record low Illegal Immigration, low Unemployment, low gas prices, record high Stock Market. I'm good with Trump so far. Now i just need him to appoint 1 or 2 more Supreme Court Justices. That's all i require of him. I'm not into that whole anointing Presidents 'Messiah' status. That was for the loony Obamabots. I have limited expectations of US Presidents.

The most important thing for me is taking control of the Supreme Court. I would love to see Trump get to appoint a couple more Justices. That would set the NWO Globalists back for years. We'd have a real chance of saving our country. If Trump can achieve taking the Court back, he will have done all i asked of him.

I dont see that happening.He said on the national radio the other day he was going to invade afghanistan.he has yet to get rid of all the goldman sachs people in his administration.doesnt sound any different to me than Obama or Bush,traiters to americans.

I hear ya, but you have to understand he's under constant assault from the Swamp Creatures. And that's both Republican and Democrat Swamp Creatures. In the end, my main concern is the Supreme Court. If he can get 1 or 2 more Justices in there, it will set the NWO Globalists back for years. Our country could be saved for awhile anyway.

He's obviously not gonna win on everything, the Swamp Creatures are too powerful. But if he can at least take control of the Supreme Court for Americans, he will have done all i asked of him. I wish him nothing but the best of luck.
I'll be the first to admit, I didn't vote for Trump. I had issues with him on trade policies and some other things, like extended family leave, raising the minimum wage and waffling on top marginal tax cuts. But if I had known how he was going to completely drive the left over the cliff on insanity the way he has, I would've gladly voted for him.
Your incredible lack of maturity is showing on your coat sleeve for everyone to see! :rolleyes:

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