Trump is the king....ended the Russian b.s. with a few tweets....

Remember when the democrats would just, not, stop, accusing Trump of being connected to the Russians...and they even lied about Attorney General Sessions lying during his testimony...and there seemed to be no end in sight because the democrats in the press...who stated there was no evidence, continued to push the story....even though they stated there was no evidence for it.....

And then Trump tweeted.....and the democrats in the press said.....ummmmmmm.....yeah...never mind...since now the story was directly pointing to an awkward fact....that the democrat press stories were all pointing to obama wiretapping the campaign staff of the opposition party during an election...something that would make Watergate look like Fast and Furious coverage....

And the press realized....hey, obama may be in trouble here.......never mind...

Remember that....?

And the Trump/Russian stories and the Sessions lied stories...have ended....

Trump is king.....
Are you aware that you don't have a BIT of this right?

Why don't you cite your source for

.that the democrat press stories were all pointing to obama wiretapping the campaign staff of the opposition party during an election

You need to get up to speed. The New York Times.

Then why don't you FUCKING CITE THEM?

g'damned morons....

Did you miss the front page of the NYT's I put up for you?

You have yet to reconcile OPs assertion with your citation.....

this isn't about whether or not SOMEONE tapped phones of Trump associates suspected of trying to violate the US embargo on Russia, or caught a Trump flunky on a tap kept on a Russian foreign service officer....the claim is that the Obama administration tapped the Trump campaign...

which is a LIE.....
The best proof is actually THE FBI Exonerating Flynn from doing anything unethical or illegal by reviewing The Wire Tap Transcripts.

These same transcripts were shown to the Washington Post, and they admitted they saw them. (This is a felony both by WAPO and the leaker)

Then WAPO also said The Obma White House reviewed those same transcripts again damning both Obama and themselves.

Here is why The Dem party is in trouble. They have no ethics, and when you have no ethics and no moral and ethical boundaries and you live in a country where at least half of the people live by ethics and morals, and our laws are based in morality, eventually you are going to die of self inflicted wounds because you were unable to act like an adult and live by the rules we govern ourselves by.

Here is the assertion at issue....

.that the democrat press stories were all pointing to obama wiretapping the campaign staff of the opposition party during an election

How does your citation support ANY of it?

The glaring headline

The only thing glaring at the moment is the evidence that you are a blockhead....

If there was anything in THE STORY, you would quote it....

If you want to play this dumbass game, I suggest you stir up some of your fellow dumbasses to participate..
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

He made a joke asswipe in relation to hilary destroying 33,000 emails with a high tech program called Bleachbit...

The joke addressed the problem that the obama Justice Department wasn't even trying to find the 33,000 emails of their he joked about maybe the russians had them since her secret server was obviously hacked........the democrat party press then took that joke and made it into a story...that they would not let go...making up more and more hyper inflated claims after hilary lost.......

And he ended it by pointing out that the leaks the New York Times and the Washington post were getting...stated they got them from wiretaps.

The Times clearly reported that the intercepts were gained through surveillance of Russian electronic communications; that the targets were not servers in the U.S., but of course if a Russian point of interest was communicating with a server in the U.S., both sides of the communications would be picked up.

Why must you persist with the bullshit?
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...
The best proof is actually THE FBI Exonerating Flynn from doing anything unethical or illegal by reviewing The Wire Tap Transcripts.

These same transcripts were shown to the Washington Post, and they admitted they saw them. (This is a felony both by WAPO and the leaker)

Then WAPO also said The Obma White House reviewed those same transcripts again damning both Obama and themselves.

Here is why The Dem party is in trouble. They have no ethics, and when you have no ethics and no moral and ethical boundaries and you live in a country where at least half of the people live by ethics and morals, and our laws are based in morality, eventually you are going to die of self inflicted wounds because you were unable to act like an adult and live by the rules we govern ourselves by.

the ? said ....

bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

You are way behind if you still wanting tax returns, The IRS will handle those if anything is wrong so why do YOU need to see them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
You better be averting your eyes when you address me, Imbecile

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s top adviser, and his ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

You are way behind if you still wanting tax returns, The IRS will handle those if anything is wrong so why do YOU need to see them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because Trump is very obviously trying to hide something in there. Otherwise he'd release them to shut us up like every other President has.
since her secret server was obviously hacked

Who hacked it and where is the data they stole?

And he ended it by pointing out that the leaks the New York Times and the Washington post were getting...stated they got them from wiretaps.

Who was wiretapped?

The FBI said her server was unsecured and more than likely hacked...since they know how to hack and not leave finger prints they can't confirm what they know actually happened......and you would have to ask the New York Times and the Washingtion post as to which Trump campaign people were tapped.....they are the ones who stated there were wire taps and that the White HOuse knew about them...

And considering that obama dug through James Rosen, of Fox news, and his gmail, the A.P. phone records and wire tapped various people is not unlikely that they wiretapped Trump....obama is a criminal and the law doesn't apply to him.
Remember when the democrats would just, not, stop, accusing Trump of being connected to the Russians...and they even lied about Attorney General Sessions lying during his testimony...and there seemed to be no end in sight because the democrats in the press...who stated there was no evidence, continued to push the story....even though they stated there was no evidence for it.....

And then Trump tweeted.....and the democrats in the press said.....ummmmmmm.....yeah...never mind...since now the story was directly pointing to an awkward fact....that the democrat press stories were all pointing to obama wiretapping the campaign staff of the opposition party during an election...something that would make Watergate look like Fast and Furious coverage....

And the press realized....hey, obama may be in trouble here.......never mind...

Remember that....?

And the Trump/Russian stories and the Sessions lied stories...have ended....

Trump is king.....

I assume you're trying to be funny.
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
You better be averting your eyes when you address me, Imbecile

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s top adviser, and his ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine

Hey...fuck head....the New York times said they found no evidence that Manafort was dealing with Russian agents and that most Americans doing business in Russia don't even know when they are dealing with Russian intelligence operatives....dipshit....this has been covered are late to the game....

Here is the assertion at issue....

.that the democrat press stories were all pointing to obama wiretapping the campaign staff of the opposition party during an election

How does your citation support ANY of it?

The glaring headline


Here's a pro tip for you.

If you don't want to get entangled in the investigations of corrupt Russian banks, don't do so much damn business with corrupt Russian banks.

The Times clearly reported that the intercepts were gained through surveillance of Russian electronic communications; that the targets were not servers in the U.S., but of course if a Russian point of interest was communicating with a server in the U.S., both sides of the communications would be picked up.

Why must you persist with the bullshit?
"The times clearly reported" is just not a good evidence. All may expect we will never know for sure who spied on who, how, why and on whose request. Not saying it's incorrect, just that clinging to those offered detailed facts is not going to pay off.
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
You better be averting your eyes when you address me, Imbecile

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s top adviser, and his ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine

I guess you missed the Politico investigation that found the Ukrainians working with a Clinton aide lying and smearing Manafort with accusations of corruption.

Whoopsies! A foreign government trying to get Clinton elected? Say it ain't so.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

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