Trump is the king....ended the Russian b.s. with a few tweets....

I think Lefty is angry because he discovered Obama was wire tapping his mom.
They always wondered why they were so "different".

Now they know.
Hmm, the Russians via Manafort altered the gop platform. Obama caused this to embarrass President Trump! Big League corruption! Awful!

Authorities looked into Manafort protégé

Manafort is cleared to date. Ditto the protege. The Ukrainians were trying to elect Hillary and set up both men. And all they did re: the platform was to soften the tone.

Hell's bells. McCain wants the Ukraine to go to war with Russia and wants them heavily armed. Is it a bad thing to not have inflammatory rhetoric?

New video evidence has surfaced showing Obama admitting that he did in fact wiretap Trump Tower.

You libtards are toast. PROOF!

Do you really believe they weren't tapping the Venusians?

So how IS your witch hunt against Sessions going, Comrade Brown Shirt?

You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....
Do you really believe they weren't tapping the Venusians?

So how IS your witch hunt against Sessions going, Comrade Brown Shirt?

You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.
Beauregard Gump


Do you really believe they weren't tapping the Venusians?

So how IS your witch hunt against Sessions going, Comrade Brown Shirt?

You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

No...he did not perjure himself you dumb ass......not even close....
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Dumb ass...this is the important part...

“If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Session's answer...." I would recuse myself."

So where was the perjury, you stupid, dumb ass....
And with a few tweets....Trump destroyed the Russian attack against him.....

Watergate vs. RussiaGate Timeline Proves Trump Is A Victim of Fake News

As of this writing, there is absolutely no evidence of any illegal, unethical, or improper behavior between Team Trump and the Russians.

Oh, sure, we've seen plenty of media innuendo, all kinds of Fake News, an ever-growing pile of smears, and an unlimited number of overwrought headlines… But no evidence. None. Zip Zero. Nada. And deep below most of those overwrought headlines, in order to protect themselves, the dishonest media oftentimes buries something like the following under 14 paragraphs, "Sources stress there is no evidence of any wrongdoing between the Trump camp and the Russians."

Oh, okay. That sounds to me like it should be the headline, but I'm just a mere mortal who never attended J-school.


TWO DAYS INTO WATERGATE: On June, 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, which was located in the Watergate Complex. A mere two days later the public learned that a GOP Security Aide, a "salaried security coordinator for President Nixon’s reelection committee," was among the five arrested.

TWO DAYS INTO RUSSIAGATE: There is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing committed by Donald Trump or anyone connected to Trump.

SIX WEEKS INTO WATERGATE: On August 1, the public learned a $25,000 cashier's check "earmarked for President Nixon’s re-election campaign, was deposited in April in a bank account of one of the five men arrested in the break-in[.]"

SIX WEEKS INTO RUSSIAGATE: There is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing committed by Donald Trump or anyone connected to Trump.

THREE-PLUS MONTHS INTO WATERGATE: On September 29, the public learned that while he was Attorney General, John Mitchell was in charge of a secret account used for espionage against Democrats.

THREE-PLUS MONTHS INTO RUSSIAGATE: There is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing committed by Donald Trump or anyone connected to Trump.

FOUR MONTHS INTO WATERGATE: The scandal blows wide open and lands right on Nixon's doorstep.

FOUR MONTHS INTO RUSSIAGATE: There is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing committed by Donald Trump or anyone connected to Trump.

SIX MONTHS INTO WATERGATE: Former-Nixon aides G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord are "convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping in the Watergate incident."

SIX MONTHS INTO RUSSIAGATE: There is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing committed by Donald Trump or anyone connected to Donald Trump.


Now let's compare the resources available to the media for Watergate vs. RussiaGate.


One newspaper (The Washington Post), two reporters (Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein) and one anonymous source (Deep Throat).

Now, I don't want to mislead. As the scandal heated up, more news outlets with more resources jumped onboard; more sources came forward. But the pull of the thread that started the unraveling was basically the result of two guys and one anonymous source.


All of the mainstream media and their billions of dollars, hundreds of reporters, countless numbers of anonymous sources, wiretaps of Team Trump phone calls, much of the Intelligence Community, dozens of felonious leaks coming from within the Deep State, and who knows how many federal bureaucrats working in what can only be described as Barry Obama's Shadow Government.


Within two days of the Watergate break-in, the media had already connected a crime to an employee on Nixon's re-election campaign. Within six weeks, the media connected the break-in directly to the president's re-election campaign. Within six months, two officials on Nixon's re-election campaign had already been convicted!
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Dumb ass...this is the important part...

“If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Session's answer...." I would recuse myself."

So where was the perjury, you stupid, dumb ass....

That wasn't Session's answer.
And thanks to Trump...the real criminal...Tony Podesta, has been revealed...john podesta's brother....

Wanna know what the BIG NEWS is today regarding RussiaGate?

1) FBI Russia Probe Failed To Find Evidence Against Trump

2) Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta, "failed to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) when he agreed to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank."

How about that!

All our media has is innuendo, smears, Fake News, outright lies, snark, smug, and a heaping pile of steaming BS.
And thanks to Trump...the real criminal...Tony Podesta, has been revealed...john podesta's brother....

Wanna know what the BIG NEWS is today regarding RussiaGate?

1) FBI Russia Probe Failed To Find Evidence Against Trump

2) Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta, "failed to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) when he agreed to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank."

How about that!

All our media has is innuendo, smears, Fake News, outright lies, snark, smug, and a heaping pile of steaming BS.
Tony Podesta registered as a lobbyist for Sberbank. He would only have to register as a foreign agent if he was representing the Russian government, at least that is my understanding. Is he being accused of working outside of his lobbying registration and working directly for the Russian government?
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Yes, you have repeated the lies from the Soros hate sites many times. They remain lies

Franken, the pile of shit, specified, What did that putrid pile of filth say?

{, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’}

Words have meanings, Herr Goebbels.

Look, you're a lying fuck, you throw about slander and libel to see if any of it sticks. You have ZERO integrity. Senator Jeff Sessions was not a Trump surrogate. What he said was entirely true, as your handlers at the hates sites know.

Another fake scandal created by you fascists has fizzled.
Last edited:
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Dumb ass...this is the important part...

“If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Session's answer...." I would recuse myself."

So where was the perjury, you stupid, dumb ass....

That wasn't Session's answer.

What was that pile of shit Franken's question?

{There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’}

Was the sitting Senator a "Trump Surrogate?"

You demagogues don't really expect your bullshit to go anywhere from a legal sense, you just seek to smear through innuendo and slander.

You little Goebbels have already lost on this one, Trump kicked you fascists bastards in the nuts with his revelation of Tricky Barry bugging Trump Tower.

I know your Fuhrer is displeased, but you have failed with your mission, Sessions is going nowhere, and his planned investigation into Eric Holder WILL progress. despite your Mafia type attack to obstruct justice.
You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Yes, you have repeated the lies from the Soros hate sites many times. They remain lies

Franken, the pile of shit, specified

What did that putrid pile of filth say?

{, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’}

Words have meanings, Herr Goebbels.

Look, you're a lying fuck, you throw about slander and libel to see if any of it sticks. You have ZERO integrity. Senator Jeff Sessions was not a Trump surrogate. What he said was entirely true, as your handlers at the hates sites know.

Another fake scandal created by you fascists has fizzled.
So I'm certain that you can cite this lie....

You can, can't you?

Cause all that gas you tend to vent has no currency absent evidence..... You being a moron, and all.

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