Trump is the king....ended the Russian b.s. with a few tweets....

You understand that Beauregard Gump perjured himself during a congressional hearing, right?

It has NOTHING at all to do with the wiretapping matter.

And anyone with an IQ over 40 should be urging the immediate replacement of that imbecile...

He has recently announced that he wants to start up the most profligate and frivolous policy in US history...."The War on Drugs"...

The man is every bit as fucking stupid as his critics have suggested.

I understand that you are a demagogue spreading slander and libel on behalf of your Fuhrer.

Anyone with an IQ over 30 is well aware that you will tell ANY lie to promote your fascist party or to smear the opposition,

No, Sessions didn't "commit perjury" or anything close. You fascists clearly fear Sessions, and I know why.

Sessions May Appoint Outside Counsel to Investigate Obama's DOJ
I'm glad you showed up.....I think you deserve a seat at the Table of The Dumbest Pieces of Shit Loitering at the USMB..

In the confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken asked Sessions, “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?” Although Franken didn’t make a direct query about Sessions’s own communications, the then-senator took the opportunity to say he hadn’t chatted up any Russians, no siree.

Here is Jeff Sessions denying contact with the Russians — which the @washingtonpost reports is not true

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 2, 2017
According to the Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy also sent Sessions this written question in January:

Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions’s reply: “No.”


Freshman Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions had some thoughts on that very question during the Bill Clinton impeachment imbroglio, when the president stood accused of lying to a federal grand jury about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky.

“I sort of assumed perjury occurred, but I want to read what was said, what the established fact is, and decide how clear that is and whether or not there is any wriggle room or realistic defense there," Sessions said in 1998. Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”

Sessions ultimately joined 44 of his Republican colleagues in voting to convict President Clinton of perjury. His hard-line view on lying public officials did not win out. The perjury charge and a separate obstruction of justice charge (one Sessions also voted for) both failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to remove the president from office.

By Jeff Sessions’ Standard for Lying Under Oath, Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath

Now this demonstrates what a fucking idiot, Beauregard is.....the legal definition of perjury requires a "MATERIAL" misrepresentation.....

Dumb ass...this is the important part...

“If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

Session's answer...." I would recuse myself."

So where was the perjury, you stupid, dumb ass....

That wasn't Session's answer.

What was that pile of shit Franken's question?

{There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’}

Was the sitting Senator a "Trump Surrogate?"

You demagogues don't really expect your bullshit to go anywhere from a legal sense, you just seek to smear through innuendo and slander.

You little Goebbels have already lost on this one, Trump kicked you fascists bastards in the nuts with his revelation of Tricky Barry bugging Trump Tower.

I know your Fuhrer is displeased, but you have failed with your mission, Sessions is going nowhere, and his planned investigation into Eric Holder WILL progress. despite your Mafia type attack to obstruct justice.
Where is the evidence of T-rump Tower being bugged?

So I'm certain that you can cite this lie....

You can, can't you?

Cause all that gas you tend to vent has no currency absent evidence..... You being a moron, and all.

Poor little fascist, so frustrated that you have again failed your Fuhrer.

Sessions was not a "Trump Surrogate." Casual conversation at a Heritage Foundation mixer is not "a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government."

You are just a lying demagogue seeking to slander the enemies of your Fuhrer.

This time you failed.

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