Trump is the king....ended the Russian b.s. with a few tweets....

Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...
Lol you brainwashed fool. How many medals did Putin give Hillary before she was selected to be Secretary of State?
Hey...morons.......for the record since you don't want to deal with the fucking truth.....

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Departmentā€™s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

Numerous news outlets, including The New York Times, have reported on the F.B.I. investigations into Mr. Trumpā€™s advisers.

BBC and then McClatchy revealed the existence of a multiagency working group to coordinate investigations across the government.

And this one.........The important one that said there was No Evidence of any collusion....

The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.

Mr. Manafort, who has not been charged with any crimes, dismissed the officialsā€™ accounts in a telephone interview on Tuesday. ā€œThis is absurd,ā€ he said. ā€œI have no idea what this is referring to. I have never knowingly spoken to Russian intelligence officers, and I have never been involved with anything to do with the Russian government or the Putin administration or any other issues under investigation today.ā€

He added, ā€œItā€™s not like these people wear badges that say, ā€˜Iā€™m a Russian intelligence officer.ā€™ā€

Several of Mr. Trumpā€™s associates, like Mr. Manafort, have done business in Russia. And it is not unusual for American businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society. Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts might have been about business.

Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...
Lol you brainwashed fool. How many medals did Putin give Hillary before she was selected to be Secretary of State?

He gave her 140 million dollars asswipe...and laundered it through her crime foundation.....and john podesta and his brother had deeper contacts with Russia than Trump's guys...moron.
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...
Lol you brainwashed fool. How many medals did Putin give Hillary before she was selected to be Secretary of State?


No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

The mediaā€™s focus on Trumpā€™s Russian connections ignores the much more extensive and lucrative business relationships of top Democrats with Kremlin-associated oligarchs and companies. Thanks to the Panama Papers, we know that the Podesta Group (founded by John Podestaā€™s brother, Tony) lobbied for Russiaā€™s largest bank, Sberbank. ā€œSberbank is the Kremlin, they donā€™t do anything major without Putinā€™s go-ahead, and they donā€™t tell him ā€˜noā€™ either,ā€ explained a retired senior U.S. intelligence official. According to a Reuters report, Tony Podesta was ā€œamong the high-profile lobbyists registered to represent organizations backing Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.ā€ Among these was the European Center, which paid Podesta $900,000 for his lobbying.

Thatā€™s not all: The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clintonā€™s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium.

The New York Times reported Uranium Oneā€™s chairman, Frank Guistra, made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for one speech from a Russian investment bank that has ā€œlinks to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.ā€

Notably, Frank Giustra, the Clinton Foundationā€™s largest and most controversial donor, does not appear anywhere in Clintonā€™s ā€œnon-privateā€ emails.

It is possible that the emails of such key donors were automatically scrubbed to protect the Clinton Foundation.

Letā€™s not leave out fugitive Ukrainian oligarch, Dymtro Firtash. He is represented by Democratic heavyweight lawyer, Lanny Davis, who accused Trump of ā€œinviting Putin to commit espionageā€ (Trumpā€™s quip: If Putin has Hillaryā€™s emails, release them) but denies all wrongdoing by Hillary.
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

You are way behind if you still wanting tax returns, The IRS will handle those if anything is wrong so why do YOU need to see them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because that is how pretty much every
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
You better be averting your eyes when you address me, Imbecile

Paul Manafort, Donald Trumpā€™s top adviser, and his ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine

I guess you missed the Politico investigation that found the Ukrainians working with a Clinton aide lying and smearing Manafort with accusations of corruption.

Whoopsies! A foreign government trying to get Clinton elected? Say it ain't so.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Nice try...

Mr. Manafort is among at least three Trump campaign advisers whose possible links to Russia are under scrutiny. Two others are Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign, and Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative.

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Departmentā€™s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...

RussianWinger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

No......liar...Flynn resigned with nothing to do with Russia, dittos Sessions........

John podesta, his brother, hilary and her foundation all recieved millions of dollars from putin and the Russian government..they are the only ones who recieved direct cash payments from Russia...
Lol you brainwashed fool. How many medals did Putin give Hillary before she was selected to be Secretary of State?


No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

The mediaā€™s focus on Trumpā€™s Russian connections ignores the much more extensive and lucrative business relationships of top Democrats with Kremlin-associated oligarchs and companies. Thanks to the Panama Papers, we know that the Podesta Group (founded by John Podestaā€™s brother, Tony) lobbied for Russiaā€™s largest bank, Sberbank. ā€œSberbank is the Kremlin, they donā€™t do anything major without Putinā€™s go-ahead, and they donā€™t tell him ā€˜noā€™ either,ā€ explained a retired senior U.S. intelligence official. According to a Reuters report, Tony Podesta was ā€œamong the high-profile lobbyists registered to represent organizations backing Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.ā€ Among these was the European Center, which paid Podesta $900,000 for his lobbying.

Thatā€™s not all: The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clintonā€™s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium.

The New York Times reported Uranium Oneā€™s chairman, Frank Guistra, made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for one speech from a Russian investment bank that has ā€œlinks to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.ā€

Notably, Frank Giustra, the Clinton Foundationā€™s largest and most controversial donor, does not appear anywhere in Clintonā€™s ā€œnon-privateā€ emails.

It is possible that the emails of such key donors were automatically scrubbed to protect the Clinton Foundation.

Letā€™s not leave out fugitive Ukrainian oligarch, Dymtro Firtash. He is represented by Democratic heavyweight lawyer, Lanny Davis, who accused Trump of ā€œinviting Putin to commit espionageā€ (Trumpā€™s quip: If Putin has Hillaryā€™s emails, release them) but denies all wrongdoing by Hillary.
Thatā€™s not all: The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clintonā€™s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium.

Was State the only agency required to sign off on that deal?

Hoover flunky....

Routine surveillance on the Russian diplomats and operatives, is what ensnared the Trump surrogates...not wiretapping of them or their phones but the Russian agent's.
Routine surveillance on the Russian diplomats and operatives, is what ensnared the Trump surrogates...not wiretapping of them or their phones but the Russian agent's.

you cant tell these dumbasses that, they have zero interest in the truth.
You need to get up to speed. The New York Times.
From the NY Times:

"The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-electā€™s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russiaā€™s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."
Trump's people have had to resign and recuse themselves. The ones who haven't include people who have won awards from the Putin regime. This isn't going anywhere. RELEASE THE TAX RETURNS!

You are way behind if you still wanting tax returns, The IRS will handle those if anything is wrong so why do YOU need to see them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because that is how pretty much every
Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.

No....he isn't moron....john podesta, his brother, hilary, her foundation and her husband, the rapist, have the ties Russian government companites...not Trump...
You better be averting your eyes when you address me, Imbecile

Paul Manafort, Donald Trumpā€™s top adviser, and his ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine

I guess you missed the Politico investigation that found the Ukrainians working with a Clinton aide lying and smearing Manafort with accusations of corruption.

Whoopsies! A foreign government trying to get Clinton elected? Say it ain't so.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Nice try...

Mr. Manafort is among at least three Trump campaign advisers whose possible links to Russia are under scrutiny. Two others are Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign, and Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative.

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Departmentā€™s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

And after all these months the FBI have nothing.

The FBI should really take a look at the Podesta brothers considering they are paid to represent the biggest bank in Russia known as the KGB bank.
since her secret server was obviously hacked

Who hacked it and where is the data they stole?

And he ended it by pointing out that the leaks the New York Times and the Washington post were getting...stated they got them from wiretaps.

Who was wiretapped?

The FBI said her server was unsecured and more than likely hacked...since they know how to hack and not leave finger prints they can't confirm what they know actually happened......and you would have to ask the New York Times and the Washingtion post as to which Trump campaign people were tapped.....they are the ones who stated there were wire taps and that the White HOuse knew about them...

And considering that obama dug through James Rosen, of Fox news, and his gmail, the A.P. phone records and wire tapped various people is not unlikely that they wiretapped Trump....obama is a criminal and the law doesn't apply to him.

Here's what the FBI actually said.

"We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clintonā€™s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clintonā€™s personal e-mail account"

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clintonā€™s Use of a Personal E-Mail System ā€” FBI

The NY Times already informed us.

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of "Trump" including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort....Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russiaā€™s Federal Security

There was nothing illegal about the investigation into the leaks in Rosen's case.
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.
The worthless lying Trumpist scum will never post the WHOLE article because it clearly says the wiretaps were in Russia and Ukraine!!!!
The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-electā€™s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russiaā€™s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said.
bassackwards op

Trump started the Russian question mark with a nationwide comment "maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails" he hasnt ended anything but his credibility with his blackberry, in fact, his blackberry bs has him in the middle of an investigation right now ..

Bullshit. He cracked a joke. And after all this time no evidence has been found of Trump having Russian ties.

But the Podestas are knee deep in it now.
That's bullshit.....Trump is connected to the russians through several associates and proxies including Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair...

Further, Eric Trump is on record about Trump's efforts to do business with the Russians, and we KNOW that Trump can no longer entice major US banks to loan him money.
The worthless lying Trumpist scum will never post the WHOLE article because it clearly says the wiretaps were in Russia and Ukraine!!!!
The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-electā€™s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russiaā€™s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said.

The worthless lying Trumpist scum will never post the WHOLE article because it clearly says the wiretaps were in Russia and Ukraine!!!!

They look completely retarded trying to defend this. There is nothing out there that even hints at surveillance at Trump Tower.

There isn't any govt official taking a public position in support of Trump. This came completely from his own damaged brain.

The desperation is driving our wingers to new depths of depravity.
You need to get up to speed. The New York Times.
From the NY Times:

"The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-electā€™s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russiaā€™s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

And they have found no evidence of wrong doing. The Ukrainians were trying to get Hillary elected and with one of Clinton's aides mounted a smear campaign against Manafort.

And by the way it is not illegal to do business in either country. On the other hand the Podestas are actually paid by the largest bank in Russia to lobby against the sanctions.

That largest bank is Russia is owned by the Kremlin. 30%.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clintonā€™s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Story Continued Below

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafortā€™s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trumpā€™s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraineā€™s foe to the east, Russia."

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Routine surveillance on the Russian diplomats and operatives, is what ensnared the Trump surrogates...not wiretapping of them or their phones but the Russian agent's.



All are under surveillance. Do you really believe that the NSA was only monitoring Russian diplomats?
Routine surveillance on the Russian diplomats and operatives, is what ensnared the Trump surrogates...not wiretapping of them or their phones but the Russian agent's.



All are under surveillance. Do you really believe that the NSA was only monitoring Russian diplomats?
Do you really believe they weren't tapping the Venusians?
Remember when the democrats would just, not, stop, accusing Trump of being connected to the Russians...

Remember when Contards kept trying to pretend that the Russians did not try to influence our election?

Remember when the Contards actually cared about Russia?

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