Trump is the new face of white supremacy

By the way, white supremacy means that you belive whites to be superior to other peoples, and therefore should rule over them. It is usually a defamatory remarks used for people who don't hate white people. When someone cal you supremacist, or white supremacist, make them say the defenition. Then just destroy them with arguments.
What is your first language? I ask this because it obviously isn't English.
That article was stuck in the 90s. A total retro response. The author must be reliving their 3rd wave feminist uni days.
It's just sick how much hate the anti-trump people really have. Just because some people don't want people to come and push down the wages, take their land etc., they scream racist or wathever like maniacs. That is true evil. When you no longer are able to discuss and feel for people. To not accept their needs and lives. To defamate and use slurs.

Trumpies feed off hate.

We pity you.

Grow up.

Don't you have a stage to crash at a Trump rally, Shitstain?

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"Trump is the new face of white supremacy"

Trump is the old face of rightwing fear, ignorance, bigotry, and intolerance.

It's as old as the Nation itself, as old as Western Civilization: the fear of change, diversity and dissent common to most on the authoritarian, reactionary right – Trump is merely its most recent manifestation.

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