Trump is Vile, Imbecilic, Corrupt, and Incompetent...

"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

In Jan 2025, you can pull that two dollar bottle of wine out and joyously scream at the moon. Lol.
In Jan 2025, you can pull that two dollar bottle of wine out and joyously scream at the moon. Lol.
Depending on how loudly the economy screams in 2020...

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model

I happen to agree with you there. Reelected if economy is good, no if not.
I happen to agree with you there. Reelected if economy is good, no if not.
What's your guess on 2020 turnout numbers?

What difference does it make?
If Trump's economy is as good as you claim, why aren't Americans paying off record levels of debt?

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

"New York (CNN Business)US households are now sitting on a record $14 trillion in mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other forms of debt.

"Household debt ticked up 0.7% during the third quarter, the New York Federal Reserve said on Wednesday, continuing a five-year climb encouraged by low unemployment, strong consumer confidence and cheap borrowing costs.

"Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy. Household debt has climbed about 25% from the post-recession low of $12.7 trillion."

You neglected to mention this.

You neglected to mention this.
What did you miss?

"Americans now have nearly $14 trillion in debt for the first time ever
Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy."

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN
Here are the articles of impeachment:

Here they are:

He beat Clinton
He did it
He's guilty
Scream at the sky
He did it
yes he did
Lock him up
He did it

That about sum it up? LMAO!
Have you bothered to read the Articles of Impeachment?

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."

Yeah, I've read them. They are garbage.

Our national interests? Where was the importance of our national interest when Obama was empowering Iran? Were was our national interest, when we invited the Russians into Syria?

Nearly half of everything Obama did, violated our national interests.

I didn't see anyone demanding impeachment of Obama.

Bottom line is... they can *say* that Trump did this and that, but the facts don't support the claims. Bottom line is, it's all garbage. This is just evil people, making up false claims, to support a fraudulent impeachment.
Yeah, I've read them. They are garbage.

Our national interests? Where was the importance of our national interest when Obama was empowering Iran? Were was our national interest, when we invited the Russians into Syria?
Obama never claimed Article II gave him the power to do anything he wanted; Trump did. Do you agree all presidents have the right to decide which impeachment proceedings they will cooperate with; why not?

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump


"The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives 'shall have the sole Power of Impeachment' and that the President 'shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors'.

"In his conduct of the office of President of the United States — and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed —"

No suggested otherwise. The problem is, there is no treason, no bribery, no high crime, or misdemeanor.

But other than that tiny, and apparently to the left insignificant factor.... yeah by all means.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159
/——-/ Wasn’t Anonymous the main key witness in the Mueller investigation?
/——-/ Wasn’t Anonymous the main key witness in the Mueller investigation?
Why don't you try reading the report?

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration - Wikipedia

From the "UNBIASED" Washington Post!

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
You obviously could not care less as long as the life-long criminal has a "R" behind his name.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"On the day
he took the oath of office, Donald Trump delivered two messages about what to expect from his administration.

"First came the lofty promise of his inaugural address. 'The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,' he vowed. 'For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth.”

"The second message, which Trump delivered without speaking a word, was aimed at a much smaller, but very rich, audience. As the new president’s motorcade left the Capitol, rolling past knots of supporters and protesters, it suddenly stopped three blocks short of the White House.

"Trump, the First Lady, and the rest of his family got out of their limos and took a three-minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue."

You may want to stop digging before you get to China. Didn’t read the new poll from one the left’s beloved (Quinnipiac) that says 51% OPPOSE impeachment. Period. End of statement. It’s over. The only question left is how bad the beating the Dims take is going to be.
You may want to stop digging before you get to China. Didn’t read the new poll from one the left’s beloved (Quinnipiac) that says 51% OPPOSE impeachment. Period. End of statement. It’s over. The only question left is how bad the beating the Dims take is going to be.
Too bad you can't ask Dick

Democrats will lose 2020 in a LANDSLIDE if they don't impeach the most corrupt POTUS in recent history.

There's a difference. Nixion actually covered up a real crime.

Trump... not so much.
If Trump's economy is as good as you claim, why aren't Americans paying off record levels of debt?

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

"New York (CNN Business)US households are now sitting on a record $14 trillion in mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other forms of debt.

"Household debt ticked up 0.7% during the third quarter, the New York Federal Reserve said on Wednesday, continuing a five-year climb encouraged by low unemployment, strong consumer confidence and cheap borrowing costs.

"Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy. Household debt has climbed about 25% from the post-recession low of $12.7 trillion."

You neglected to mention this.

You neglected to mention this.
What did you miss?

"Americans now have nearly $14 trillion in debt for the first time ever
Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy."

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

Since you believe that repeating the same thing changes...something.

Once again....

If Trump's economy is as good as you claim, why aren't Americans paying off record levels of debt?

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

"New York (CNN Business)US households are now sitting on a record $14 trillion in mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other forms of debt.

"Household debt ticked up 0.7% during the third quarter, the New York Federal Reserve said on Wednesday, continuing a five-year climb encouraged by low unemployment, strong consumer confidence and cheap borrowing costs.

"Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy. Household debt has climbed about 25% from the post-recession low of $12.7 trillion."

You neglected to mention this.

You neglected to mention this.
What did you miss?

"Americans now have nearly $14 trillion in debt for the first time ever
Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy."

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

What's that got to do with anything?

Are you suggesting that somehow when someone wants to buy a car, that they first think.... "I wonder what the national policy is on consumer debt?".


Consumer debt is because people are poorly educated on how horrible it is to be in debt.

Has nothing to do with anything. Parents need to teach their children to not borrow. Churches need to teach their congregations, to not borrow. Perhaps even schools need to teach fiscal responsibility (but I think that is a lost cause, given they are controlled by left-wingers, and can't even teach male and female genders).

But that has nothing to do with anything being discussed in this thread.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

TDS: Defcon 1

DS: Defcon 1

Roaming Charges: That's Neoliberalism for You -

"New Quinnipiac national poll on 2020 general election shows every prospective Democratic nominee beating Trump:

"Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Sanders 51%, Trump 43%
Warren 50%, Trump 43%
Bloomberg 48%, Trump 42%
Buttigieg 48%, Trump 43%
Klobuchar 47%, Trump 43%"
All fake
You have a real problem recognizing the fact a majority of American voters did NOT vote for your trumped-up, pathologically lying con man:

QU Poll Release Detail

"If the general election for president were being held today, 51 percent of registered voters say they would vote for Joe Biden, while 42 percent say they would vote for President Trump.

"When Trump is matched against other Democratic contenders the race remains in single digits:
  • Bernie Sanders gets 51 percent, while Trump has 43 percent;
  • Elizabeth Warren receives 50 percent and Trump gets 43 percent;
  • Michael Bloomberg gets 48 percent to Trump's 42 percent;
  • Pete Buttigieg has 48 percent, while Trump receives 43 percent;
  • Amy Klobuchar receives 47 percent, while Trump has 43 percent.
"This compares to an October 8 poll, in which Biden beat Trump 51 - 40 percent, Sanders led Trump 49 - 42 percent, and Warren won against Trump 49 - 41 percent."

Maybe you'll be happier in Russia?

The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World’s Orbit: A Dirty Dozen
He’s got power and he’s using it and I hate him so he’s abusing his power and my silly snowflake safe spaces cellar dwelling ass cannot emotionally handle it so fake impeachment is the only recourse.

Article 1-4 in a nutshell.

The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World’s Orbit: A Dirty Dozen

"The FBI couldn’t locate Ivankov's headquarters until they finally found out where he’d been living the whole time: in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.”

"Ivankov had an important mission: he was to go to America and organize and expand Russian mafia operations on the soil of the world’s only remaining superpower."
Why did Trump refuse to release his tax returns?
Why did Trump refuse to place his assets in a blind trust?
Why do you pretend he is NOT a pathological liar and con man?

Trump's 2,000 Conflicts of Interest (and Counting) - CREW

"Prior to President Trump, every modern president divested their business interests before entering office.

"For decades, this norm of presidential conduct has served as an important signal for both Republican and Democratic administrations to show that, as the nation’s most powerful and prominent public servant, the president would not put personal financial interests before the interests of the country.

"Divestiture also served as an assurance to the public that the president would not open himself up to undue influence from special interests and foreign governments that might use his businesses as a way to curry favor with him and his administration."

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?

Yep, he exaggerates. So what?

The bottom line is you Progressives whine, cry, and moan because he is doing what he promised. Making American Great!

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?
Trump is unique among US Presidents as far as facing charges of money laundering on behalf of rich Russian and FSU oligarchs; he never put his assets in a blind trust, and only a blind pig would believe his children aren't at least as corrupt as he is. If he has nothing to hide, why won't he release his taxes like every other POTUS candidate since Nixon?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
Maybe he'll pony-up some Russian ammunition to his low-information base?

The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World’s Orbit: A Dirty Dozen

"Komarov wasn’t the only luxury goods merchant filling out Trump’s ties to the Russian underworld or who, like Ivankov, met with an untimely end.

"Eduard Nektalov, originally from Uzbekistan, made a living peddling diamonds in New York.

"Like Komarov, he also came under the scrutiny of American authorities.

"While his ties with Ivankov weren’t as pronounced as Komarov’s, Nektalov was nonetheless targeted by the Treasury Department in 2003 as a key player in an alleged money laundering ring cleaning Colombian drug money.

"At that time he was also dumping millions of dollars into yet another Trump property, Trump World Tower, in midtown Manhattan. (Nektalov picked up a unit in the building that happened to be directly beneath future presidential aide Kellyanne Conway.)

"Rumor soon got around that Nektalov was considering cooperating with the Treasury Department, and it didn’t take long for the wrong people to notice..."
Here are the articles of impeachment:

Here they are:

He beat Clinton
He did it
He's guilty
Scream at the sky
He did it
yes he did
Lock him up
He did it

That about sum it up? LMAO!
Have you bothered to read the Articles of Impeachment?

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."

Yeah, I've read them. They are garbage.

Our national interests? Where was the importance of our national interest when Obama was empowering Iran? Were was our national interest, when we invited the Russians into Syria?

Nearly half of everything Obama did, violated our national interests.

I didn't see anyone demanding impeachment of Obama.

Bottom line is... they can *say* that Trump did this and that, but the facts don't support the claims. Bottom line is, it's all garbage. This is just evil people, making up false claims, to support a fraudulent impeachment.
I didn't see anyone demanding impeachment of Obama.
Why would you impeach a POTUS who's been out of office for nearly three years?
Why would you impeach a president who hasn't committed any crime?
Why would you impeach a president who hasn't committed any crime?
There are few crimes Trump hasn't committed:

Donald Trump in: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

"After all the talk and threats, the possible impeachment of President Trump is finally on the table.

"No, not for the ten times he committed obstruction of justice, or for disclosing intelligence secrets of a US ally to the Russians, or for confiscating the notes of his interpreter after a private meeting with his boss, Vladimir J. Putin.

"Not for disclosing the location of nuclear submarines to Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte, or for lying about his financial dealings with Russia, or his firing of the FBI director, or trying to fire Robert Mueller, or for surrounding himself with people nearly as corrupt as he is, including five who have been convicted of felonies, or for lying over 12,000 times since being sworn in to office."
Why do you believe I have to be personally affected in order to recognize an injustice done to millions of others?

You admit that the wealth of someone else has no effect on you, whatsoever. Other than the fact that those wealthy individuals provide millions of jobs, what "injustice" has been done to anyone?

How do you live from one day to the next? You're so filled with hate, jealousy, and pain. Find someone to talk with, a therapist, a member of the clergy, a trusted friend who will be honest, your doctor. May God bless you and give you some peace.
You admit that the wealth of someone else has no effect on you, whatsoever. Other than the fact that those wealthy individuals provide millions of jobs, what "injustice" has been done to anyone?
Why do you defend a president who has lied to the American people over 12,000 times since he was selected as POTUS?
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Impeachment is a political process, and Trump abused the powers of his office by extorting Ukraine for information on a likely political opponent:

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"

But abuse of power, is rather loose here. I don't see anything that Trump has done, that is any more abusive than what Obama did.

Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.

Unlike Trump that merely pointed out what is clearly dirty... a VP son, using his father's name, to milk $50,000 a month, from a company that gained protection from investigation..... unlike that, Obama just flat out was targeting groups that opposed Obama. That was undeniably for political gain.
Having the IRS target Tea Party groups, is an abusive of power in my view. We should have impeached Obama by your standards.
And by Trump standards it would appear:

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

"In January 2014, James Comey, who at the time was the FBI director, told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of 'enemy hunting', and that the investigation continued.

"On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed.

"On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.[1"

Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.
Really? Shocking. Shocked I say.

Opinion | On Ukraine, Trump Is a Con Man, but He’s Also a Mark

"After all the talk and threats, the possible impeachment of President Trump is finally on the table.

"No, not for the ten times he committed obstruction of justice, or for disclosing intelligence secrets of a US ally to the Russians, or for confiscating the notes of his interpreter after a private meeting with his boss, Vladimir J. Putin.

"Not for disclosing the location of nuclear submarines to Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte, or for lying about his financial dealings with Russia, or his firing of the FBI director, or trying to fire Robert Mueller, or for surrounding himself with people nearly as corrupt as he is, including five who have been convicted of felonies, or for lying over 12,000 times since being sworn in to office."

Donald Trump in: High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Why did Trump refuse to release his tax returns?
Why did Trump refuse to place his assets in a blind trust?
Why do you pretend he is NOT a pathological liar and con man?

Trump's 2,000 Conflicts of Interest (and Counting) - CREW

"Prior to President Trump, every modern president divested their business interests before entering office.

"For decades, this norm of presidential conduct has served as an important signal for both Republican and Democratic administrations to show that, as the nation’s most powerful and prominent public servant, the president would not put personal financial interests before the interests of the country.

"Divestiture also served as an assurance to the public that the president would not open himself up to undue influence from special interests and foreign governments that might use his businesses as a way to curry favor with him and his administration."

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?

Yep, he exaggerates. So what?

The bottom line is you Progressives whine, cry, and moan because he is doing what he promised. Making American Great!

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?
Trump is unique among US Presidents as far as facing charges of money laundering on behalf of rich Russian and FSU oligarchs; he never put his assets in a blind trust, and only a blind pig would believe his children aren't at least as corrupt as he is. If he has nothing to hide, why won't he release his taxes like every other POTUS candidate since Nixon?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
Maybe he'll pony-up some Russian ammunition to his low-information base?

The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World’s Orbit: A Dirty Dozen

"Komarov wasn’t the only luxury goods merchant filling out Trump’s ties to the Russian underworld or who, like Ivankov, met with an untimely end.

"Eduard Nektalov, originally from Uzbekistan, made a living peddling diamonds in New York.

"Like Komarov, he also came under the scrutiny of American authorities.

"While his ties with Ivankov weren’t as pronounced as Komarov’s, Nektalov was nonetheless targeted by the Treasury Department in 2003 as a key player in an alleged money laundering ring cleaning Colombian drug money.

"At that time he was also dumping millions of dollars into yet another Trump property, Trump World Tower, in midtown Manhattan. (Nektalov picked up a unit in the building that happened to be directly beneath future presidential aide Kellyanne Conway.)

"Rumor soon got around that Nektalov was considering cooperating with the Treasury Department, and it didn’t take long for the wrong people to notice..."
/——/ Oh we got him this time #10,567
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.
Trump's inability to respond appropriately to changing events around the world makes him a liability to the citizens of this country and to many US allies who were never betrayed by bone spurs.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world?
The US is not a force for good, and Trump's own unique brand of racism, ignorance, and indifference make our $elf-$erving action$ around the globe even more criminal, imho.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
You obviously could not care less as long as the life-long criminal has a "R" behind his name.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"On the day
he took the oath of office, Donald Trump delivered two messages about what to expect from his administration.

"First came the lofty promise of his inaugural address. 'The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,' he vowed. 'For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth.”

"The second message, which Trump delivered without speaking a word, was aimed at a much smaller, but very rich, audience. As the new president’s motorcade left the Capitol, rolling past knots of supporters and protesters, it suddenly stopped three blocks short of the White House.

"Trump, the First Lady, and the rest of his family got out of their limos and took a three-minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue."

You may want to stop digging before you get to China. Didn’t read the new poll from one the left’s beloved (Quinnipiac) that says 51% OPPOSE impeachment. Period. End of statement. It’s over. The only question left is how bad the beating the Dims take is going to be.
You may want to stop digging before you get to China. Didn’t read the new poll from one the left’s beloved (Quinnipiac) that says 51% OPPOSE impeachment. Period. End of statement. It’s over. The only question left is how bad the beating the Dims take is going to be.
Too bad you can't ask Dick

Democrats will lose 2020 in a LANDSLIDE if they don't impeach the most corrupt POTUS in recent history.

There's a difference. Nixion actually covered up a real crime.

Trump... not so much.
There's a difference. Nixion actually covered up a real crime.

Trump... not so much.
Trump's crimes involved bribing a foreign state to interfere in a US election. Dick did something similar in '68 while running for POTUS, but he never involved the office the way Trump has. Neither Republican deserved being POTUS.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
We agree Hillary should never be president. I believe it will be years after Trump leaves office before we know the full extent of his ignorance and haphazardness and their effects on US foreign policy:

"Trump's social-media missives wre limiting US response options to an overseas incident, the full details of which will not be released for some years."

A Warning, Anonymous, P 159

Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!

You and me, we'll join forces to spread capitalism and free-markets around the world, and have US responses to authoritarian socialists governments around the world!

Let freedom ring brothers!
Oh! So you are in favor of US involvement around the world, and having overseas responses to developments around the world? I had no idea!
Can you explain how free trade exists without governments responding to developments around the world? Perhaps you can tell us how a gold-plated pathological liar whose arrogance and ignorance blind him to most expert advice can be expected to fashion appropriate responses to global developments?

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king

Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?

Because before you rambled irrelevant babbling about free-trade, you made a post claiming that Trump was bad because he was LIMITING the ability of the US to respond to international situations.

So which is it? Do you think that the US is a force for good, and we need to wield our influence around the world? Or do you not, and your post about Trump being bad because he was limiting US responses, was a bunch of crap?

It's one or the other dude. Your constant shifting positions is hypocritical.
Yes or no: Do you think the US should be involved around the world, to respond to international situations?
I don't see any alternative, do you?
I'm also pretty sure Trump isn't intelligent or educated enough to know when, where, or how to get involved

"As can be seen, China's growth has been more than twice as large as the growth in the United States since Donald Trump came into the White House.

"In other words, we should put Donald Trump's claim that his policies have somehow secured the United States' status as the world's leading economy alongside his copy of President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."

China Has Hugely Outgrown the U.S. Under Trump | Beat the Press | CEPR

Why did Trump refuse to release his tax returns?
Why did Trump refuse to place his assets in a blind trust?
Why do you pretend he is NOT a pathological liar and con man?

Trump's 2,000 Conflicts of Interest (and Counting) - CREW

"Prior to President Trump, every modern president divested their business interests before entering office.

"For decades, this norm of presidential conduct has served as an important signal for both Republican and Democratic administrations to show that, as the nation’s most powerful and prominent public servant, the president would not put personal financial interests before the interests of the country.

"Divestiture also served as an assurance to the public that the president would not open himself up to undue influence from special interests and foreign governments that might use his businesses as a way to curry favor with him and his administration."

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?

Yep, he exaggerates. So what?

The bottom line is you Progressives whine, cry, and moan because he is doing what he promised. Making American Great!

I don't give a rip about his tax returns. I never have about any president. Why do you?

He turned his businesses over to his kids. We've never had a multi-billionaire as President. Your point being?
Trump is unique among US Presidents as far as facing charges of money laundering on behalf of rich Russian and FSU oligarchs; he never put his assets in a blind trust, and only a blind pig would believe his children aren't at least as corrupt as he is. If he has nothing to hide, why won't he release his taxes like every other POTUS candidate since Nixon?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
/——/ Ahhhh, poor snowflake. President Trump won’t feed you ammunition you can twist, distort and use against him. Tissue?
Maybe he'll pony-up some Russian ammunition to his low-information base?

The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World’s Orbit: A Dirty Dozen

"Komarov wasn’t the only luxury goods merchant filling out Trump’s ties to the Russian underworld or who, like Ivankov, met with an untimely end.

"Eduard Nektalov, originally from Uzbekistan, made a living peddling diamonds in New York.

"Like Komarov, he also came under the scrutiny of American authorities.

"While his ties with Ivankov weren’t as pronounced as Komarov’s, Nektalov was nonetheless targeted by the Treasury Department in 2003 as a key player in an alleged money laundering ring cleaning Colombian drug money.

"At that time he was also dumping millions of dollars into yet another Trump property, Trump World Tower, in midtown Manhattan. (Nektalov picked up a unit in the building that happened to be directly beneath future presidential aide Kellyanne Conway.)

"Rumor soon got around that Nektalov was considering cooperating with the Treasury Department, and it didn’t take long for the wrong people to notice..."
/——/ Oh we got him this time #10,567
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/——/ Oh we got him this time #10,567

Opinion | On Ukraine, Trump Is a Con Man, but He’s Also a Mark

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