Trump is winning over Democrats and Independents on Jobs policy.

Anyone been to one of these stores yet? They are building one close to where I live in the middle of the sticks.. Also interesting I didn't know aldi was German owned...

Originating in Germany, Lidl is planning to jump over the Atlantic Ocean and into the United States. Lidl is focusing its efforts on the East Coast and is pursuing locations in New Jersey.

Never heard of Lidl? Wonder what the big deal is? Here's six things to know about one of the biggest European grocery chains and its plans in the United States.

Lidl is all over Europe
According to Lidl, it has 10,000 stores in 26 countries across Europe and more than 230,000 employees. It plans on opening up stores in the United States by 2018 along the East Coast -- from New Jersey to Georgia. According to Reuters, Lidl plans on opening 100 stores in America.

The name rhymes with needle
Lidl does have an official pronunciation, which sounds like "leedle." However, according to U.S. spokesman William Harwood, the pronunciation has been known to change between the 26 countries where Lidl store can be found.

Lidl has a nemesis
The main competition for Lidl is Aldi, another German-based supermarket chain. While Lidl hasn't opened any stores in the United States yet, Aldi has been in America since 1973. In 2015, the Grocer Gold Awards in London named Lidl the Grocer of the Year. The winner the previous year? Lidl's rival: Aldi. According to Aldi's website, that chain has 4,000 stores worldwide and 1,300 in the U.S.

Lidl prefers you reuse shopping bags
In the United Kingdom, Lidl encourages customers to reuse shopping bags. They do this by charging for bags for a small fee. Similar to Aldi, customers are expected to bag their own groceriesaway from the checkout area.

Lidl sells everything from produce to pants
The Lidl store layout is similar to Aldi, where products are sold in cases that customers grab from. According to, Lidl is smaller than other supermarkets -- offering 2,000 items compared to other places that might have 30,000 items. There's an emphasis on store brand items. In the United Kingdom, Lidl even has a clothing line that sold out within three days when it first premiered, according to Representatives from the U.S. haven't said specifically what products they'll carry here.

Watch them crumble

Boeing CEO vows to build new Air Force One for less after Trump complaints
Published December 21, 2016
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The CEO of Boeing told President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday that his company can build a new Air Force One for less than originally quoted -- after Trump complained about the cost.
If he can get more, a lot more, good paying jobs, he can get away with everything else.

if he can't, then he can't get away with anything.

He must produce jobs.

And the only way as a President is to do it the statist progressive way.
If he gets 4% growth and little inflation, we'll see the jobs. They aren't "coming back" from overseas. US Steel said it could rehire 10K workers if the econ took off, but the jobs were never exported. They were just layoffs. And we are hitting china with steel tariffs.

But Trump will fuck the Trumpbots. The gop will cut medicare and soc sec. A 50 year old white guy in rural PA who lost a union job is doubly focked. US Steel doesn't need old focks. They get hurt more and are less productive.

If Trump follows the obvious message of this survey, and follows up on this trade and immigration promises

he will have a great time as President and enjoy a massive crushing re-election victory in 2020..

OR he could choose to fuck his supporters, alienate his potential additional supporters, embolden his enemies, and have a really shitty next 4 years, followed by an humiliating defeat and spending the rest of his life remembered as a failure.

Jeez, I wonder which one he will pick?
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.
If he can get more, a lot more, good paying jobs, he can get away with everything else.

if he can't, then he can't get away with anything.

He must produce jobs.

And the only way as a President is to do it the statist progressive way.
If he gets 4% growth and little inflation, we'll see the jobs. They aren't "coming back" from overseas. US Steel said it could rehire 10K workers if the econ took off, but the jobs were never exported. They were just layoffs. And we are hitting china with steel tariffs.

But Trump will fuck the Trumpbots. The gop will cut medicare and soc sec. A 50 year old white guy in rural PA who lost a union job is doubly focked. US Steel doesn't need old focks. They get hurt more and are less productive.

If Trump follows the obvious message of this survey, and follows up on this trade and immigration promises

he will have a great time as President and enjoy a massive crushing re-election victory in 2020..

OR he could choose to fuck his supporters, alienate his potential additional supporters, embolden his enemies, and have a really shitty next 4 years, followed by an humiliating defeat and spending the rest of his life remembered as a failure.

Jeez, I wonder which one he will pick?

Damn pal you made me laugh out loud, I know according to the mental midget liberals, trump will rule from the angry KKK gun touting ultra ultra ultra right wing side..

God are they retarded...

If he can get more, a lot more, good paying jobs, he can get away with everything else.

if he can't, then he can't get away with anything.

He must produce jobs.

And the only way as a President is to do it the statist progressive way.
If he gets 4% growth and little inflation, we'll see the jobs. They aren't "coming back" from overseas. US Steel said it could rehire 10K workers if the econ took off, but the jobs were never exported. They were just layoffs. And we are hitting china with steel tariffs.

But Trump will fuck the Trumpbots. The gop will cut medicare and soc sec. A 50 year old white guy in rural PA who lost a union job is doubly focked. US Steel doesn't need old focks. They get hurt more and are less productive.

If Trump follows the obvious message of this survey, and follows up on this trade and immigration promises

he will have a great time as President and enjoy a massive crushing re-election victory in 2020..

OR he could choose to fuck his supporters, alienate his potential additional supporters, embolden his enemies, and have a really shitty next 4 years, followed by an humiliating defeat and spending the rest of his life remembered as a failure.

Jeez, I wonder which one he will pick?

Damn pal you made me laugh out loud, I know according to the mental midget liberals, trump will rule from the angry KKK gun touting ultra ultra ultra right wing side..

God are they retarded...


I find the op very hopeful. Half of independents and a quarter of dems are NOT buying the panic mongering shit the LEft is selling.

THis possibilities are staggering.
If he can get more, a lot more, good paying jobs, he can get away with everything else.

if he can't, then he can't get away with anything.

He must produce jobs.

And the only way as a President is to do it the statist progressive way.
If he gets 4% growth and little inflation, we'll see the jobs. They aren't "coming back" from overseas. US Steel said it could rehire 10K workers if the econ took off, but the jobs were never exported. They were just layoffs. And we are hitting china with steel tariffs.

But Trump will fuck the Trumpbots. The gop will cut medicare and soc sec. A 50 year old white guy in rural PA who lost a union job is doubly focked. US Steel doesn't need old focks. They get hurt more and are less productive.

If Trump follows the obvious message of this survey, and follows up on this trade and immigration promises

he will have a great time as President and enjoy a massive crushing re-election victory in 2020..

OR he could choose to fuck his supporters, alienate his potential additional supporters, embolden his enemies, and have a really shitty next 4 years, followed by an humiliating defeat and spending the rest of his life remembered as a failure.

Jeez, I wonder which one he will pick?

Damn pal you made me laugh out loud, I know according to the mental midget liberals, trump will rule from the angry KKK gun touting ultra ultra ultra right wing side..

God are they retarded...


I find the op very hopeful. Half of independents and a quarter of dems are NOT buying the panic mongering shit the LEft is selling.

THis possibilities are staggering.

That's what I keep thinking.

That's fun propaganda, tmt, but it is all just prophecy now.
Nope, it clearly says businesses are putting their outsourcing plans on hold now to see how much of his economic agenda Trump will succeed implementing.

You need to start supporting America, Jake.
That is your hope, but let's see just how many actually do it.

Note the Big Government statist threat to business. Trump is a great Democrat.
Companies are saying they are already putting their outsourcing plans on hold. Now that Obama is gone, the Big Government statist threat to business is gone.

Because nothing says small government like trillion dollar spending programs and 35% tariffs!
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.
That's fun propaganda, tmt, but it is all just prophecy now.
Nope, it clearly says businesses are putting their outsourcing plans on hold now to see how much of his economic agenda Trump will succeed implementing.

You need to start supporting America, Jake.
That is your hope, but let's see just how many actually do it.

Note the Big Government statist threat to business. Trump is a great Democrat.
Companies are saying they are already putting their outsourcing plans on hold. Now that Obama is gone, the Big Government statist threat to business is gone.

Because nothing says small government like trillion dollar spending programs and 35% tariffs!

Actually, tariffs historically have been a fairly non intrusive way of raising funds and protecting US manufacturing.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.

Yea totally, sounds wonderful. Now if only we can get the world running on wonderful, simplistic promises :rolleyes:
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.
Trump is going to win so much that Republicans flip news anchor seats in the MSM to red.
Anyone been to one of these stores yet? They are building one close to where I live in the middle of the sticks.. Also interesting I didn't know aldi was German owned...

Originating in Germany, Lidl is planning to jump over the Atlantic Ocean and into the United States. Lidl is focusing its efforts on the East Coast and is pursuing locations in New Jersey.

Never heard of Lidl? Wonder what the big deal is? Here's six things to know about one of the biggest European grocery chains and its plans in the United States.

Lidl is all over Europe
According to Lidl, it has 10,000 stores in 26 countries across Europe and more than 230,000 employees. It plans on opening up stores in the United States by 2018 along the East Coast -- from New Jersey to Georgia. According to Reuters, Lidl plans on opening 100 stores in America.

The name rhymes with needle
Lidl does have an official pronunciation, which sounds like "leedle." However, according to U.S. spokesman William Harwood, the pronunciation has been known to change between the 26 countries where Lidl store can be found.

Lidl has a nemesis
The main competition for Lidl is Aldi, another German-based supermarket chain. While Lidl hasn't opened any stores in the United States yet, Aldi has been in America since 1973. In 2015, the Grocer Gold Awards in London named Lidl the Grocer of the Year. The winner the previous year? Lidl's rival: Aldi. According to Aldi's website, that chain has 4,000 stores worldwide and 1,300 in the U.S.

Lidl prefers you reuse shopping bags
In the United Kingdom, Lidl encourages customers to reuse shopping bags. They do this by charging for bags for a small fee. Similar to Aldi, customers are expected to bag their own groceriesaway from the checkout area.

Lidl sells everything from produce to pants
The Lidl store layout is similar to Aldi, where products are sold in cases that customers grab from. According to, Lidl is smaller than other supermarkets -- offering 2,000 items compared to other places that might have 30,000 items. There's an emphasis on store brand items. In the United Kingdom, Lidl even has a clothing line that sold out within three days when it first premiered, according to Representatives from the U.S. haven't said specifically what products they'll carry here.

America is where foreign owned grocery stores come to die. Britain tried with Fresh and Easy. That crashed and burned rather quickly. I don't think the Germans will have better luck.

As Muslim violence grows and spreads in Europe, their companies may look to us for stability. We must keep those muzz out.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.

Yea totally, sounds wonderful. Now if only we can get the world running on wonderful, simplistic promises :rolleyes:
Says the idiot who voted for "hope and change" TWICE.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?
He has done more in the last month than you have in your entire life.

You are an idiot.

Retard, conversation is not whether Trump has done more than someone on the message board. Conversation is about what Trump has accomplished so far for this country. And the answer is NOTHING. He has not even got into the White House yet for fucks sakes, do you think you Trumpeters can wipe that saliva off the side of your mouth and hold off talking about 2020 win for a bit?
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.

Yea totally, sounds wonderful. Now if only we can get the world running on wonderful, simplistic promises :rolleyes:

Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?

The "shit" he is saying is changing people's minds.

They are open to supporting his policies.

If he delivers, they will notice.

Unless your vile media can gin up enough bullshit to hide the truth.
Trump is going to win so much that Republicans flip news anchor seats in the MSM to red.

I certainly fucking hope so.

I just heard how wonderfully the recent Miss Sloan did in it's opening. Critics liked it, but it was a box office flop.

How long until the bean counters behind the scenes realize that they can't trust liberals to put their job first and their ideology second?

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