Trump is winning over Democrats and Independents on Jobs policy.

Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality.

Talk is cheap, Trump talk is near worthless.
Last edited:
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?
He has done more in the last month than you have in your entire life.

You are an idiot.

Retard, conversation is not whether Trump has done more than someone on the message board. Conversation is about what Trump has accomplished so far for this country. And the answer is NOTHING. He has not even got into the White House yet for fucks sakes, do you think you Trumpeters can wipe that saliva off the side of your mouth and hold off talking about 2020 win for a bit?

He's managed to break though the media filter to get a listen from half the independents and a quarter of the dems.

That is huge.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and no Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing, we're already 19 trillion in red ink.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Last edited:
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?
He has done more in the last month than you have in your entire life.

You are an idiot.

Retard, conversation is not whether Trump has done more than someone on the message board. Conversation is about what Trump has accomplished so far for this country. And the answer is NOTHING. He has not even got into the White House yet for fucks sakes, do you think you Trumpeters can wipe that saliva off the side of your mouth and hold off talking about 2020 win for a bit?

Lmao he did nothing? A strong leader don't have to do much do they?

Again Boeing crumbled to demands.. Among others.. It's must suck to defend the weak huh?

Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

There is nothing unrealistic about coming up with a better trade policy or a better immigration policy.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?
He has done more in the last month than you have in your entire life.

You are an idiot.

Retard, conversation is not whether Trump has done more than someone on the message board. Conversation is about what Trump has accomplished so far for this country. And the answer is NOTHING. He has not even got into the White House yet for fucks sakes, do you think you Trumpeters can wipe that saliva off the side of your mouth and hold off talking about 2020 win for a bit?

He's managed to break though the media filter to get a listen from half the independents and a quarter of the dems.

That is huge.

"Media filter" gave him a national platform to run his mouth for hours on the daily basis. But convincing someone to vote for you is way different from actually turning easy promises into reality...especially when those voters are as clueless as Trump voters.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries to not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
You have been roped a doped into thinking Democrats actually are a legitimate political party. Democrats will never get the rust belt back again.

Trump is easily making Obama look like the amateur, globalist puppet he always has been.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries to not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

I always love when liberals ignore the huge elephants in the room.. When talking about jobs leaving

High Taxed blue states


And more importantly ...them...that wanted cheap shit, so company's gave the American public what they wanted.

Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

Trump hasn't done SHIT except run his mouth so far and you are already talking about winning 2020? Stupid much?
He has done more in the last month than you have in your entire life.

You are an idiot.

Retard, conversation is not whether Trump has done more than someone on the message board. Conversation is about what Trump has accomplished so far for this country. And the answer is NOTHING. He has not even got into the White House yet for fucks sakes, do you think you Trumpeters can wipe that saliva off the side of your mouth and hold off talking about 2020 win for a bit?

He's managed to break though the media filter to get a listen from half the independents and a quarter of the dems.

That is huge.

"Media filter" gave him a national platform to run his mouth for hours on the daily basis. But convincing someone to vote for you is way different from actually turning easy promises into reality...especially when those voters are as clueless as Trump voters.

The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

LIke always.

Trump has broken though that.

Your asshole insults are just you being an asshole.

No one said that it would be easy. But Trump has a lot of experience negotiating, as President he will have tremendous leverage, if he is keeping his promises, he will have tremendous support from the voters, and the bar for success, since the last 50 years of Trade and Immigration policies have been so shitty, is incredibly low.
Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...

Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?
The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.
Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?

You crack me up nerd..

I bet in your mind David Glasgow Farragut didn't say "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead "

He said " torpedoes? Oh crap turn back, full speed home for tea time with mummy "

The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.

Media got paid bigly to let this windbag flap. Proposition that they were trying to suppress him is ludicrous. It was all Trump, all the time.

But he won now and at some point not yet reached he'll have to turn words into policies and actions - lets hold off until then to declare what a great President he is.
Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?

You crack me up nerd..

I bet in your mind David Glasgow Farragut didn't say "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead "

He said " torpedoes? Oh crap turn back, full speed home for tea time with mummy "


What heroic act by Trump are you referencing exactly? Fondling Putin's genitals?
The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.

Media got paid bigly to let this windbag flap. Proposition that they were trying to suppress him is ludicrous. It was all Trump, all the time.

But he won now and at some point not yet reached he'll have to turn words into policies and actions - lets hold off until then to declare what a great President he is.

Your denial is still silly.

Trump managed to get his message though the media filter.

THe fact that the media have been such obvious POS for so long, of course helped.

This survey shows, if there was any doubt, the path for Trump to become a great President.

Implement his platform, especially on Trade and Immigration, and his support will GROW.

This will cow the Establishment GOP in congress, and prevent the dems from gaining the power to stop him in the mid terms.

The bar for success set by the last couple of generations of Trade and Immigration policy is so low, that success, while not assured, is certainly achievable.
The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.

Yeah he is getting down right goofy right now..

I wonder if he thinks
Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?

You crack me up nerd..

I bet in your mind David Glasgow Farragut didn't say "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead "

He said " torpedoes? Oh crap turn back, full speed home for tea time with mummy "


LOL! What heroic act by Trump are you referencing exactly? Fondling Putin's genitals?

Dude keep your gay fantasy shit to yourself...

This thread is about jobs and what a strong leader does..

Not your midget porn fetish..

The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.

Yeah he is getting down right goofy right now..

I wonder if he thinks
My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?

You crack me up nerd..

I bet in your mind David Glasgow Farragut didn't say "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead "

He said " torpedoes? Oh crap turn back, full speed home for tea time with mummy "


LOL! What heroic act by Trump are you referencing exactly? Fondling Putin's genitals?

Dude keep your gay fantasy shit to yourself...
This thread is about jobs and what a strong leader does..
Not your midget porn fetish..


That's what I thought Don Quixote.

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