Trump is winning over Democrats and Independents on Jobs policy.

Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.
Score another one


12/13/2016 UPDATED 12 HOURS AGO
Evonik to build $120M silica plant in S.C.
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ESSEN, Germany (Dec. 13, 2016) — Evonik Industries A.G. has chosen a site near Charleston, S.C., for a $120 million precipitated silica plant it plans to build to supply the U.S. tire industry.

In May, the South Carolina Department of Commerce approved a $500,000 Economic Development grant to assist with site preparation and construction of the project. The document disclosed that the project was expected to create 55 jobs.

The facility will be located at the Charleston International Manufacturing Center in Goose Creek, S.C., about 24 miles north of Charleston.

Evonik earlier confirmed that the facility will produce its Ultrasil-brand of rubber silica at the new facility — which are reinforcing fillers for the rubber industry. In addition to the tire industry, the product line is used in hoses, belts and rollers.

The plant is projected to be complete in 2018, Evonik said, and comes on the heels of its agreement to acquire Huber Silica, the silica business of U.S.-based J.M. Huber Corp., for $630 million in a deal that's pending approval. The business consists of about $300 million in sales, six facilities and about 4,000 employees.

CNN Fact Check: What really happened in China tire case? -
The media lied and did everything they could to spin and smear.

Stop spinning about who was doing the lying:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

The guy is a one man bullshit factory.

Your denial is silly at this point in time. The point remains.

Your media failed to drown out his Voice. He has significant portions of your base open to his platform.

If he can deliver, even partially, this could change the world.

Your assumption that American can NOT increase manufacturing nor control immigration is just that, an unsupported assumption.

My assumption is Trump's simplistic policies and easy promises are about to meet the grinding gears of reality. Talk is cheap.

Lmfao, you must have gotten pick on alot when you were a child huh?

your mothers mantle must be full of your participation trophies, am I right?

Again Trump is showing liberals what a great president does he leads , he shows strength..

And most importantly he compromises...


Trump is not even a president yet pendejo, what lead? What strength? Did he drop a dumbbell on your head or something?

I bet you are going to have a nervous breakdown when you read this nerd.. ...

Steel Prices: US Steel Companies Optimistic About Future

United States Steel’s CEO Mario Longi said that the company would like to accelerate its investments and hire back laid-off employees now that Donald Trump is president-elect. “We already structured to do some things, but when you see in the near future improvement to the tax laws, improvements to regulation, those two things by themselves may be a significant driver to what we’re going to do,” Longi said in the interview.

Looking at the share values of American steel companies, you can see the improvement in investor sentiment. United States Steel’s shares are up 364% so far in 2016. Since the election they have climbed 90%
Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail, he is now in the ballpark with a lot of Republicans he has made enemies of. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies in the Senate especially. John McCain who lead the charge, on this Russian involvement, and actually put the pressure on Obama to issue this executive order. Trump brutally attacked him as not being a war hero, after being shot down and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz was called a liar a thousand times over. His wife and father assaulted with some vicious lies. Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Senate house leader Mitch McConnell who stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. So while you think you have a 51 seat majority it's really 51 minus 6 or 7. Senate Republicans are going to do what Mitch McConnell wants to do.

On the House side, House speaker, Paul Ryan you attacked and even tried to primary him. There is no love lost between Trump and his supporters--and they will doing what they can get done over the next 2 years. House Republicans will be doing what Paul Ryan wants to do.

Because they know that 2 years is all they've got. Their attention will be focused on Obamacare, taxes, medicare, social security, and budgets. They're going to get done what they haven't been able too in the last 6 years. Wall building, deportation, and trade deals will go way way back on the burner.
Trump so won in 2020...I told ya.

CNBC survey: Trump is winning over Democrats and independents on his jobs agenda

Donald Trump's fight to stop U.S. companies from moving jobs overseas is garnering support from an unlikely group of American voters: Non-Republicans, who are warming to the idea of the president-elect in the White House.

New results from the CNBC All-America Economic Survey found more than half of Independents and a quarter of Democrats said they are comfortable and prepared to support Trump as president. An overwhelming 56 percent of those respondents said the top item on his economic agenda should be keeping jobs in the U.S.

The survey of 800 Americans from across the country was conducted December 2-5 by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies. Its margin of error is 3.5 percentage points.

Republican pollster Micah Roberts said the results indicate Trump's push to keep jobs on U.S. soil, like his recent deal with Indiana-based air conditioner company Carrier, extends his appeal beyond the coalition of voters who helped him win the election.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?

Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail, he is now in the ballpark with a lot of Republicans he has made enemies of. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies in the Senate especially. John McCain who lead the charge, on this Russian involvement, and actually put the pressure on Obama to issue this executive order. Trump brutally attacked him as not being a war hero, after being shot down and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz was called a liar a thousand times over. His wife and father assaulted with some vicious lies. Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Senate house leader Mitch McConnell who stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. So while you think you have a 51 seat majority it's really 51 minus 6 or 7. Senate Republicans are going to do what Mitch McConnell wants to do.

On the House side, House speaker, Paul Ryan you attacked and even tried to primary him. There is no love lost between Trump and his supporters--and they will doing what they can get done over the next 2 years. House Republicans will be doing what Paul Ryan wants to do.

Because they know that 2 years is all they've got. Their attention will be focused on Obamacare, taxes, medicare, social security, and budgets. They're going to get done what they haven't been able too in the last 6 years. Wall building, deportation, and trade deals will go way way back on the burner.

Trump is not a politician or a one trick pony like Obama and the democrats.. He can multi task.

Well that's only if he reopens those 30 year rusted out factories in the rust belt of this country, that he promised. If not--they'll be back in the Democrat column shortly.

Frankly I don't know how adding a 35% penalty tax on American corporations, along with tariffs will be a job producer in this country--LOL They're usually only good for starting trade wars, driving the cost up to American consumers--which creates massive job layoffs, and have yet to create a single job in this country. (been there done that before.)

These proposals are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. And I doubt congress will agree to subsidize these industries. The fact is manufacturing in this country cannot compete with foreign countries who don't have to pay our wages, our payroll taxes, our unemployment insurance, our workman's compensation insurance, our health insurance requirements, and put up with all the other bullshit regulations that we have in this country.
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years
Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years

God damn you are stupid, how the fuck did the U. S. Government get revenue?

There was no income tax,
they got it from fucking tariffs

Tariffs in United States history
For general information on tariffs, see Tariff.

Graph: Share of tariff revenues in U.S. Federal budget.

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles in trade policy, political debates and the nation'seconomic history. The main goal of the tariff was money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed theTariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.
That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years

God damn you are stupid, how the duck did the U. S. Government get revenue?

There was no income tax,
they got it from fucking tariffs

Tariffs in United States history
For general information on tariffs, see Tariff.

Graph: Share of tariff revenues in U.S. Federal budget.

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles in trade policy, political debates and the nation'seconomic history. The main goal of the tariff was money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed theTariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.

We don't consider taxes--tariffs-- in this country anymore. Trump is proposing tariff's on Foreign goods, not taxes. They've never worked. A 35% penalty on a new ford truck would be passed onto the American consumer, making foreign made cars even more appealing to American consumers. Both are dead on arrival.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."[5] Alfred E. Eckes argues, however, that the tariff had little effect on the severity of the Great Depression,[6] while Douglas A. Irwin in The Review of Economics and Statistics argued it was only a small portion.[7]"
Democrats have done nothing for the rust belt.

Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail, he is now in the ballpark with a lot of Republicans he has made enemies of. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies in the Senate especially. John McCain who lead the charge, on this Russian involvement, and actually put the pressure on Obama to issue this executive order. Trump brutally attacked him as not being a war hero, after being shot down and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz was called a liar a thousand times over. His wife and father assaulted with some vicious lies. Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Senate house leader Mitch McConnell who stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. So while you think you have a 51 seat majority it's really 51 minus 6 or 7. Senate Republicans are going to do what Mitch McConnell wants to do.

On the House side, House speaker, Paul Ryan you attacked and even tried to primary him. There is no love lost between Trump and his supporters--and they will doing what they can get done over the next 2 years. House Republicans will be doing what Paul Ryan wants to do.

Because they know that 2 years is all they've got. Their attention will be focused on Obamacare, taxes, medicare, social security, and budgets. They're going to get done what they haven't been able too in the last 6 years. Wall building, deportation, and trade deals will go way way back on the burner.

Trump is the big winner. He is going to be the one driving the agenda.

McCain and his fellow rinos have never faced some one like Trump who is not going to be afraid of calling him on his fucking bullshit.

If McCain and his fellows want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, once again, Trump will not take the high road and let it go.

Ryan? You didn't see Ryan on election night. He learned a lot that night. And he want's to be President someday.

To have a hope in hell of that happening, he has to dig himself out of a big hole he made, in fighting Trump the way he did.

If he has a single functioning brain cell, he knows that.
Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade. Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap. The last thing you want to do in this country is get a manufacturing job. If you're working for a large corporation in manufacturing, you can be pretty much assured that you're not going to have that job for very long.

Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years

God damn you are stupid, how the duck did the U. S. Government get revenue?

There was no income tax,
they got it from fucking tariffs

Tariffs in United States history
For general information on tariffs, see Tariff.

Graph: Share of tariff revenues in U.S. Federal budget.

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles in trade policy, political debates and the nation'seconomic history. The main goal of the tariff was money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed theTariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.

We don't consider taxes--tariffs-- in this country anymore. Trump is proposing tariff's on Foreign goods, not taxes. They've never worked. A 35% penalty on a new ford truck would be passed onto the American consumer, making foreign made cars even more appealing to American consumers. Both are dead on arrival.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."[5] Alfred E. Eckes argues, however, that the tariff had little effect on the severity of the Great Depression,[6] while Douglas A. Irwin in The Review of Economics and Statistics argued it was only a small portion.[7]"

What do we have now common core history?

Again claim not a single job was created by tariffs in this country..

So explain to us how did the federal government get paid, how did the military get paid?

Considering we didn't start a federal income tax till 1913

Did they get paid with Dixie dust and unicorn farts?

God are you ignorant its not even funny.

If he can get more, a lot more, good paying jobs, he can get away with everything else.

if he can't, then he can't get away with anything.

He must produce jobs.

And the only way as a President is to do it the statist progressive way.
If he gets 4% growth and little inflation, we'll see the jobs. They aren't "coming back" from overseas. US Steel said it could rehire 10K workers if the econ took off, but the jobs were never exported. They were just layoffs. And we are hitting china with steel tariffs.

But Trump will fuck the Trumpbots. The gop will cut medicare and soc sec. A 50 year old white guy in rural PA who lost a union job is doubly focked. US Steel doesn't need old focks. They get hurt more and are less productive.

If Trump follows the obvious message of this survey, and follows up on this trade and immigration promises

he will have a great time as President and enjoy a massive crushing re-election victory in 2020..

OR he could choose to fuck his supporters, alienate his potential additional supporters, embolden his enemies, and have a really shitty next 4 years, followed by an humiliating defeat and spending the rest of his life remembered as a failure.

Jeez, I wonder which one he will pick?
he is the Donald, and neither you nor I have the slightest idea. We know what he should do, but . . .
Look manufacturing in this country has taken a dive for the last 3 decades. Corporations are forced to work and make a profit in the Global economy today. Foreign countries do not pay our wages, employers unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, and health insurance benefits--that's why they have gone overseas, and why we're not paying 7 thousand for an I-phone, or 15K for a laptop.

No investors are going to open up manufacturing in this country unless they can make a profit, and a Republican congress is not going to subsidize manufacturing.

You've been roped a doped. The Trump family owns properties and investments all over the world, and they are held hostage by China, Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They're not going to risk it by pissing any of these countries off with new trade deals, or whatever he promised you.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail, he is now in the ballpark with a lot of Republicans he has made enemies of. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies in the Senate especially. John McCain who lead the charge, on this Russian involvement, and actually put the pressure on Obama to issue this executive order. Trump brutally attacked him as not being a war hero, after being shot down and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz was called a liar a thousand times over. His wife and father assaulted with some vicious lies. Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Senate house leader Mitch McConnell who stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. So while you think you have a 51 seat majority it's really 51 minus 6 or 7. Senate Republicans are going to do what Mitch McConnell wants to do.

On the House side, House speaker, Paul Ryan you attacked and even tried to primary him. There is no love lost between Trump and his supporters--and they will doing what they can get done over the next 2 years. House Republicans will be doing what Paul Ryan wants to do.

Because they know that 2 years is all they've got. Their attention will be focused on Obamacare, taxes, medicare, social security, and budgets. They're going to get done what they haven't been able too in the last 6 years. Wall building, deportation, and trade deals will go way way back on the burner.

Trump is the big winner. He is going to be the one driving the agenda.

McCain and his fellow rinos have never faced some one like Trump who is not going to be afraid of calling him on his fucking bullshit.

If McCain and his fellows want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, once again, Trump will not take the high road and let it go.

Ryan? You didn't see Ryan on election night. He learned a lot that night. And he want's to be President someday.

To have a hope in hell of that happening, he has to dig himself out of a big hole he made, in fighting Trump the way he did.

If he has a single functioning brain cell, he knows that.
McCain, Graham, Paul, Rubio, etc., with the Dems, can shut Trump down flat. Not a thing he can do. Ryan has to corral the freedom caucus and the nevertrumpers. And Ryan would rather Trump go away quietly, by impeachment if necessary.

And even the majority of the GOP would prefer a President Pence.
Are you still trying to lie like a mother fucker that tariffs never created a single job in this country when I burned your ass on the subject a few days ago?


Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years

God damn you are stupid, how the duck did the U. S. Government get revenue?

There was no income tax,
they got it from fucking tariffs

Tariffs in United States history
For general information on tariffs, see Tariff.

Graph: Share of tariff revenues in U.S. Federal budget.

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles in trade policy, political debates and the nation'seconomic history. The main goal of the tariff was money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed theTariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.

We don't consider taxes--tariffs-- in this country anymore. Trump is proposing tariff's on Foreign goods, not taxes. They've never worked. A 35% penalty on a new ford truck would be passed onto the American consumer, making foreign made cars even more appealing to American consumers. Both are dead on arrival.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."[5] Alfred E. Eckes argues, however, that the tariff had little effect on the severity of the Great Depression,[6] while Douglas A. Irwin in The Review of Economics and Statistics argued it was only a small portion.[7]"

What do we have now common core history?

Again claim not a single job was created by tariffs in this country..

So explain to us how did the federal government get paid, how did the military get paid?

Considering we didn't start a federal income tax till 1913

Did they get paid with Dixie dust and unicorn farts?

God are you ignorant its not even funny.


Look "lil" Einstein, I just gave you a verifiable link to what economists, and Federal Reserve chiefs have stated about tariffs. I don't give a rats ass if you want to call them taxes or tariffs. THEY DON'T FUCKING WORK, AND THEY DON'T CREATE JOBS--THEY ARE A JOB KILLER.

Any half brain can figure out that if we "tax or tariff foreign goods, then China or any other will tax or tariff American goods. This is what has happened in the past. Then it goes into a trade war. The cost of the product skyrocket's--meaning Americans are paying more for those products, taking more out of their pockets, which always results in massive job layoffs.

Read it 100 times if you have too dumbass.


The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia


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That "global economy" is a result of trade policies that can be changed.

A lap top will not cost 15k, if not made by Third World labor.

There is ALREADY plenty of manufacturing in this country.

Better trade policy will encourage it to grow. That is not unrealistic.

Trump is not going to piss off countries where he has investments. China has the POWER over him, not the other way around.

Sure he will. YOu assume his ass isn't covered, which is unlikely, AND you forget the leverage he will have as President.

Then you have a Republican congress that has ALWAYS been free pro-trade.

Time change. And Trump just showed them where the votes are. ANd his supporters are still pissed off at them.

Steel manufacturing in this country is GONE forever. No builder or developer is going to buy American steel when they can get the same product for less than 1/2 the price--because they too are "competing with other builders and developers."

Steel production is not gone. It's reduced, and it can be increased. Those other builders and developers will be playing by the same rules.

A Republican congress would never agree to tariffs, or penalizing American corporations 35%--that have never created a single job in this country and only drive up the cost to the American consumers--which then create massive job layoffs everywhere. Not going to happen.

Blah, blah, blah. Why are you afraid of change?

Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. The north American trade agreement aka NAFTA is between Mexico & Canada. You screw Mexico you screw Canada also. In Mexico they actually pay more than we do for cars, appliances, etc. that we get cheaper because they're American made.

So what's Mexico going to give us? A Pinata factory? What's Canada going to give us? You need to look a little bit more beyond the tip of your nose on this. Yes, you're angry you lost your manufacturing job years ago, and you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker with Trump. Talk is very cheap.

Mexico is gong to give US what we want. Or they can go fuck themselves.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail, he is now in the ballpark with a lot of Republicans he has made enemies of. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies in the Senate especially. John McCain who lead the charge, on this Russian involvement, and actually put the pressure on Obama to issue this executive order. Trump brutally attacked him as not being a war hero, after being shot down and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz was called a liar a thousand times over. His wife and father assaulted with some vicious lies. Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Senate house leader Mitch McConnell who stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. So while you think you have a 51 seat majority it's really 51 minus 6 or 7. Senate Republicans are going to do what Mitch McConnell wants to do.

On the House side, House speaker, Paul Ryan you attacked and even tried to primary him. There is no love lost between Trump and his supporters--and they will doing what they can get done over the next 2 years. House Republicans will be doing what Paul Ryan wants to do.

Because they know that 2 years is all they've got. Their attention will be focused on Obamacare, taxes, medicare, social security, and budgets. They're going to get done what they haven't been able too in the last 6 years. Wall building, deportation, and trade deals will go way way back on the burner.

Trump is the big winner. He is going to be the one driving the agenda.

McCain and his fellow rinos have never faced some one like Trump who is not going to be afraid of calling him on his fucking bullshit.

If McCain and his fellows want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, once again, Trump will not take the high road and let it go.

Ryan? You didn't see Ryan on election night. He learned a lot that night. And he want's to be President someday.

To have a hope in hell of that happening, he has to dig himself out of a big hole he made, in fighting Trump the way he did.

If he has a single functioning brain cell, he knows that.
McCain, Graham, Paul, Rubio, etc., with the Dems, can shut Trump down flat. Not a thing he can do. Ryan has to corral the freedom caucus and the nevertrumpers. And Ryan would rather Trump go away quietly, by impeachment if necessary.

And even the majority of the GOP would prefer a President Pence.
McCain and Graham are the only ones who will turn traitor.

Rubio and Cruz are already allies because they know it will help them to be so. Rand Paul is a non-factor.
Tariffs have never created a single job in this country. In fact during the Great Depression it made it worse. Republicans have already stated they aren't going to get into a trade war. The tariffed country will ALWAYS return the favor, by tariffing American products. THEY DON'T WORK.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia

Again you history ignorant moron that's how our nation got its start for the first 100 years

God damn you are stupid, how the duck did the U. S. Government get revenue?

There was no income tax,
they got it from fucking tariffs

Tariffs in United States history
For general information on tariffs, see Tariff.

Graph: Share of tariff revenues in U.S. Federal budget.

Tariffs in United States history have played important roles in trade policy, political debates and the nation'seconomic history. The main goal of the tariff was money to pay the federal budget.[citation needed] Controversy arose over whether manufacturing interests were favored and consumer interests hurt by high tariffs. The 1st United States Congress, wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed theTariff Act of 1789. Treasury agents collected the tariff before goods could be landed, and what became the Coast Guard prevented smuggling. Tariffs were the largest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the Federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.

We don't consider taxes--tariffs-- in this country anymore. Trump is proposing tariff's on Foreign goods, not taxes. They've never worked. A 35% penalty on a new ford truck would be passed onto the American consumer, making foreign made cars even more appealing to American consumers. Both are dead on arrival.


"The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."[5] Alfred E. Eckes argues, however, that the tariff had little effect on the severity of the Great Depression,[6] while Douglas A. Irwin in The Review of Economics and Statistics argued it was only a small portion.[7]"

What do we have now common core history?

Again claim not a single job was created by tariffs in this country..

So explain to us how did the federal government get paid, how did the military get paid?

Considering we didn't start a federal income tax till 1913

Did they get paid with Dixie dust and unicorn farts?

God are you ignorant its not even funny.


Look "lil" Einstein, I just gave you a verifiable link to what economists, and Federal Reserve chiefs have stated about tariffs. I don't give a rats ass if you want to call them taxes or tariffs. THEY DON'T FUCKING WORK, AND THEY DON'T CREATE JOBS--THEY ARE A JOB KILLER.

Any 1/2 brain can figure out that if we "tax or tariff foreign goods, then China or any other will tax or tariff American goods. This is what has happened in the past. Then it goes into a trade war. The cost of the product skyrocket's--meaning American are paying more for those products, taking more out of their pockets, which always results in massive job layoffs.

Read it 100 times if you have too dumbass.


The dutiable tariff level (this does not include duty-free imports—see Tariff levels below) under the act was the second highest in the U.S. in 100 years, exceeded by a small margin by the Tariff of 1828.[3] Most economists view the Act, and the ensuing retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4] The extent of Smoot-Hawley's negative effect on the Depression-era economy remains debated by economists. According to Ben Bernanke, "Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression."
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia


Don't try to change the goal post

Mr Common core history moron..

Again you claimed not a single job was created by Tariffs on two separate threads..

So here is my history lesson for you since your Union history teacher wouldn't know history if it slapped her in the face..

For the last time The United States of America was built on tariffs till the late 1800s , then in 1913 the Federal income tax was started.

Comprehend? No more I have to see you lying in future threads?

Remembrer, ptbw, you said you don't understand politics, and you just proved it. So does Bear513 on most posts.

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