Trump IS WRONG. The authority to reopen areas of the country is not his.

Where does the authority to close the areas come from in the first place?
The governors. Trump said that two experts told him that if there was no shut down 2.2 million people would die. Those were Fuci and the scarf lady. Then he recommended the shut down. On that recommendation the governors shut down to the extent they wanted.


Trump issued guidelines and recommendations based on advisement from Dr. Fauci and CDC. The rest is on Governors to act in their own states.

Trump issued National Health Emergency on January 31st. When did Governors reacted to this emergency?
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.

Depends on the context. By omitting the context you're just spinning his words. You should know better.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Did you see the briefing yourself? I did. Trump said he could not and would not order states to reopen. A reporter asked what he would do to governors who refuse to open. Trump said "They will answer to their voters".

THANK YOU. All of the arguing back and forth in this thread is based on a false narrative that apparently even duped Grampa in the OP. I watched the briefing and was waiting for someone to point this out as I was reading this thread. Unfortunately your post was ignored as the thread continued arguing over make believe that is completely inconsistent with Trump's actual statements.
Where does the authority to close the areas come from in the first place?

45 expressly stated that he wanted the Governor's in individual states to take control and they did. Local City, County and State Officials made the decision to close non-essential business, set up restricted shopping hours, mandated Shelter-In-Place Orders and the wearing protective masks. These Governor's also set mutual aid and support networks after the Feds started taking shipment PPE and other Medical Equipment that was being hijacked by FEMA.

NOW, after the Governor's doing exactly what the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Stain said to, exercise independent control...that asshole now says HE has the power to decide when our country will "Open Up Again".

A power, which the U.S. Constitution he does not have, check the 10th Amendment if you are somehow confused.

No 45, you do not now, nor have you ever had such power.
People wanted, needed and demanded leadership. And they got it, just not from the wannabe dictator. They got it from Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. Cuomo/Newsom 2020.
How predictable to see you praise those blue staters who are guilty of mutiny.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

I mean he could declare any lock down unlawful and say he's ensuring people's right to freedom of movement, assembly, etc.

I'm sure a clever lawyer can come up with a justification for just about anything especially in a climate of "emergency"

This whole thing is orwellian, Our rights stop at the flu/ lol little late to back track now. But he definitely has that power.

"you're quarantining people who aren't showing symptoms over the flu, ok hitler" is how i'd play it
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.

45 actually attempted to make the claim State Governor's had committed, "Mutiny".


45 went so far as to William Bligh, the late captain of the HMS Bounty (Mutiny on the Bounty).

It was 45 who wanted the Governor's of individual states to take over control of those states during COVID-19 Pandemic.

Governor's like Cuomo of New York, Newsom of California, Murphy of New Jersey and Whitmer of Michigan did exactly that. It was 45 dragged his feet on Social Distancing and wearing of face masks.

Governor's had form mutual support networks after they found out that the Fed's were hijacking orders for PPE and Ventilators made by the States.

On one hand we see an incompetent asshole using press briefings to show campaign videos (violation of Federal Election Laws) and on the other hand we have strong Governors looks after the Health and Welfare for the people in their states.

Over 26,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Each of those deaths can be blamed on the singular inept, incompetence of man who see's tv ratings as a metric of success.
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Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.

45 actually attempted to make the claim State Governor's had committed, "Mutiny".


45 went so far as to William Bligh, the late captain of the HMS Bounty (Mutiny on the Bounty).

It was 45 who wanted the Governor's of individual states to take over control of those states during COVID-19 Pandemic.

Governor's like Cuomo of New York, Newsom of California, Murphy of New Jersey and Whitmer of Michigan did exactly that. It was 45 dragged his feet on Social Distancing and wearing of face masks.

Governor's had form mutual support networks after they found out that the Fed's were hijacking orders for PPE and Ventilators made by the States.

On one hand we see an incompetent asshole using press briefings to show campaign videos (violation of Federal Election Laws) and on the other hand we have strong Governors looks after the Health and Welfare for the people in their states.

Over 120,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Each of those deaths can be blamed on the singular inept, incompetence of man who see's tv ratings as a metric of success.

120,000 americans haven't died of covid 19 my god people

if you had a pre existing serious condition, like aids for example

You died of aids not covid 19, how we're counting these deaths is absurd.

Woudln't surprise me at all if those numbers were literally every dead body irrelevant of cause that happened to drop and can find a corona virus. Not covid 19, they ain't testing for covid 19. So if you have any of the other corona viruses that are out there (the flu/cold like symptoms), they'll count that too
People wanted, needed and demanded leadership. And they got it, just not from the wannabe dictator. They got it from Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. Cuomo/Newsom 2020.
How predictable to see you praise those blue state rs who are guilty of mutiny.

Over 26,000 Americans are dead because 5-Deferment Dodging POS who cares more for TV Ratings than saving lives. That Orange Shit Stain gut reaction is there would be "Close to zero" cases in the U.S.....

Governor Newsom, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Whitmer are saving lives, 45 is uses press conferences to show campaign videos.

Fuck 45, that cowardly asshole
Trump may have the authority to force states to rescind lockdowns of businesses. He could argue that state lockdowns are barriers to interstate commerce in that they force interruptions to commerce across state lines.

Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government as authorized under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government can also regulate commerce within a state when it may impact interstate movement of goods and services and may strike down state actions which are barriers to such movement.

Interstate Commerce Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Trump may have the authority to force states to rescind lockdowns of businesses. He could argue that state lockdowns are barriers to interstate commerce in that they force interruptions to commerce across state lines.

Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government as authorized under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government can also regulate commerce within a state when it may impact interstate movement of goods and services and may strike down state actions which are barriers to such movement.

Interstate Commerce Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Businesses that gather groups of people together dont involve interstate commerce. These types of business operate entirely within a single state.

There are exceptions, such as factories or warehouses in essential businesses, but these are already still operating.
Trump may have the authority to force states to rescind lockdowns of businesses. He could argue that state lockdowns are barriers to interstate commerce in that they force interruptions to commerce across state lines.

Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government as authorized under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government can also regulate commerce within a state when it may impact interstate movement of goods and services and may strike down state actions which are barriers to such movement.

Interstate Commerce Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Businesses that gather groups of people together dont involve interstate commerce. These types of business operate entirely within a single state.

There are exceptions, such as factories or warehouses in essential businesses, but these are already still operating.

Recognizing the development of a dynamic and integrated national economy, the Court employed a broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause, reasoning that even local activity will likely affect the larger interstate commercial economic scheme.

Commerce Clause
Trump may have the authority to force states to rescind lockdowns of businesses. He could argue that state lockdowns are barriers to interstate commerce in that they force interruptions to commerce across state lines.

Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government as authorized under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government can also regulate commerce within a state when it may impact interstate movement of goods and services and may strike down state actions which are barriers to such movement.

Interstate Commerce Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Businesses that gather groups of people together dont involve interstate commerce. These types of business operate entirely within a single state.

There are exceptions, such as factories or warehouses in essential businesses, but these are already still operating.

Recognizing the development of a dynamic and integrated national economy, the Court employed a broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause, reasoning that even local activity will likely affect the larger interstate commercial economic scheme.

Commerce Clause
FACT CHECK: Trump Doesn't Have The Authority To Order States To 'Reopen'

Polly J. Price, a professor of law and global health at the Emory University School of Law, says the Supreme Court denied the president "this kind of authority" in a 1952 case, when it ruled against President Harry Truman, who was trying to shut down the steel industry to avert a nationwide steelworkers strike.

"The order required the secretary of commerce to seize and operate most of the steel mills. The Supreme Court struck it down as beyond the powers of the president, despite the claim that it was a matter of national security," Price said.

She added that Congress may have the authority to reopen the economy under the Constitution's Commerce Clause.

But "Congress is given this regulatory power, not the president," Price noted. "Congress could delegate to the president the determination of when a 'reopening' should occur, either regionally or nationwide. But I am not aware of any legislation that already gives the president that authority."
Governor Newsom, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Whitmer are saving lives, 45 is uses press conferences to show campaign videos.
Bullcrap. Trump is saving lives by using travel bans to stop the virus and also his new drug that is a game changer.

Bull Fucking Shit.

In March of this year, U.S. Dead from COVID-19 was under 100. Now, as of 18:23 PST the number of U.S. Dead is 34,617. Yesterday Morning, the number of dead 26,000+.

The Lying Life Scum Sucking Pig Shit Draft Dodging Coward early on said the number of dead would be "15 At Most".

States ordering PPE have had their orders seized by the Feds.


He was briefed by the U.S. Army in January.

He was briefed by U.S. Intelligence in December of 2019.

He was briefed the World Health Organization in February.


The Orange Walking Slimy Excuse for Yellow Belly Yankee Coward Disbanded the N.S.A. Pandemic Team.

Fuck 45 and Fuck You and any one Dumb enough to believe the lies he tells you.

The rest of know better.
Funny how the governors were wanting Trump to impose a national shutdown but now are screaming they down want Trump to set a national re opening of the country
Yeah, duh. Despite him being a ridiculous narcissist, he is still "President" and idiot Republicans still do what he says. He should have recommended stay at home orders for all states then maybe South Dakota wouldn't be a "hot spot". Florida wouldn't have had teenagers descending upon its beaches and exposing its aging population.

People wanted, needed and demanded leadership. And they got it, just not from the wannabe dictator. They got it from Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. Cuomo/Newsom 2020.

The cognitive dissonance of the liberal. You want people ordered to stay home...and only dictators refuse to order people around?

The two worst areas in the country have the best leadership? Huh? Even in your addled brain how is that logical?
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Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

That narrative looks to me to be

Trump should have acted quickly to shut down the country

But Trump doesn’t have that authority. It belongs to the governors.

And you find some logic there?

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