Trump IS WRONG. The authority to reopen areas of the country is not his.

Funny how the governors were wanting Trump to impose a national shutdown but now are screaming they down want Trump to set a national re opening of the country
Yeah, duh. Despite him being a ridiculous narcissist, he is still "President" and idiot Republicans still do what he says. He should have recommended stay at home orders for all states then maybe South Dakota wouldn't be a "hot spot". Florida wouldn't have had teenagers descending upon its beaches and exposing its aging population.

People wanted, needed and demanded leadership. And they got it, just not from the wannabe dictator. They got it from Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. Cuomo/Newsom 2020.
Both of which have praised Trumps response.

:lol: Any raft to cling to...
Facts hurt....

Here, this might help

Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
And you are what? The world authority on constitutional law or just another opinionated asshole on the internet?
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Wow, so if it's the governors responsibility to shutdown then it appears there were quite a few governors that should take responsibility for not shutting down earlier. And we're not talking about lip service.

That makes too much sense. You're probably racist or somethin':confused:
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
Did you see the briefing yourself? I did. Trump said he could not and would not order states to reopen. A reporter asked what he would do to governors who refuse to open. Trump said "They will answer to their voters".
I think people are taking the president out of context, because a month ago all he did was recommend to states that they close down some businesses. He recommended to states that the citizens mitigate contamination by social distancing.

Even after President Trump made those recommendations to States, some governors we're closing businesses while other governors were not. And yet you didn't hear the president going on TV and demanding that those governors who were not closing states must do so or face his wrath.

The president never signed any executive order demanding States closed businesses, and he's not going to sign an executive order demanding that they open. All the president is saying is that the decision whether he'll recommended States reopen again or not is going to be his to make and nobody else's. But people are taking this to me that he's going to order states to open.

Trump never ordered them to close in the first place, so I don't know where all of this is coming from

PROGS are short on material is all. So they make shit up and material becomes endless.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
Did you see the briefing yourself? I did. Trump said he could not and would not order states to reopen. A reporter asked what he would do to governors who refuse to open. Trump said "They will answer to their voters".
I think people are taking the president out of context, because a month ago all he did was recommend to states that they close down some businesses. He recommended to states that the citizens mitigate contamination by social distancing.

Even after President Trump made those recommendations to States, some governors we're closing businesses while other governors were not. And yet you didn't hear the president going on TV and demanding that those governors who were not closing states must do so or face his wrath.

The president never signed any executive order demanding States closed businesses, and he's not going to sign an executive order demanding that they open. All the president is saying is that the decision whether he'll recommended States reopen again or not is going to be his to make and nobody else's. But people are taking this to me that he's going to order states to open.

Trump never ordered them to close in the first place, so I don't know where all of this is coming from
It's coming from democrats lying their asses off once again. I saw that briefing and know exactly what Trump said. He said that governors who refuse to open will have to answer to their voters. He even had a little smirk when he said that.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
And you are what? The world authority on constitutional law or just another opinionated asshole on the internet?
Someone who understands the separations of our government and who has what power over who.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

All those years of being totally in support of "States Rights", has fallen by the wayside for ReFuckLiKins. No where in the Constitution does it give the person in the Oval Office the power that 45 claims he has.

45 says "We've written a paper", well guess what numb nuts....there is already a paper written and its called the Constitution of The United States of America.

There is even a specific mention of "States Rights" in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Amendment X:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

No you lying lowlife Draft-Dodging POS Shit you do not have the power you claim. You never HAD that Power and never will.
Will you call out future presidents and congress who usurp power and authority not given in the constitution?

Say, for example, federal gun laws (explicitly unconstitutional).

Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.
Where does the authority to close the areas come from in the first place?
The governors. Trump said that two experts told him that if there was no shut down 2.2 million people would die. Those were Fuci and the scarf lady. Then he recommended the shut down. On that recommendation the governors shut down to the extent they wanted.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.

It doesn't matter.........the Media will play it's stupid little game of finger pointing..........and blah blah blah

The Feds will change their advisories to precautions for citizens to prevent the spread and businesses slowly will reopen across the country. States who are tired of this shit will reopen businesses and take their chances.....others will not.

As hot spots go again..........the Asshole politicians and Media will point fingers at everyone............Just showing what a bunch of Assholes they are.............Ignore their asses.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.
No one has total regards to the War Act....he does have the power to seize aspects of this country to fight the WAR AGAINST THE VIRUS...........LOL

That hasn't been necessary..........and all the governors are talking to the Feds deciding the best way to reopen the country............Each State has it's own issues............some are in Chaos.........MOST AREN'T.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

Don't fall for the rage bait is what I say.

Trumps own words. "Presidents have TOTAL power"

He does not. And thankfully he hasn't acted upon that statement thus far.
The mental condition his statement reveals is disconcerting.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
Yet it's your ego that fails to notice the President set a trap for the media and your liken commentary that admits the Governor's are to blame for the delayed action and thus Cuomo and De Blasio is responsible for the huge amount of deaths due to laxed response according to your reply to what the President said. He Gotcha! Or rather you got yourselves, by way of your narrative of Fauci's set up comments.

Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.

President Trump hasn't shut a single business. He, on advise of CDC and NHI issued guidelines, and it's up to Governors to issue orders in their states. Trump do have authority to change guidelines, and it's still up to Governors to regulate in their states. So, what exactly Trump is wrong about?
To say the President has "total power" is to express total lack of understanding.
Funny how the governors were wanting Trump to impose a national shutdown but now are screaming they down want Trump to set a national re opening of the country

Correct. Trump has nothing with closing businesses. Businesses can mitigate, and if they can follow certain guidelines, what's the problem to have them open?

What I find interesting is that, for example, grocery stores are open, since people have to eat, right? Well, if COVID-19 is supposedly so contagious and deadly, everyone getting food supplies at the stores should be testing positive for it and/or dropping dead from it, why aren't they?

When the Government says "practice social distancing so you don't get the virus" but doesn't do it themselves to a point where they all gather together on a small stage in a small room filled with people to give press conferences or to hold meetings together around a table. It might be a sign for everyone to start questioning the Government and the threat of the virus.

Have you noticed how other countries leadership is getting COVID-19 (Iran, UK, China, etc) and changing meeting or gathering habits but the US Federal and State governments seems completely fine and not changing a thing? The double standard is huge, this is a "emperor has no clothes" moment. There were 10 people around Michigan bimbo Governor while she was signing new order for social distancing with fines of $1000 for anyone who doesn't follow it.

The people telling you to stay in your homes forever in fear and to not socialize with anyone anywhere are not afraid of the virus itself and are doing the exact opposite of what they are telling you to do.

What's also interesting is that "essential" workers who are necessary to go in public (grocery workers, delivery services, etc) and "essential workers who get assigned to work from home, are given two completely different instructions about the virus. Public workers are told they'll be fine and that it won't be anything worse than a bad cold if they do catch it, survival odds very high and they're unlikely to realize they have it. Work from home essentials are told its easily to catch and will be debilitating if caught. That they should self quarantine to their homes and make excuses they may have it to avoid any social contact, being soothed by being told they're too important to get sick so these precautions are absolute necessities and that others wouldn't understand if they tried to explain it.

It's very weird how few have gone out of their way to get both sides of the briefings instead believing the other to be an idiot.
Funny how the governors were wanting Trump to impose a national shutdown but now are screaming they down want Trump to set a national re opening of the country

Reminder... For whole month after Trump declared National Health Emergency, New York was acting like there is no threat.

DeBlasio was recommending what movies to watch, and Health Commissioner was telling people to ride subway, and celebrate Chinese New Year.

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