Trump IS WRONG. The authority to reopen areas of the country is not his.

Governor Newsom, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Whitmer are saving lives, 45 is uses press conferences to show campaign videos.
Bullcrap. Trump is saving lives by using travel bans to stop the virus and also his new drug that is a game changer.

Bull Fucking Shit.

In March of this year, U.S. Dead from COVID-19 was under 100. Now, as of 18:23 PST the number of U.S. Dead is 34,617. Yesterday Morning, the number of dead 26,000+.

The Lying Life Scum Sucking Pig Shit Draft Dodging Coward early on said the number of dead would be "15 At Most".

States ordering PPE have had their orders seized by the Feds.


He was briefed by the U.S. Army in January.

He was briefed by U.S. Intelligence in December of 2019.

He was briefed the World Health Organization in February.


The Orange Walking Slimy Excuse for Yellow Belly Yankee Coward Disbanded the N.S.A. Pandemic Team.

Fuck 45 and Fuck You and any one Dumb enough to believe the lies he tells you.

The rest of know better.
Quit lying. Just quit.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
Check the interstate clause of the Constitution Trump or any other President has the authority if it affects INTERSTATE commerce. Governors regulate only in state.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.
Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
and just like that trump got democrats to defend the 10th amendment,,, in some things trump is amazing,,, others not so much
You gotta know states with significant pro-life populations are gonna jump on that. Yup, states rights, baby.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
you had me until the last sentence

but yes, I agree, he is way off base on this one

I have not read the whole thread yet, so apologies if this has already been said...

what he CAN do is:

1. declare the national emergency over; thereby taking away federal dollars for states that refuse to open
2. invoke the commerce clause of the Constitution

neither of those actions would be wise politically
Funny how the governors were wanting Trump to impose a national shutdown but now are screaming they down want Trump to set a national re opening of the country
Funny how your leader doesnt know his duties ..many times he showed incompetence and you defend him you ever get tired?
End the Democrat governors' lockdowns now.

End the Democrat governors' economic collapse now.

Even the loser handlers of Demented Joe say so.

Governor Newsom, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Whitmer are saving lives, 45 is uses press conferences to show campaign videos.
Bullcrap. Trump is saving lives by using travel bans to stop the virus and also his new drug that is a game changer.
Facts you dimwitted Misguided, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping Shit Stan followers of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Dog Fucking Asshole 45.

1. The U.S. Army warned that fuck wad 45 back in February that
COVID-19 Could Kill 150,000 Americans. "I take no responsibility".

2. As far back as November 2019 Intelligence warned of the COVID-19 sweeping the People's Republic of China. "I take no responsibility".

Intelligence officials were warning Trump about a pandemic as early as January, but they 'couldn't get him to do anything about it'. "I take no responsibility".

3. U.S. Intelligence Reports From January and February Warned of A Likely Pandemic. "I take no responsibility".

Intelligence officials were warning Trump about a pandemic as early as January, but they 'couldn't get him to do anything about it'. "I take no responsibility".

4. Hospital Reports Feds are Seizing PPE Ordered By States Without A
Word. "I take no responsibility".

Fuck That Goddamn Fuck Faced Lying Asshole45.

Fuck the Supporters of that Goddamn Fuck faced Lying Asshole 45.
Just as my earlier thread pointed out that it was local municipalities that were responsible for the shutdown, they are solely responsible for opening it back up.
The feds can advise and consent but the choice is not theirs.

Trump, as his ego dictates, thinks it's all about him and he has tripped over his own ego on this one.
Check the interstate clause of the Constitution Trump or any other President has the authority if it affects INTERSTATE commerce. Governors regulate only in state.

The President has authority over some Intrastate Commerce also. If it can affect Interstate Commerce.
Check the interstate clause of the Constitution Trump or any other President has the authority if it affects INTERSTATE commerce. Governors regulate only in state.
Trump is right, he should be the one calling the shots. If this clause is what it takes, then so be it.

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