Trump issues executive order freezing pay for 2.1 million federal workers in 2019

So Trump lays them off for Christmas, refuses to pay furloughed workers, withdraws a pay increase while they are furloughed

And then expects their vote in 2020
GI Bill was essentially affirmative action for whites love. SS, medicare, etc.
The GI bill was not even close to affirmative action fool, and applied to vets of all colors.

Epic failure. try a history book
------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , GI Bill was for every one that came out of the Military .

Not the way it played out, simple searches would help.
----------------------------------- no expert but I believe intention was that the GI Bill was intended for every one that was or had been Military Lowrie .
Thats because Lowrie is another progressive fool who has to connect everything to racism
--------------------- yep , he might be eh ?? INTENT of the GI Bill was to help out , do something for ALL Military that had been or were Military as far as I know SoupN .
So Trump lays them off for Christmas, refuses to pay furloughed workers, withdraws a pay increase while they are furloughed

And then expects their vote in 2020

And he prolly will get many, but that's the current state of the american public for you. Endless blame of someone/something else, zero personal responsibility coupled with cooperation and participation in the very thing they decry..
So Trump lays them off for Christmas, refuses to pay furloughed workers, withdraws a pay increase while they are furloughed

And then expects their vote in 2020
------------------------------------------ [chuckle] yeah , like 'kandy' and her types of 'g men' would ever vote for the TRUMP RWinger . [chuckle again]
and just occurred , but yeah , probably the Trump type DEPLORABLES in Fed Gov probably will vote Trump ,
------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , GI Bill was for every one that came out of the Military .

Not the way it played out, simple searches would help.
----------------------------------- no expert but I believe intention was that the GI Bill was intended for every one that was or had been Military Lowrie .

As I say, dig, "intent"? Nah, verbiage and sales pitch, not the way it worked out, widely known, shouldn't be hard to find out. Or not, up to the individual.
-------------------------------------- yeah , i'm only interested in INTENT of the GI Bill . Everything other than INTENT is either BS , whining and crying , rumors . lying or as I said BS Lowrie .

There is how a bill of goods is sold and how said bill of goods is delivered. If you're uncomfortable with how it worked out, so be it, you needed to know.
It worked out as promised.

Your effort at revisionism is proven false,.
The GI bill was not even close to affirmative action fool, and applied to vets of all colors.

Epic failure. try a history book
------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , GI Bill was for every one that came out of the Military .

Not the way it played out, simple searches would help.
----------------------------------- no expert but I believe intention was that the GI Bill was intended for every one that was or had been Military Lowrie .
Thats because Lowrie is another progressive fool who has to connect everything to racism

OK well now the labels arrive since an argument fell apart.
You gave no argument you gave revisionist fiction

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