Trump & Jerusalem: Why is this necessary?

It reinforces the fact that Muslims can never be our friends, their religion forbids it.
Incorrect Bozo ... :cuckoo:

Quran 5:82 You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers (Muslims) those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.
Oh so anti-semitism is entrenched in your religion. Interesting. Explains why the palestinians can't accept Jews and want to murder them.
Trump will forever have blood on his hands and his prepared!!
This is the type of unhinged lunatic that personifies a modern day liberal

My president keeps his campaign promises

Except he's muslim and posted from his Koran. Try again.
The reasons I gave are the more likely ones for non-acceptance if that is the case. After all, Jews were quite accepted by Palestinians prior to the ongoing unpleasantness and the Koran was around then.
Who is it suggesting the implementers of invasion, occupation and apartheid should be acceptable?
Donald Trump has no clue about the Midle East.

But hey, he is smarter than most Middle East experts, he is smarter than Obama & all the political science experts under his administration. He is smarter than George W Bush & all the political scientists in his administration. He is smarter than Bill Clinton & all the political scientists in his administration .

Trump made a stupid campaign promise & God Damn it, he is going to keep it regardless how many people die & how is disrpts the peace process, how mush it pisses off our allies.

And the Trumpettes are sofa king stupid, they cheer.
All of the "experts" before him have done a great job bringing peace

Check out liberals who applauded their negro messiah for saying Jerusalem is the capital in order the garner the Jew vote all against Trump for actually doing what he promised.

Mind you, the same ones that would crush him for lying to the Jews if he did not follow through.

Like the wall folks. They laugh their stupid heads off that he has NOT built the wall yet, and they will be the ones yelling when he actually does build the wall.

The left are liars and the line in the sand is drawn. I say fuck them all. Especially the pathetic muslim ones, who I could not give a shit less about if I tried. Cannot stand them or their stupid false religion.
Donald Trump has no clue about the Midle East.

But hey, he is smarter than most Middle East experts, he is smarter than Obama & all the political science experts under his administration. He is smarter than George W Bush & all the political scientists in his administration. He is smarter than Bill Clinton & all the political scientists in his administration .

Trump made a stupid campaign promise & God Damn it, he is going to keep it regardless how many people die & how is disrpts the peace process, how mush it pisses off our allies.

And the Trumpettes are sofa king stupid, they cheer.
All of the "experts" before him have done a great job bringing peace

and the guy with six bankruptcies a Fraud University, 4000 law suits a serial adulterer and an inveterate liar like Trump is going to get it done
Trump will forever have blood on his hands and his prepared!!
This is the type of unhinged lunatic that personifies a modern day liberal

My president keeps his campaign promises

Donald Trump is a piece of greasy Orange shit playing footsies with Evangelist weirdos
I repeat Donald Trump is n greasy Orange Piece of Shit what did you not understand are free to worship it LOL

I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?
To cause chaos so to distract from his money laundering schemes with the Russians?


He is the Antichrist as I've feared for a while and is trying to cause Armageddon?

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