Trump & Jerusalem: Why is this necessary?

So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.

Doing the right thing and not bowing to bullies and terrorists is always worth it. Was WW2 worth the American lives lost?
I don't remember us going out of our way to bait Hitler like this. This is a choice we're making that gains us nothing of substance and increases the danger to us.
Hitler was giving out paybacks for WW1.

Germans started WW1..

Germans didn't start WW1?
The U.S. government has just reinforced this verse form the Quran, and all Muslims should harken to it's sage advice. .... :cool:

5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

you mean muslims don't get to run a jewish country? no, they don't.
Americans don't get to run a Jewish run country called the U.S.A?
I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?

There is exactly one simple reason for this move: Personal praise of Trump by Netanyahu. Period.

Sheldon Adelson , and Jared Kushner........

No, Trump cares no more about them than he does anything else he scrapess off of his shoe. Trump is a malignant narcissist. Every thought he has is pointed in the same direction: "How does this personally affect me?"
I never said I was for or against it. I said thank you for fulfilling another campaign promise.

I know that's a foreign concept to liberals, but Trump is doing what he said he would do.
I never said I was for or against it. I said thank you for fulfilling another campaign promise.

I know that's a foreign concept to liberals, but Trump is doing what he said he would do.

So you don't care about what the promise is, just that it is fulfilled? That seems idiotic. By the same stupid logic, you love you some Obamacare. You know, that "kept promise" you've been crying about for 8 years.
I didn't support it or Obama, big difference.

I support Trump and am glad he is doing what he said he would do. I don't give a damn about the capital of Israel.
I didn't support it or Obama, big difference.

I support Trump and am glad he is doing what he said he would do. I don't give a damn about the capital of Israel.

So you support Trump, but not his ideas. In fact, you dont even care what they are. You are just happy when he implements them.

And you dont think this makes you seem stupid?
You know what it makes you sound like? A citizen of North Korea.
“Trump & Jerusalem: Why is this necessary?”

It isn’t.

In fact, it’s reckless and irresponsible – further incompetence of the Trump ‘administration.’

And it’s yet another example of Trump attempting to appease his base and placate the Christian right, regardless how damaging to American foreign policy.

Any pretense of neutrality the United States might have had as an honest broker of peace in the ME is now gone.
the world--including muslims--should've been PISSED and wanted the Palestinians blown to hell after Munich 72
--where they MURDERED innocent people
--where they attacked the WORLD
--they attacked PEACE--the Olympics are supposed to represent peace among all nations
--murdered PEACEFUL Israelis
now they are pissed at recognizing Jerusalem as a capital?????!!!!!!!!

but no--the muslims sided with the MURDERERS--so vile, heinous and against PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F%%k them
it is in Israels best interest to work with the Saudis anyway as Iran is the new 800 pound gorilla in the ME anyway. I suspect that they were already cooperating in propping up ISIS.
What we need is a new Saddam, a secular, Sunni strongman that can keep the Shiites and Kurds in check and act as a counter weight to Iran. We blew that big time.
Well, hopefully Saddam 2/0 wont be a murderous thug
good question. far as i know it *is* their capital but failure to recognize it officially somehow makes people who hate israel a little happier. that would likely go back to israel being given the land long ago and stir up crap that's been stirred up in that region since that region found its first grain of sand in their shoe.

for trump it could be just to NOT be like everyone else. he's also following through on a campaign promise. why is it important? i can't answer that unfortunately because i don't know why it hurts people one way or another what capital they have or why other than a continued reason to keep the same hate alive.

good question - i'm anxious to hear non-trollling input and learn some also.

Who said it is their capital?

They did. Every country has the right to determine their own capital city.
You don't do the right thing because it is easy. You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. This has been promised to jews for a long time and Trump is the first POTUS with the balls to do it.
Do you think that our relationship with Israel would damaged if Trump didn't do this, right now, at this very moment?
Trump promised to do it during his campaign and is following through on yet another campaign promise.

Yes, making empty promises and not following through strains relations.

Having said that, it's not about our relationship. We are the United States and we do the right thing without fear of making savages upset.

Israel is the one that will have to deal with the retaliation and they wanted this. We have to respect that.

He had no right to make such a promise. No the US will have to deal with it. You call the Muslims savages, I say the Israelites are savages.

The President decides foreign policy, so yeah he has the right to do it.
the world--including muslims--should've been PISSED and wanted the Palestinians blown to hell after Munich 72
--where they MURDERED innocent people
--where they attacked the WORLD
--they attacked PEACE--the Olympics are supposed to represent peace among all nations
--murdered PEACEFUL Israelis
now they are pissed at recognizing Jerusalem as a capital?????!!!!!!!!

but no--the muslims sided with the MURDERERS--so vile, heinous and against PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F%%k them

I remember watching one of them assassinate Bobby Kennedy.

Things have sure changed since then. A Palestinian murdered him for his liberal views, yet the idiot portion of today's so-called "liberals" hate Israel with a passion.

Go figure.
Jerusalem is Muslim property? There have been Christians and Jews there from time immemorial. Islam did not begin till about 600 AD. How does that work?

These insufferably stupid twits are too fucking dull to even realize that the very word they are using -- Jerusalem -- is a HEBREW word.
Trumps move has hastened the coming of Ezekiel 38-39.

We are rapidly approaching coming to pass of The Great Jihadist-trap. And Bear-trap.
Nearly all will see [TV + internet] this event come to pass.
Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14, Joel 3, Psalms 83, Isaiah 17 describe a great Jihadist [Islamic terrorist] trap.
How so ?
Zechariah 12-14 reveals at first it will appear Israel is defeated.
At that time all previously hesitant Jihadist will flood into Israel intending rape and pillage.
Shortly after that ALL the invaders will be annihilated by Jesus/angels.
Thus the “waterloo” of the Islamic Satanic delusion.

Since the lead invading nation will be from “remote north” (Ezekiel 38:6, 39:2) of Israel, this nation must be Russia.
Thus the invasion will also result in the “waterloo” of Russian dream of world ruler-ship.
A million Muslims is nothing compared to the 1.2 billion of them.

Everything pisses off Muslims anyway.

So, if someone came & took your property & gave it to someone else, you'd be happy.

Good to know.
Jerusalem is Muslim property? There have been Christians and Jews there from time immemorial. Islam did not begin till about 600 AD. How does that work?

So Miami belongs to the Native Americans and Spain?

Maybe we should take your property & give it to a Native American family.
So do we give Jerusalem to the Israelites, the Philistines, the Ottomans, the Palestinians or the Brits?
Who was there hen the land was taken after WWII? Not the Jews.
Jerusalem was under British control after WWII. So they get it I guess.

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