Trump Jr. says the numbers for Coronavirus is almost nothing

... Bottom line, Trump voters don't care
The ongoing human carnage is of little import to them in the context of their cultish devotion.

That they would slavishly submit to the self-serving ravings of a lying, narcissistic, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer concerning a pandemic, rather than respect the informed, experienced voices of qualified epidemiologists and public health professionals is quite deranged.

One must assume that, if they were to incur cardiological, pulmonary, vascular, neurological, or proctological problems, they would eschew the expertise of specialists and cling to whatever crackpot notions their fat-arsed deity might spew.
Exactly! Science only becomes real when it affects them personally. Beyond that, it doesn't exist. So, we know they will be looking at science on Tuesday for sure. Lol!

I can safely assert, that with four years of Republican hypocrisy, lies, cheating, complicity, denials, racism, corruption, hate, etc., science, in the end, will have the last say. It doesn't care what they want or what they do.

They can ride that Trump train if they like, but science will step on that train like a piss ant, which him and his base have manufactured.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You know your brain has been fried right? Covid is not over. Are you not aware of that? Where in the hell have you been?

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You know your brain has been fried right? Covid is not over. Are you not aware of that? Where in the hell have you been?
Covid is a scam and if we just took a couple of precautions in the beginning it would be over with. Just ask Sweden.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You know your brain has been fried right? Covid is not over. Are you not aware of that? Where in the hell have you been?
Covid is a scam and if we just took a couple of precautions in the beginning it would be over with. Just ask Sweden.
No links to support that ridiculous claim only makes a complete idiot of you. Dude, get back to planet earth. If you have an argument, link the facts, and stop this insane stupidity you are showing us.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
Covid is just getting's warming up for the big show...we've turned NO corner. The lives list mean NOTHING to the rich.
This jknowgood is totally lost to the universe. Folks like this are no longer on this planet. Where in the hell do they come from?

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You know your brain has been fried right? Covid is not over. Are you not aware of that? Where in the hell have you been?
Covid is a scam and if we just took a couple of precautions in the beginning it would be over with. Just ask Sweden.
No links to support that ridiculous claim only makes a complete idiot of you. Dude, get back to planet earth. If you have an argument, link the facts, and stop this insane stupidity you are showing us.
Sweden is almost done with it and they took little precautions.
So 220,000 deaths and rising is just fine. It's good right? Let me say it. America, YOU HAVE FAILED epically in dealing with the virus. It's not Trump's fault. As a nation we could have been ready. Pathetic. Shameful. Embarassing.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?

What ?

That we don't listen to morons like you.

Please don't pull the "decent" card. It only makes you look more foolish.

We are not voting for Biden (garbage) on Tuesday.

See you then.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
Covid is just getting's warming up for the big show...we've turned NO corner. The lives list mean NOTHING to the rich.
This jknowgood is totally lost to the universe. Folks like this are no longer on this planet. Where in the hell do they come from?
You do know that quote isn't from me, dumbass?
The quote has no meaning when it was a projection from the past that didn't happen retard. Are you capable of logical debate without injecting total nonsense? NO!

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.
I'm not voting for either major corrupt power hungry average worker HATING party. Too patriotic for that. Letting rich men run the nation is bad news.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.
Others aren't, thanks to your stupidity. Carry on.

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