Trump Jr. says the numbers for Coronavirus is almost nothing

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.
Others aren't, thanks to your stupidity. Carry on.

Was your post addressed to Cuomo and the other morons in the N.E. who killed so many early on.

It's to the point now where it's hard to understand why we think ANYBODY is an EXPERT on this thing. They've been wrong at every turn and are basically espousing voodoo (masks).
If no one is an expert, then why are you blaming Cuomo and calling wearing masks "voodoo?" You make no sense as always.

You don't need to be an expert to know what Cuomo did.

Only a dumbass wouldn't see it.....oh yeah...that would be you.

Becaue there is nothing that shows masks work
Where's the science to back up your conclusion? you don't have one. You lose again.

We know what Cuomo did and the results.

You really want to dispute that.

What science do you have that supports the use of masks ? You don't have that. So, how is it you are making your claims....oh, yeah....

You are a left take the conclusion you know is right and you look for the evidence to support it.

You make me laugh.

August 28, 2020 / Infectious Disease
New Study Highlights New Evidence That Masks Prevent Coronavirus Spread
Our expert weighs in on the new data

New Study Highlights New Evidence That Masks Prevent Coronavirus Spread

Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US
PUBLISHED:June 16, 2020Free Access

you're welcome.

Yes, I've seen this horsehit before.

The duke study looks at the mechanics of the mask. There is nothing to support this is the major form of transmission.

Even the WHO can't support their claim that "evidence suggests". When the suggestion was questioned, they fell backwards.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Show us the numbers you are looking at.

I look at the CDC site.

You can look for yourself.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.
you could be asymptomatic & spreading yer fucking germs all over the place, ya super spreader.
So could anyone wearing a mask. Viruses typically spread from hands to face or from hands to the environment (what you touch).

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.
Others aren't, thanks to your stupidity. Carry on.

Was your post addressed to Cuomo and the other morons in the N.E. who killed so many early on.

It's to the point now where it's hard to understand why we think ANYBODY is an EXPERT on this thing. They've been wrong at every turn and are basically espousing voodoo (masks).
If no one is an expert, then why are you blaming Cuomo and calling wearing masks "voodoo?" You make no sense as always.

You don't need to be an expert to know what Cuomo did.

Only a dumbass wouldn't see it.....oh yeah...that would be you.

Becaue there is nothing that shows masks work
Where's the science to back up your conclusion? you don't have one. You lose again.
Science to you is you can change your gender. Now carry on.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.
The numbers for Obama's castrastofy is up to 500,000 dead. That's when he stopped counting.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.

you could be asymptomatic & spreading yer fucking germs all over the place, ya super spreader.
Whatever if the mask are so effective as recommend. Why are everyone told to get a flu shot?
You know, if we are really "rounding the corner" on this thing as Trump claims, then why are hospitals being overwhelmed right now? Hospitalizations keep going up, yet Trump says the virus is going down.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.
Keep up being paranoid, I've lived the way I always have. I don't wear a mask and I'm fine.

you could be asymptomatic & spreading yer fucking germs all over the place, ya super spreader.
Whatever if the mask are so effective as recommend. Why are everyone told to get a flu shot?
OMG! This guy has no brain.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
OMG! My homework? If you expect me to have it broke down, how does that exempt you? Answer, because you're a loiar who has nothing to break down.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
OMG! My homework? If you expect me to have it broke down, how does that exempt you? Answer, because you're a loiar who has nothing to break down.

Yes, your homework. You are the one making the claims.

You: "220,000 dead and I am shitting my pants. 220,000 deaths and it is all Trumps fault."

You don't think those statistics exist ????

Really ?

You fucking moron.

From the CDC site.



Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
I already broke it down with other links.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
I already broke it down with other links.

What other links.

And what part of your statistics don't you understand.....because clearly you are ignorant on the subject.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
OMG! My homework? If you expect me to have it broke down, how does that exempt you? Answer, because you're a loiar who has nothing to break down.

Yes, your homework. You are the one making the claims.

You: "220,000 dead and I am shitting my pants. 220,000 deaths and it is all Trumps fault."

You don't think those statistics exist ????

Really ?

You fucking moron.

From the CDC site.

View attachment 409846

229,000 dumb ass! Can't you read?

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
OMG! My homework? If you expect me to have it broke down, how does that exempt you? Answer, because you're a loiar who has nothing to break down.

Yes, your homework. You are the one making the claims.

You: "220,000 dead and I am shitting my pants. 220,000 deaths and it is all Trumps fault."

You don't think those statistics exist ????

Really ?

You fucking moron.

From the CDC site.

View attachment 409846

229,000 dumb ass! Can't you read?


Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
I already broke it down with other links.

What other links.

And what part of your statistics don't you understand.....because clearly you are ignorant on the subject.
Look you idiot, try and keep up; United States Coronavirus: 9,473,911 Cases and 236,471 Deaths - Worldometer The break down is there and you lose again.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
OMG! My homework? If you expect me to have it broke down, how does that exempt you? Answer, because you're a loiar who has nothing to break down.

Yes, your homework. You are the one making the claims.

You: "220,000 dead and I am shitting my pants. 220,000 deaths and it is all Trumps fault."

You don't think those statistics exist ????

Really ?

You fucking moron.

From the CDC site.

View attachment 409846

229,000 dumb ass! Can't you read?

View attachment 409853
Anything to run like the coward you are from the debate.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.
You do know of course your argument has no legs right? More than 12,000 people are estimated to have died from H1N1 between April 2009 and April 2010, according to the CDC. There have been more than 3,400 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. as of early March 31. I'm not sure why you are compelled to make an idiot of yourself concerning this debate? You can't even read or challenge the numbers I gave you with a link of your own. I'm embarrassed for you.
Your going with the low number, they also said that up to 500,000 could've died from it. Any 6% of 12,000 is what?
My god man. What kind of retarded question are you asking? "Could've died?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What fucking planet are you on? "Could've" but didn't. You are losing it here bud.

Why don't you turn over your throne and sit on one of the legs ?

People don't have to see things the way you do.

This is America.
You don't see things because you don't look. Real Americans look. What country are you from?

I don't see what you think I should see because it's not there.

Does your class in "Being An Asshole Left Winger" include any kind of reference for therapy for you stupid bastards.

The kind you need when you finally discover people don't have cower to your point of view ?
The OP gave you the numbers and you provided no counter numbers to the one's posted. You lose. Now take a hike.

Meaningless numbers as countless others have show time and time again.

I look at the numbers and analyze. You seem to immediately have your depends crawl right up your ass.

The only losers are the people being slammed by the needless closing of the economy.

Now fuck off.
Numbers you aren't going to change, because you are too uninformed and brain dead to mount a challenge.

Since you only present a total with no breakdown, you are certainly in no position to make any commentary on anything.

I expect that is the extend of your understanding.
Totals, without any other means of disputing those totals, is the extent of your own argument. Which means you have no argument. As always, you are such a good loser.

Not only do you not have any numbers of your own, you also have no break down. Even more losing by you.

Not doing your homework for you.
I already broke it down with other links.

What other links.

And what part of your statistics don't you understand.....because clearly you are ignorant on the subject.
Look you idiot, try and keep up; United States Coronavirus: 9,473,911 Cases and 236,471 Deaths - Worldometer The break down is there and you lose again.
Don't go getting lost. I need to see the rebuttal breakdown of yours, or you will not only be the loser, but a coward for running.

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