Trump Jr. says the numbers for Coronavirus is almost nothing

"Has dropped to almost nothing" is different from "is almost nothing" if you read it in context. The intent was to get people back to work and back to school but the left reduces everything to a sound bite.
His intent was to fool people in believing it "is almost nothing" when that statement could not be further from the truth. We are breaking records in cases almost daily.
As the testing increases to record levels the positives proportionally increase
Math retards do not respond

why does donny want the testing to 'slow down'?

because he wants to catapult the propaganda that the virus is ' rounding the turn '. & have the poorly educated that he loves long time, to be lulled into believing a lie.
It's all about him at the expense of his own base. The man is a reincarnation of Hitler.
"Has dropped to almost nothing" is different from "is almost nothing" if you read it in context. The intent was to get people back to work and back to school but the left reduces everything to a sound bite.
His intent was to fool people in believing it "is almost nothing" when that statement could not be further from the truth. We are breaking records in cases almost daily.
As the testing increases to record levels the positives proportionally increase
Math retards do not respond
And you would hide that for what reason?
99.8% recover, without a vaccinne, many deaths listed as covid are not. 0.2% and the gov.'s worldwide are in on the agenda 21 and great reset plan.
And the deaths from long term damage to health and other organs because of covid? Where are those stats? Exactly! You don't have them.
"Has dropped to almost nothing" is different from "is almost nothing" if you read it in context. The intent was to get people back to work and back to school but the left reduces everything to a sound bite.
The intent was to lie and fool people. Which is what Trump does at his super spreader events. He is killing people, and his natural selection base is taking the bait.
sock alert and still a stupid bitch
If you are impotent in explaining your binky's documented fake statements in which he repeatedly dismissed, denied and diverted from the now demonstrated threat to the nation from the pandemic, your sniveling will not serve as a substitute for coherency.

Compose yourself, and summon the resolve to confront reality in an adult fashion.
SO you're a sock I gave a chapped ass too. LOL PRICELESS LOL
sock alert and still a stupid bitch
If you are impotent in explaining your binky's documented fake statements in which he repeatedly dismissed, denied and diverted from the now demonstrated threat to the nation from the pandemic, your sniveling will not serve as a substitute for coherency.

Compose yourself, and summon the resolve to confront reality in an adult fashion.
He's an ignoramus who has turned to magical thinking to get it up instead. He has nothing else to offer.
so you're talking to your sock? how sweet
Uh huh, it's almost down to NOTHING. It's like MAGIC!
Thanks Don "Fredo" Drumpf Junior.
Your idiocy shines every time ya flap the pie hole.


Seriously, attacking the president's sons looks? This isn't what well adjusted adults do hun...
Uh huh, it's almost down to NOTHING. It's like MAGIC!
Thanks Don "Fredo" Drumpf Junior.
Your idiocy shines every time ya flap the pie hole.


Seriously, attacking the president's sons looks? This isn't what well adjusted adults do hun...
A well adjusted adult doesn't lie out of his teeth like junior boy did either. He's a disgusting human being. Tell junior to watch a few videos on how it's just nothing. What a pos he is and his supporters are. Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC | Watch Rachel Maddow Live
Seriously, attacking the president's sons looks? This isn't what well adjusted adults do hun...

Tell it to Agent Orange TurtleBoy ;)

WASHINGTON — President Trump referred to the pornographic film actress Stephanie Clifford as “Horseface” in a tweet on Tuesday, adding her to a long list of women he has attacked by demeaning their looks, mocking their bodily functions or comparing them to animals.​
Mr. Trump has accused women of having “fat, ugly” faces and of repelling voters because of their looks. He called one woman a “crazed, crying lowlife” and said another was a “dog” who had the “face of a pig.” He said Hillary Clinton’s bathroom break during a 2015 presidential debate was “too disgusting” to talk about. He has repeatedly mocked women for being overweight.​

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Seriously, attacking the president's sons looks? This isn't what well adjusted adults do hun...

Tell it to Agent Orange TurtleBoy ;)

WASHINGTON — President Trump referred to the pornographic film actress Stephanie Clifford as “Horseface” in a tweet on Tuesday, adding her to a long list of women he has attacked by demeaning their looks, mocking their bodily functions or comparing them to animals.​
Mr. Trump has accused women of having “fat, ugly” faces and of repelling voters because of their looks. He called one woman a “crazed, crying lowlife” and said another was a “dog” who had the “face of a pig.” He said Hillary Clinton’s bathroom break during a 2015 presidential debate was “too disgusting” to talk about. He has repeatedly mocked women for being overweight.​

The hypocrisy is out the roof for these Trump toadies.
Never in American history have so few and so little harmed so many so much.
Idiots deliberately spouting ignorance that 600,000 tests with 40,000 positives and 1.2 million tests with 80,000 positives show a dramatic spike when In fact proportionately and percentage wise it’s the same
Fearful willfully ignorant agenda driven dim bulbs shutting down America to harm Trump and punish people who can think and want to be productive. Dem loons are mostly government dependent loafers and seek to force everyone to be the same
... Bottom line, Trump voters don't care
The ongoing human carnage is of little import to them in the context of their cultish devotion.

That they would slavishly submit to the self-serving ravings of a lying, narcissistic, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer concerning a pandemic, rather than respect the informed, experienced voices of qualified epidemiologists and public health professionals is quite deranged.

One must assume that, if they were to incur cardiological, pulmonary, vascular, neurological, or proctological problems, they would eschew the expertise of specialists and cling to whatever crackpot notions their fat-arsed deity might spew.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -

Tell that to the 230,000 already dead, the 9 million infected, and the 90,000 more who were infected yesterday.

For the sake of anything remotely decent in your miserable lives, step up, grow a pair, and admit you are a lying Republican party. Yes, I'm talking to all Republicans voting for Trump. You are complicit in the suffering, compliments of Trump and his mentally unstable son.

Where is your decency, honesty, and self respect? And you're voting for this garbage on Tuesday? Who, by the way are causing sickness and death to your families and friends.

WTF is wrong with you people?
6% of those actually died of covid. So the numbers are low, no where near the failure of the Obama administration on h1n1. Where he quit counting the deaths and stopped testing.
People like you are only good for one thing, "lying." Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines -
At 6% the real dead from covid, that's 36,000 deaths. A mild flu season. Up to 500,000 before Obama had them to stop counting them, and no shutdown.

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