Trump just bombed his base

Michael Savage: 'Trump Just Bombed His Base' - 21st Century Wire
He's right 100%. He was elected based on a HUGE part of his statements and beliefs on non intervention in Syria which is well documented by his tweets and comments.

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.
Michael Savage: 'Trump Just Bombed His Base' - 21st Century Wire
He's right 100%. He was elected based on a HUGE part of his statements and beliefs on non intervention in Syria which is well documented by his tweets and comments.
I disagree. I feel that he intentonally demonstrated the difference between a strong leader and a weak leader. Obama drew that famous red line and when it was crossed, he he was impotent. Through strength, Trump has brought China to the negotiating table on tarrifs and North Korea asked for negotiations on removing his nukes. You can't bring about real change by being a pussy.
I voted for him to play golf, nominate conservative judges, and to post tweets that drive the left insane.
How'd that con-servative judge work out?
He appears to be the only one who made a judgment based on the merits of the law rather than party affiliation. From that aspect, Trump nailed the pick.
i'd have to agree. i DO NOT want our supreme court biased one way or the other - we have law, follow it. not twist it for a given side.

if what trump was after was vague, then he needs to tighten up his language on what he wants and try again. i *hate it* when the gov lobs out a vague law knowing it is as such so they can do what they want within that law.
Michael Savage: 'Trump Just Bombed His Base' - 21st Century Wire
He's right 100%. He was elected based on a HUGE part of his statements and beliefs on non intervention in Syria which is well documented by his tweets and comments.
I voted for President Trump because I hated the establishment pukes. I voted from President Trump in the general because the sickly , crooked vagina candidate was the reason why we had to bomb Syria in the first place. you libfucks are such stupid people...

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS

Michael Savage: 'Trump Just Bombed His Base' - 21st Century Wire
He's right 100%. He was elected based on a HUGE part of his statements and beliefs on non intervention in Syria which is well documented by his tweets and comments.
I voted for President Trump because I hated the establishment pukes. I voted from President Trump in the general because the sickly , crooked vagina candidate was the reason why we had to bomb Syria in the first place. you libfucks are such stupid people...

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS


Those two are like the old booga booga joke
At 168 million dollars each, what did those missile's gain us in Syria?
It let's the world the US finally is a partner that can be trusted, will stand for changing for dangerous, cruel acts of other leaders that torture their people and is country that stands tall.
Michael Savage: 'Trump Just Bombed His Base' - 21st Century Wire
He's right 100%. He was elected based on a HUGE part of his statements and beliefs on non intervention in Syria which is well documented by his tweets and comments.
I voted for President Trump because I hated the establishment pukes. I voted from President Trump in the general because the sickly , crooked vagina candidate was the reason why we had to bomb Syria in the first place. you libfucks are such stupid people...

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS

I voted for Trump you bumbling moron. I voted for Trump I didn't expect to get Clinton! But we did!
Bombing Syria is not bombing his base.

He wasn't accused of "bombing his base" when he put Boots on the Ground
in Syria. He was there to take out ISIS and has almost entirely rid Iraq and Syria of them. Zero damn well wouldn't do it.

You people are just scraping for anything to bad mouth him and all of you voted
for a fucking worthless Coon for 8 years.

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