Trump Killing Obama in Approval Rating

Ok show me Gallup giving odds on the election.

GO and don’t come back until you find em :lol:
How about if I show you the results of the election? Your bitch lost, despite all the predictions from your favorite fake news, fake polls. Spin it all you want but the bottom line is that ALL of you leftists predicted a Clinton landslide and ALL of you were wrong. Deal with it.

Hey fucktard, you just said:

"same pollsters who gave Hillary a 92% chance of winning"

Did you not?

Now I'm asking you to show me where Gallup for example gave any odds on the election.

You obviously can't because they NEVER DID.

So I tell you what:

Maybe YOU should STFU, dickwad. ONE pollster wasn't on the bandwagon and you claim that makes you right on all the other ones. You're pathetic.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

From your link:

Final Results -- -- -- 48.2 46.1 Clinton +2.1
RCP Average
11/1 - 11/7 -- -- 46.8 43.6 Clinton +3.2

So on average national polling was only one percent off from actual result of the popular vote! That's is pretty damn accurate.

You should just take my advice and stop opening your dumbass mouth.
That doesn't mean shit. They claimed Trump had no chance of being the next POTUS, and when you do most of your polling in one state (Ca.), where illegals are allowed to vote, you can get the results you want. But nationwide, not so much. You have trouble accepting things, don't you? But when you think you're winning, it's a different story, isn't it, you pathetic POS? Sort of like this famous statement:


The only evidence about massive illegal alien votes came from Trump lying mouth. Aside from that you have no evidence.
You have thousands of Republican volunteers worked at the polls ———- None of those made any claims that illegal aliens voted.

You have Kris Kobach and Mike Pence committee in charge of trying to prove massive illegal votes launched since last June or July. So far nothing has come out. Instead they got sued by their own committee member for hiding information.
Smart people disregard Robo Razzy - The LEAST accurate pollster in the 2016 elections.
Their claim is stupid and it was not particularly bright of you to repeat it.

Obama First Term Polling Average from RealClear:
2009 56.5 36.3 +20.2

Trump Current RCPA (WITHOUT taking out Robo Razzy)
RCP Average 12/3 - 12/21 -- 38.5 56.7 -18.2

That leaves Obama 18 points ahead
And we know how accurate RCP is, don't we? LOL
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
So they predicted Clinton by 3 and she won by 2 points by the way.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the last 1% was angry Trump voters lying to the pollsters or refusing to speak to them.
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

What do you expect from a liberal college?

Most Liberal Colleges in Connecticut
Smart people disregard Robo Razzy - The LEAST accurate pollster in the 2016 elections.
Their claim is stupid and it was not particularly bright of you to repeat it.

Obama First Term Polling Average from RealClear:
2009 56.5 36.3 +20.2

Trump Current RCPA (WITHOUT taking out Robo Razzy)
RCP Average 12/3 - 12/21 -- 38.5 56.7 -18.2

That leaves Obama 18 points ahead
And we know how accurate RCP is, don't we? LOL
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
So they predicted Clinton by 3 and she won by 2 points by the way.
Really? I must have missed her inaugural address. Could you send me a link to the video?
when CNN took the last poll of Obama, odds are they only called people in Manhattan
"Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing a Burger King cheeseburger to a urinal cake placed between two stale donuts. There's no comparison".

Obama's final job approval ratings from 21 polling services ran from a low of 54% to a high of 62%. During all of Trump's first year, his highest job approval did not even reach Obama's lowest numbers.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

What do you expect from a liberal college?

Most Liberal Colleges in Connecticut
We expect excellence and we get it. UCONN is an outstanding university.
Smart people disregard Robo Razzy - The LEAST accurate pollster in the 2016 elections.
Their claim is stupid and it was not particularly bright of you to repeat it.

Obama First Term Polling Average from RealClear:
2009 56.5 36.3 +20.2

Trump Current RCPA (WITHOUT taking out Robo Razzy)
RCP Average 12/3 - 12/21 -- 38.5 56.7 -18.2

That leaves Obama 18 points ahead
And we know how accurate RCP is, don't we? LOL
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Did you even bother to look at your link? it shows that the RCP average was only off by 1.2%.
Any reasonable common sense-thinking person can see that Trump has been savagely attacked like no other President in history. He's been treated incredibly unfairly. But despite all the attacks, he's winning. The dude doesn't give up.

And i truly love it that he's sticking it to the NWO Globalist jerks. But that's why he's being targeted with such vicious attacks. He's upsetting their 'Order.' They want him out. So we'll see if he makes it. I'll be prayin for the dude.

Trump is rapidly dismantling the Obama state within a state, and that's why the snowflakes hate him so much. They keep saying he hasn't accomplished anything, but they can't admit what he has accomplished or the fact that they don't want it done.
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

What do you expect from a liberal college?

Most Liberal Colleges in Connecticut
We expect excellence and we get it. UCONN is an outstanding university.

Are you trying to tell us that you're an example of UCONN excellence?
As I recall, this time in 2009 Trump was looking for his birth certificate :)

That's true, Trump was looking for the Big O's birth certificate, spent 8 years looking, couldn't find it, so he took the Big O's old job instead. :dunno:
Obama would have crushed Trump in a head to head match up.
Bill Clinton would have also crushed Trumpnin a head to head matchup.

The Clintons are has-beens. Even the Dims don't want them around anymore.
"The poll found that 17 percent of respondents declared Obama as the man they most admired, with President Donald Trump in second place with 14 percent. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was named the most admired woman with 9 percent of respondents, just surpassing the 7 percent who chose former first lady Michelle Obama."

Appropriate headline: "Despite nearly 18 months of continuous Media bashing, President Trump still second in poll"

Honestly, I can't imagine anyone responding that O'Bama is the man they admire most in the world. Incredible. Many more cave-dwellers than I would have imagined.
Rasmussen, one of the only reliable honest polls out there.

December 22, 2009---Bolshevik Barack's first year in office----Minus 21 Approval Rating.

December 22, 2017------Donald Trump's first year in office-----Minus 15 Approval Rating.

This has been accomplished with the New York Media back in 2009 constantly performing virtual fellatio on Obama; and today, they spend most of their time figuring out lies to tell about Trump.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Where would Trump be if he had an honest press covering his presidency?

Just say no to Bolshevism.
Build that Wall.
Lock her Up.
End Chain and Lottery Migration.
Reform the DOJ and FBI by cleaning house.

US less respected worldwide at end of 2017: poll
Source: raw story/ newsweek

27 Dec 2017 at 21:51 ET

Roughly a year into Donald Trump's presidency, most Americans say their country is less respected across the globe, according to an Economist–YouGov poll released Wednesday.

Overall, 52 percent of Americans feel the U.S. became less respected worldwide over the course of 2017, the poll found. This wasn't directly attributed to Trump, but the poll also showed 52 percent of Americans either strongly or somewhat disapproved of the way Trump is handling his presidency, putting his overall approval rating at roughly 38 percent. Only 39 percent approve of the job Trump is doing when it comes to foreign policy.

The poll also showed a majority of Americans, 57 percent, believe Trump is fairly or very likely to get the U.S. into a war –– and 55 percent feel he doesn't have the temperament to be president. ..........................

The poll also showed 59 percent of Americans feel Trump's use of Twitter is inappropriate. ...................

Multiple polls have indicated that U.S. credibility has eroded across the world under Trump. /......................................
................................................................... Prior to Christmas, Trump had the lowest approval rating in the history of modern polling for any president at that point in his first term. .................................
Read more: US less respected worldwide at end of 2017: poll
Yeah i gotta say, i've never seen a President attacked as much as Trump has been. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media, to destroy him. In stark contrast, Hussein the Globalist Puppet, got a free pass on everything.

youre shittin !

where were you when Obama got it from every angle under the sun - 24/7/365 for eight years and still counting ?

go back to sleep.

Nice delusion there. Hussein got a complete free pass from the corrupt MSM, his entire tenure. Trump on the other hand, has been savagely attacked like i've never seen before. There's clearly a concerted effort being made by NWO Globalist Elite-controlled Media to destroy him. But hopefully he'll survive it. I'm prayin for the dude.

Apparently you only became aware or just joined this country political life that you act like you just discovered North America.
Being a POTUS no matter what you do you are going to be attacked. However Trump is so lousy that he is making himself unfit not even a mayor. Most or ALL of the attacks are self inflicted.

1. Collusions will Russians. If there are no collusions. So why in the HELL he is defending like there is a collusions? Why is he so afraid?
2. Since when you see a POTUS blasting his own intelligence for the sake of Putin his master?
2. Since when you see a POTUS endorsed child molester Moore?
3. Since when you see a POTUS promote and support hate groups?
4. Etc etc etc etc etc.
5. Tax returns that benefits all the rich people then middle class income tax will pay more in 8 years. WTH?

And still people like you still idolize this worthless POTUS.

Obama was attacked the first day he step in Oval Office continued till his last day in office. And still being attacked. Then you have this lousy dodo POTUS that he is obsessed with Obama & Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No other President in history has been as savagely attacked as Trump has. In comparison, Hussein did receive an absolute free pass. You wanna choose to not see the obvious, that's on you. But it is just delusional denial on your part.

Why don’t you answer my questions first?
Sorry bud. A lot of or most of those attacks are self inflicted wounds.

No they aren't. They are 99% lies spewed by douchebags who are certifiably insane.

So let me repeat it again.
Since when you see a POTUS support a child molester, hate foreign workers but hire foreigners, no tax returns, hire unqualified people like Kushner and judges, biggest lie about his new tax law, attacked his own AG & SOS in public, against his own intelligence agencies in support of Putin, non stop lies, promotes hatred & division??? Etc etc etc.

Tell me where I’m wrong.

Is every snowflake post the same endlessly reguritated list of bullshit talking points?

Obama did not get a free pass. First day to last day in Oval Office. The GOP controlled Senate & Congress tried with all their might to discredit him. Most or all of his policy or agenda was rejected. Despite all of that Obama did a very good job and well respected here and overseas compared to Trump.
Plus you have Fox News Hannity attacking Obama almost every night for 8 years.

The fake news media sucked Obama's cock every day of his sorry failed administration. I can produce hundreds of links to prove it. There's a reason the voters gave control of the House and the Senate to the Republicans: it was precisly to stop Obama's policies and his agenda.
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

What do you expect from a liberal college?

Most Liberal Colleges in Connecticut

What does calling
Any reasonable common sense-thinking person can see that Trump has been savagely attacked like no other President in history. He's been treated incredibly unfairly. But despite all the attacks, he's winning. The dude doesn't give up.

And i truly love it that he's sticking it to the NWO Globalist jerks. But that's why he's being targeted with such vicious attacks. He's upsetting their 'Order.' They want him out. So we'll see if he makes it. I'll be prayin for the dude.

He being "savagely attacked like no other President in history" because he IS the most savage president in history. He is being targeted with "vicious" attacks because he deserves them. Go pray to the boneheaded god of the right-wingers to protect your favorite pervert.
How was declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'America First'? We've been reduced to threatening our allies over the issue. How does that benefit us? Because I can certainly list the costs.

Congress approved the change over 20 years ago and each president, including petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and now President Trump, has promised to make the move. President Trump is the only one to have kept his campaign promise.

True he kept his promises but at what cost?
He is not making America great. He made us a laughingstock, racist and ignorant here and around the globe.
A total joke.

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

What do you expect from a liberal college?

Most Liberal Colleges in Connecticut

What does calling
Any reasonable common sense-thinking person can see that Trump has been savagely attacked like no other President in history. He's been treated incredibly unfairly. But despite all the attacks, he's winning. The dude doesn't give up.

And i truly love it that he's sticking it to the NWO Globalist jerks. But that's why he's being targeted with such vicious attacks. He's upsetting their 'Order.' They want him out. So we'll see if he makes it. I'll be prayin for the dude.

He being "savagely attacked like no other President in history" because he IS the most savage president in history. He is being targeted with "vicious" attacks because he deserves them. Go pray to the boneheaded god of the right-wingers to protect your favorite pervert.

True, only a barbarian would try to enforce the laws on the books. It's an outrage!

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